While the vast majority of leaders remain silent, while many celebrate, and while others figure out how to comply with the church’s new LGBT+ policies, certain bishops have publicly opposed a new teaching officially sanctioned by the church and endorsed by Pope Francis, which maintains that the church can bless homosexual couples. The Vatican has argued in a new document that by only blessing gay couples rather than gay marriage, it is not altering its teachings. Because the term “marriage” carries a theological meaning, Pope Francis argues that there is a distinction between blessing a homosexual couple and blessing their marriage, and if they only bless the homosexual civil union without calling it marriage, it is permissible.
However, the Roman Catholic bishops in the country of Malawi have just passed a resolution stating that “blessings for same-sex unions of any kind” will not be permitted anywhere in their African nation. ACI Africa reported the following:
• “Catholic Bishops in Malawi have prohibited the implementation of the Vatican declaration on the blessing of “same-sex couples” and couples in other “irregular situations”, which the Dicastery for the Doctrine of Faith (DDF) released on Monday, December 18 under the title, Fiducia Supplicans.” [1]
• “In a two-page statement dated Tuesday, December 19, members of the Episcopal Conference of Malawi (ECM) offer “clarification on the declaration on the pastoral meaning of blessings Fiducia Supplicans” and prohibit the practice of such blessings in the Southern African nation.” [1]
The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Astana, Kazakhstan, has also published a statement stating that the Vatican’s new ruling to bless same-sex couples “directly and seriously contradicts Divine Revelation.” The Archbishop of Astana went on to prohibit priests in his archdiocese from performing these blessings.
• “A metropolitan archbishop has become the first prelate to issue guidance to his flock on the Vatican’s declaration allowing same-sex blessings. In it he firmly prohibits priests and faithful from accepting or performing any form of blessing of couples in an irregular situation and same-sex couples.” [2]
• “In a statement dated December 19, and sent to all priests and parishes in his archdiocese, Archbishop Tomash Peta of Saint Mary in Astana, Kazakhstan, together with Auxiliary Bishop Athanasius Schneider, firmly contend that the new declaration, Fiducia Supplicans, is a “great deception”, and that its proposed blessings of same-sex couples “directly and seriously contradict Divine Revelation and the uninterrupted, bimillennial doctrine and practice of the Catholic Church.” [2]
The Vatican’s argument, which is so weak and deceptive, is that while the church may perform a priest-led blessing ceremony for a homosexual civil partnership, this somehow does not imply that it approves of same-sex marriages. Truly, Pope Francis is using his Jesuit training to try to justify heresy. For the church to have a special service to bless same-sex unions is in itself an act of approval. They are sanctioning this in an official way. You are endorsing this behavior and practice. By approving this new regulation, the church is formally calling upon all of its members to recognize same-sex relationships, even if they choose not to refer to these blessing ceremonies as marriages.
Biblical truth is being changed by evolution. The Jesuit agenda is slowly but surely transforming the church to bring it in line with the societal shifts we see in the world. Cultural norms are becoming the new standards for the church. In recent years, there has been a shift within a number of churches, both Protestant and Catholic, to re-evaluate and adapt their teachings on topics such as women’s ordination, LGBT+ rights, and diversity and inclusion. All this is the fulfillment of Bible prophecy. Truly, many are departing from the faith.
“Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils.” 1 Timothy 4:1.
“Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition, who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.” 2 Thessalonians 2:3, 4.
To The Adventist Messenger Team
My Most Genuine Appreciation for the Adventist Messenger Publication Website.
” Rome is very cunning?” Every time Vatican makes a sensitive issue like this of the same sex marriages LGBTQ, Rome applies the tactic called heglian dialectic method of contradiction thesis and antithesis. Pope Francis proposes the blessings of the same sex marriages , while on the other hand we see Bishops and priests pretend trying to condemn in the strongest terms possible that the same sex marriages declairing they are illegal and unacceptable and not in conformity with christianity and that they are in contrary to the traditions and African customs. For example , after the pontiff made this announcement in my country Kenya, the Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops made a joint statement trying to deceive the masses that the church of Rome and its leader Pope Francis did not propose the blessing of the same sex marriages. But in the real sense the Bishops are in full support of what the Pope was proposing they put themselves in two opposing sides but they are connected secretly in support of their common cause. This is how the Jesuits of Rome operate it’s their modus operandi.
May God be with the faithful.
There should be a lot more people protesting. Where are all the Protestants? Seems like they are doing the same thing. This is a serious matter.
You would think that Rome would wish to distance itself from anything to do with sex, sexuality, “Fornication” instead the Vatican now openly blesses and endorses it….
As Luther had shown He expected High spirituality when He visited The Vatican instead He saw fornication, prostitution and sodomy therein.