Family Solidarity is an Irish conservative advocacy group run by Roman Catholics. [1] Part of their advocacy work is to petition politicians to enact legislation that aligns with Catholic values. For example, Family Solidarity outlined the following objectives in their mission statement:
• “ When the pope says ‘positive social and legal action’ he means, amongst other things, lobbying for good laws and regulations and to change bad ones. Lobbying is part and parcel of the working democracy everywhere. To neglect it would mean allowing our opponents complete freedom for their destructive activity in this area.” [2]
The Catholic Church is deeply involved in political lobbying and engages with governments to influence legislation. Rome believes that Catholic doctrine should guide action not just in personal life but also in shaping society. Recently, Family Solidarity has openly called for the return of Constantine’s Sunday laws to be revived again in Europe. Anytime Roman Catholics begin advocating for laws that would make Sunday the required day of rest and worship, this is a significant step toward the fulfillment of end-time prophecy concerning the mark of the beast.
Family Solidarity recently published the following regarding Sunday laws:
• “Once upon a time, not so long ago, Sunday was considered a day of rest. But now, like every other day of the week, it has basically been captured by the demands of commerce. So there is no longer a communal day of rest in a lot of countries. This needs to change. There needs to be a European weekly common day of rest, together with the right to disconnect from work.” [3]
• “In most European countries, Sunday is traditionally the day of rest from work. This is the heritage of the Christian tradition. Precisely 1,700 years ago, the Emperor Constantine decreed Sunday to be a day of rest protected by law. Nonetheless, many countries, including Ireland, allow businesses to run seven days a week. This has a profound impact on workers and their families.” [3]
• “The European Sunday Alliance is a network of trade unions, religious bodies and civil society organizations that want to raise awareness of the importance and value of a weekly day free from work. They also, ask for legislation at EU and Member States levels to be more protective of the health, safety, dignity of everyone and should more attentively promote the reconciliation of professional and family life.” [3]
This union of church and state that will work to pass Sunday laws signals a return to the type of religious persecution seen in history when liberty of conscience was overridden by church doctrine. Such legislation compromises the principles of religious liberty by compelling individuals to observe Sunday as the day of rest. This goes contrary to the conviction of those who honor the biblical Sabbath on Saturday.
Revelation 13 warns that the mark of the beast involves allegiance to human authority over God’s law, and the enforcement of Sunday, the mark of papal apostasy, would serve as a test of loyalty during the final crisis. Those who refuse to comply will face cancellation, economic penalties, persecution, and even death. Those who remain faithful during this time are described as those who keep God’s commandments and the faith of Jesus (Revelation 14:12) and will be vindicated at Christ’s Second Coming.
Prophecy is being fulfilled before our eyes as we witness events aligning with biblical predictions about the end times. Increasing global unrest, natural disasters, moral decline, the rise of technologies, and the calls to reinstate Constantine’s Sunday laws are reflective of the prophetic descriptions that tell us clearly that we are living in unprecedented times. These are not coincidences but divine warnings that point to the nearing of Christ’s return.
Will we not recognize the urgency of the hour? Now more than ever, people need to turn to Jesus, repent of their sins, share the everlasting gospel of Revelation 14, and prepare for His second coming.
Nicene creed, Sunday law…
Trinity, Trinity, the union of apostasy!