The Catholic Church is not shy when it comes to advancing its beliefs. Even though the Pope calls upon the other churches to disregard doctrine and focus on common social issues, Rome is not following this advice. Every level of the Roman Catholic clergy is engaged in actively spreading the core teachings of the church throughout the world. Roman Catholics are on a mission. They are evangelizing their communities and trying to convert everyone over to their faith and into their fold.
The Roman Catholic Diocese of Lincoln, Nebraska, recently published the false notion that Sunday is God’s day of rest, the Lord’s Day, on June 9, 2023, in its Southern Nebraska Register. No evidence was ever offered to support such a bold claim; no Bible verses were cited; and no examples from Scripture were provided. Without biblical support, these claims lose all credibility. But despite the lack of proof, Rome continues to make the assertion anyway. The Catholic publication declared the following:
• “In the Church, we talk about holy spaces like churches or chapels. They are holy because they have been set apart for the purpose of worshipping God. Similarly, holy/sacred vessels are holy because they are used exclusively for the worship of God and nothing else. I don’t drink Diet Dr. Pepper out of my chalice because, ultimately, it’s God’s chalice. It is set apart for Him and Him alone.” [1]
• “When we speak about keeping Sunday holy or sacred, we mean the same thing. Sunday is a day set apart for God. It is, in this sense, truly The Lord’s Day, as in a day that belongs to God.” [1]
• “Mass is a big part of keeping Sunday holy … As humans, we are not always going to make that choice for ourselves because we are so good at convincing ourselves we are just too busy to make time for God. So the Church makes the choice to go to Mass for us because, without the obligation, sometimes we wouldn’t go.” [1]
• “The command to keep Sunday holy demonstrates that, because of our fallen humanity, human beings will rebel against anything. When we really think about the command to keep Sunday holy what is that command? ‘Take an entire day to simply relax and be with family and do the things that renew you and take an hour to spend in worship of the Father in which you will receive God; Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity.’ [1]
There is no commandment in all of the Bible that tells us to keep Sunday holy. This is a man-made invention. In reality, the 4th Commandment of the Decalogue, which commands us to keep the Sabbath, the seventh day, was not amended, either by Christ, the Apostles, or the early Christian church. However, it was Rome that was originally responsible for creating the false Sunday narrative by attempting to change God’s law (Daniel 7:25) and has continued to do so with very little challenge from the Christian world.
The law of the Lord is perfect (Psalm 19:7), because it contains the whole duty of man (Ecclesiastes 12:13). God promised that it would not be altered (Psalm 89:34), and Jesus declared that not a single letter of the law would pass away (Matthew 5:17-18). This means that the bold and arrogant claim made by the Catholic Church to change the law is contrary to God’s divine will because in the new earth all flesh will worship on Saturday, the seventh day, not Sunday (Isaiah 66:22–23).
What we are witnessing today is actually prophetic. Bible prophecy warns us that in the last days, the man of sin (lawlessness), represented by the first beast of Revelation 13, would try to impose his false day of worship upon the entire world. This work is being carried out daily in society with the aid of the Protestant churches, the secular media, and misguided politicians. We observe more and more instances of Sunday rest being promoted as the answer to all of our moral, economic, and social problems. The Sunday-Sabbath dilemma is vividly brought to light in the Three Angels’ Message of Revelation 14:6-12—for within these prophetic verses is a call to embrace the seal of the living God, Saturday, and reject the mark of the beast, Sunday rest imposed by law.
The Three Angels’ Message is God’s absolute, final warning given to the final generation—to refute the false teaching that God’s day of rest was changed from Saturday to Sunday. Tragically, the world doesn’t want to hear these messages. But nevertheless, this is what is needed to help people resist the kingdom of Antichrist and to get ready for the second coming of Jesus.
Saturday is not the correct day either. Isaiah 66:22-23. In the new heaven and new earth we will be going by the creators calendar the moon. And the 7th day don’t always fall on Saturday.
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday,these names of the week are not biblical.are from Roman calendar.biblical counting is this first day second day third day fourth day fifth day sixth day seventh day.GENESIS 1:1 – 26)exodus 2011) genesis 2:1-2) Matthews 28:1)Luke 24:45) Luke 23:53-56)Luke 24:1 – 3) Isaiah 56:1 – 4) (Mark 2:27-28)Ezekiel 20:12) Ezekiel 22:26)Revelation 1:10)
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday,these names of the week are not biblical.are from Roman calendar.biblical counting is this first day second day third day fourth day fifth day sixth day seventh day.GENESIS 1:1 – 26)exodus 2011) genesis 2:1-2) Matthews 28:1)Luke 24:45) Luke 23:53-56)Luke 24:1 – 3) Isaiah 56:1 – 4) (Mark 2:27-28)Ezekiel 20:12) Ezekiel 22:26)Revelation 1:10) Revelation 13:and Revelation 12: Daniel 2:) Daniel 7:) so if we understand these books,then we are going to understand which is the Lord’s day.
Drunk of the wine of Babylon.
They base these statements on merely human authority. Sunday is not the Lord’s Day and it was never set apart by God. That is a lie.
“Before accepting any doctrine or precept, we should demand a plain ‘Thus saith the Lord’ in its support.” GC 595