In a video released on March 3, 2023, Archbishop Antoino Hérouard, President of the Social Affairs Commission for the Commission of Bishops’ Conferences of the European Union (COMECE), reaffirmed the urgency to protect Sunday as the common day of rest for Europe. Archbishop Hérouard is a Jesuit-trained member of COMECE. [1] COMECE is the Vatican-led organization that represents Pope Francis in the European Union.
March 3 | On the occasion of the European Day for a #workfreesunday the members of the European Sunday Alliance send their video-messages to partners, stakeholders & all 🇪🇺 citizens.
Here's the message of H.E. Msgr. A. Hérouard, President @ComeceEu Social Affairs Commission— EuSundayAlliance (@SundayAlliance) March 3, 2023
Catholic Archbishop Hérouard expressed the following in a video released by the European Sunday Alliance:
“As a founder of the European Sunday Alliance, COMECE is very well aware of protecting this particularity of the Sunday. Sunday has to be a different day for the people, a day in which they can not only have their habitual activities in their work, but to have the possibility of meeting the family, having other activities in social camps, in sports, in culture, of course, also, in spiritual and religious engagement. So we want to protect as far as possible the fact that all the people have to be able not to work on Sunday and be able to have these other opportunities in their live that are so important for everybody” (Twitter Post).
Rome is moving forward in its fight to secure Sunday closing laws across Europe. Even though Archbishop Hérouard claims his support for Sunday rest is about helping families and workers, he doesn’t hide the fact that he also says it is for “spiritual and religious activities.” Rome is taking advantage of every opportunity to establish Sunday as a day of rest in order to draw people to the church. That is the real motive.
The European Sunday Alliance is a coalition of civil organizations, trade unions, and religious groups from across Europe, and not only is COMECE a founding member of this alliance, but their stated goal is to “raise awareness about the unique value of Sunday for our society and on the importance of a common day of rest.” [2]
Rome views Sunday closing regulations as a matter of abiding by the church’s commandment. And instead of letting people decide for themselves whether Saturday or Sunday is the biblical Sabbath, the member nations of the European Union are being asked to do Rome’s bidding by making Sunday a day of rest without our consent.
The campaign to secure Sunday by law is currently underway. This will force men and women to shut down everything on the first day of the week, even though God’s commandments say “the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God” (Exodus 20:10). Those aware of the long history of Sunday laws dating back to 321 A.D. know that these movements happening in Europe today are bringing us one step closer to enforcing Rome’s religion during the mark of the beast crisis.
Sunday agitations will only continue to grow as more and more calls are made to adopt these radical arbitrary laws. The biblical predictions found in Revelation 13 and 17 are coming to life before our very eyes. Rome is busy fulfilling her role by compelling all classes to observe her institutions. And what are the secular governments doing? They are lining up behind her. Let also the commandment-keeping people rise to the occasion and carry out their divinely appointed duty at this time:
“The people of our land need to be aroused to resist the advances of this most dangerous foe to civil and religious liberty.” (Spirit of Prophecy, Vol. 4, p. 382).
“It is our duty to do all in our power to avert the threatened danger” (Testimonies, Vol. 5, p. 452).
I call it a blessing. to hear such warnings, telling us that we are almost home.soon and very soon the Sunday laws will be upon us.Nevertheless,we must obey God rather than man,by keeping the sabbath than Sunday
. period.Exodus 20:8-11;1 Samuel 15:22, Ezekiel 20:12,20.May our God help us as a people is my prayer.
I find it funny that these “priest” think just because they have a large cross around their neck that it makes them religious! Cardinal Dolan of New York has a huge cross around his neck and is always “fondling” it while he speaks. It is such an abomination and blasphemy to watch these so called men to act religious when they are really wolves in sheep’s clothing!!!
This is what will be coming to the US. There are efforts now but not as organized as in Europe due long standing influence the Pope has had there.
It is only a matter of time. I believe the countdown has started and sooner, rather than later, Sunday laws will be pushed in Washington D.C.