Christian Network Europe is a Protestant news website that focuses on issues affecting Christians in Europe. Christian Network Europe (CNE) issued a scathing rebuke to Spain’s political establishment on June 9, 2023, for scheduling the general election for July 23, 2023, which happens to fall on Sunday. In the article, the CNE argues that voting on Sunday is a desecration of the Sabbath, and if Sunday is not protected, then what hope is there for safeguarding the rest of the commandments of the Decalogue? The article expressed the following concern:
“Voting on Sunday is a desecration of the Lord’s Day. The fact that rulers in Spain summon the citizenry to vote precisely on Lord’s Day cannot be considered in any other way than defiance and mockery of God and religion. Inevitably, the idea is transmitted to the population that God’s commandments are only there to be transgressed. If this is done with the commandment of the First Tablet of the Decalogue, which is closest at hand, what will not be done with the rest of the commandments of the Second Tablet?” [1]
Everyone is advocating for Sunday rest: Catholics, Protestants, agnostics, politicians, governments, economists, environmentalists, labor unions, businesses, social organizations, and members from all over the private and public sectors. However, what makes this call for Sunday rest significant is that the Christian Network Europe sees the “desecration” of Sunday as an opening wedge for the breakdown of all the other moral principles in God’s law. In other words, when Sunday is violated, the rest of God’s law quickly follows. This so-called “desecration” of the Sunday Sabbath actually fulfills what we read in the book, The Great Controversy:
“Yet this very class put forth the claim that the fast-spreading corruption is largely attributable to the desecration of the so-called ‘Christian sabbath,’ and that the enforcement of Sunday observance would greatly improve the morals of society. This claim is especially urged in America, where the doctrine of the true Sabbath has been most widely preached. Here the temperance work, one of the most prominent and important of moral reforms, is often combined with the Sunday movement, and the advocates of the latter represent themselves as laboring to promote the highest interest of society” (Great Controversy, p. 586).
The demand for Sunday rest is not being made by some obscure fringe group of radicalized Christians. No. Sunday is being promoted by the mainstream churches in Europe. The Christian Network Europe represents the dominant view within European society. I hope that every Seventh-day Adventist is aware of what is going on in the world. Only one question remains: “How long before Sunday laws are passed in America, especially since all the arguments are being made public today?” We don’t have time to lose. Every effort must be made to clear up the lies and exalt the true Sabbath of the Lord. May God give us the strength to accomplish His will while the lines of communication are still open.
“That institution (seventh-day Sabbath) which points to God as the Creator is a sign of his rightful authority over the beings he has made. The change of the Sabbath (to Sunday) is the sign, or mark, of the authority of the Romish Church. Those who, understanding the claims of the fourth commandment, choose to observe the false in place of the true Sabbath, are thereby paying homage to that power by which alone it is commanded. The change in the fourth commandment is the change pointed out in the prophecy, and the keeping of the counterfeit Sabbath is the reception of the mark … The test upon this question does not come until Sunday observance is enforced by law, and the world is enlightened concerning the obligation of the true Sabbath (Saturday, the seventh-day). Not until the issue is thus plainly set before the people, and they are brought to choose between the commandments of God and the commandments of men, will those who continue in transgression receive the mark of the beast” (Spirit of Prophecy, Vol. 4, p. 281).
It is better to obey God rather than man, because,in this world ,we are strangers. Our eternal home is in heaven where our eternal Father is.They May force the whole world to honor Sunday,but there is no single verse in the bible which says so. We must obey God who said in Exodus 20:8-11,” REMEMBER TO KEEP THE SABBATH DAY HOLY”, period.
Right on !!!
Brother Andy,
Have you done any research on “The Watchman Decree”?
If not I think that you may find it very interesting. It would make a good article for your website.
Christian regards,
I am not Andy, but had never heard of it until i read your comment. I took a quick look at it and i see it to be very dangerous. We have very troublous times ahead and a lot of it will come because of people like that. There is a good chance they mean well, but they are very confused. Let us be faithful to the Lord and His counsel in His Bible and the SOP, until death or translation, which ever comes first.
Representative Greene has said publicly that separation of church and state should never exist. When church and state combine the church is always in control. We need God to be in control.
Sunday movement is gaining momentum as we close the end of earth’s history and it’s no longer taking place in darkness as the inspiration foretold over a hundred years and fifty years ago now it’s happening before our eyes and it’s now the time the Seventh Day Adventists should stand up to give the trumpet a certain sound to call the people to come out of the harlot MOTHER CHURCH BABYLON THE GREAT AND ABOMINATION OF THE EARTH AND FALLEN PROTESTANT CHURCHES INCLUDING GENERAL CONFERENCE OF SDA.