What connection exists between preserving Sunday as a day of worship and rest and lowering atmospheric greenhouse gases? There is no relationship. The link between Sunday and climate change is nonexistent. But that hasn’t stopped Roman Catholics from promoting the new “Laudato Si’ Sunday” phenomenon. How does Rome justify the claim that Sunday is needed to reduce the harmful effects of carbon in our atmosphere when there is absolutely no evidence to support that conclusion?
#LaudatoSiSunday – 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time: Jesus spoke to the crowds in parables to unfold what has been hidden since the foundation of the world (cf Mt 13:34-35). The ideal is not only to pass from the exterior to the interior to discover the action of God in the soul, but… pic.twitter.com/eC8ncyLNF8
— Living Laudato Si’ #ClimateJusticeNow (@LaudatoSiPH) July 22, 2023
The answer, however, has less to do with Sunday and more to do with the government’s power to restrict commercial activity on that day. And if lawmakers can pass legislation restricting retail activity, consumerism, business transactions, energy consumption, and car and airplane traffic on Sunday, then the argument can and will be made that the environmental impact on the planet is being reduced and the earth is getting a much-needed rest. Basically, Sunday is being proposed as the day on which human activity should be limited, and any action to reduce our carbon footprint is a step in saving the planet.
That is how the poison of apostasy and rebellion is being marketed today. We are now told that the papal mark of apostasy, which is a violation of God’s moral law, is the only way that we can save the planet from certain destruction. The “mystery of iniquity” is spreading a lot of deceptive information or false advertising throughout the world. Sunday rest by law will never result in world healing or peace; instead, it will bring about the greatest crisis that mankind has ever faced during the imposition of the mark of the beast.
Laudato si Sunday – 2023 pic.twitter.com/muo2EMXMMg
— Diocese of Mangalore (@MloreDiocese) July 1, 2023
“The Sunday movement is now making its way in darkness. The leaders are concealing the true issue, and many who unite in the movement do not themselves see whither the undercurrent is tending. Its professions are mild and apparently Christian, but when it shall speak it will reveal the spirit of the dragon. It is our duty to do all in our power to avert the threatened danger” (Testimonies, Vol. 5, p. 452).
Laudato Si’ doesn’t just promote the global collective action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by taking time to rest from consumerism on Sunday, but it also pushes the ideal that everyone must be in agreement with the same common goal through social cohesion, solidarity, and fraternity:
“Everything is related, and we human beings are united as brothers and sisters on a wonderful pilgrimage, woven together by the love God has for each of his creatures and which also unites us in fond affection with brother sun, sister moon, brother river and mother earth” (Laudato Si’, 92).
The Sunday rest scenario for the climate crisis will be marketed as an effort to benefit society by providing rest to employees and encouraging people to take a common universal day off (Sunday) to spend with family. We are told that workers will benefit from this because their mental and physical health will be restored. Sunday rest by law can reduce energy consumption, stop emissions, and eliminate the stress that comes with buying and selling. A common day of rest will strengthen our sense of community and enable us to worship together. And with fewer businesses open, there will be no congestion in the streets caused by traffic. All of this will lead to cleaner air, safer roads, and a healthier planet and people.
The only problem is that the mark of the beast cannot heal or save anyone. The opposite is actually true. God’s word clearly says that if we embrace any type of Sunday mandate by law, we will receive the seven last plagues:
“If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.” Revelation 14:9-11.
The mark of the beast has to do with the false worship of the beast in Revelation 13. There are political, economic, and global unification aspects to this crisis, but in the end, it will come down to Sunday worship and the papal mark of apostasy. And as you can see in the above verses, God’s judgment has already been pronounced upon this pagan, mother-earth-worshipping, sun-worshipping, and law-breaking movement steeped in spiritualism. In fact, this global movement will be completely overthrown and destroyed by the seven last plagues and when Christ returns for the second time. By God’s grace, we want to be part of those who “come out of the Babylonian family” and are faithful. We want to be part of those who are proclaiming Revelation 14:6–12 with power to the world. They are described in verse 12:
“Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.” Revelation 14:12.
We cannot afford to deviate from the faith that is based on the word of God. Any movement that compromises the truth and embraces or tolerates the grave errors and traditions of the papacy will feel the soul-destroying consequences described in the verses above. With these biblical and prophetic events unfolding right now, let us determine to take God’s message and spread it around the world. Let us take them to “every kindred nation, tongue, and people.” (Revelation 14:6).
They tried to tie the plandemic to climate change as well. If you tie the plandemic and these Climate Sundays as it were, together, a pretty devious conspiracy emerges. First you shut down entire societies and nations through fear mongering politics and tyrannical governmental intrusions. Ruin countless small businesses. Not to mention many large one’s as well. Seriously effecting economies on a global scale toward a desired end no doubt. Along with financially ruining countless lives, tending toward far more government dependency. After such major interruptions and effect upon personal lives everywhere, and the psychological effect they produce, you push the far more acceptable idea of shutting everyone down for just one day a week. Which the majority should be happy to go along with, right after suffering such major tyrannical manipulations. Which so drastically effected everyone’s liberties, finances, and even mental and physical health.
This is not to mention that such conditions are conducive to the redistribution of wealth. Consolidating more within a handful of conglomerated corporations.
The leaders of which ever increasingly all meet with the pope of Rome at the Vatican behind closed doors. All such distributing more power and wealth into fewer and fewer hands. Something the Vatican has been calling for, and boasting about actually putting into place, for some time now. In calling as well, for a real global governmental and economic entity, with real teeth to back its mandates up on a global scale. This is not to mention their calls for universal income, internet and social media censorship, radical societal change, and ever increasing attacks upon Capitalism. I could go on and on. Nor is it difficult for any to investigate and verify my above claims, as all can easily access the Vatican’s website and read Papal Encyclicals and doctrinal notes for themselves. It should be noted of course, that the Vatican is infamous for not only authoring recommendations for such political ploys, but for being very active in the processes to bring them about as well. Yet the world, and even much of the church, seem to be either baffled by, indifferent and or apathetic about what is taking place.
This is understandable regarding the public in general. In that the papacy has intentionally grown extremely powerful and influential within the main stream and social medias as well. Many of the leaders whom, also meet with the pope at the Vatican behind closed doors. Along with an ever increasing number of politicians and world leaders. With all of this information plainly visible and or accessible to true students of the bible and biblical prophecy, it seems amazing to me, that all of these issues remain in the background as it were. Rather than pasted upon news headlines everywhere, and or most certainly hollered from church pews everywhere. A true testimony to the combined effects of trashed or revisionist histories, censorship, and ever increasing campaigns of intentional misinformation and misdirection. All tools of the evil one and his minions, ever successfully employed upon all who will forsake the Holy scriptures as their mainstay and primary guide through life.
May God give us all the grace and wisdom by His Holy Spirit, to properly share these crucial truths for out time. Unto glory and salvation in Christ Jesus our Lord for all who will hear. I highly recommend watching Conrad Vine’s latest sermon and lectures at State Line SDA church regarding these issues.
They are using the environment as a pretext to push for Sunday laws.
If the leaders in the GC are half awake they would warn their congregations of the dangers of uniting with Rome on anything.