Global banks are aligning themselves with the new economy, which will acknowledge Sunday as a global day of rest. In the United Arab Emirates, JP Morgan Chase, Citibank and other large financial institutions are transitioning to a Monday through Friday work week, rather than the present Sunday through Thursday schedule. Citibank, on the other hand, has gone a step farther by keeping its doors open every day except Sunday. Citibank has taken the following decision, according to an internal memo which says:
“Citibank branches in the Sunni Muslim-ruled country will be open Monday through Saturday and remain closed on Sunday.” [1]
This is a significant shift for a Muslim country in which a major international bank will be open every day except Sunday. Pope Francis is the architect of this global plan to change the world by establishing a universal day of rest. He has been exerting pressure on our worldwide financial institutions for years to enact major economic changes that are in accordance with Vatican policies that call for work-free Sunday rest. [2]
We are reminded through inspiration of how the Sunday law movement will operate:
“The Sunday movement is now making its way in darkness. The leaders are concealing the true issue, and many who unite in the movement do not themselves see whither the undercurrent is tending” (Testimonies, Vol. 5, p. 452).
What we are witnessing in the United Arab Emirates is far more than simply avoiding work on Sundays. This is another subtle step to prepare the globe for a uniform day of worship during the mark of the beast crisis. All of the recent major events, from oppressive health mandates to the unification of the churches into one body and work-free Sundays, are clearly threatening our liberties as more and more people adopt Sunday as the day of rest.
We are in the midst of a crisis. We should be concerned about the future of our civil and religious liberties because there are financial, social, political and religious forces at work on a global scale that want to bring disruptive changes to our world. As we see these changes approaching, we know that the scenes for the final act are being set. The good news is that we have a message of “heavenly origin” that must be communicated to our world, over and over again.
“We have the truth; it is of heavenly origin. The first, second, and third angels’ messages are to be combined in God’s work for this time. Where there is one minister in the field, twenty are to be added, and these twenty, if the Spirit of God controls them, will so present the truth that twenty more will be added. The workers in the ministry are not to be lessened, but greatly multiplied. The message should have gone forth to all the cities in America as a lamp that burneth; but the lights have been diminishing and going out. We must now kindle our tapers anew at the divine altar, and go forth. The message is being given in the by-ways, but it has not yet been proclaimed in the highways, where God designed that the first call should be heard” (Letter 139, 1898).
It’s incredible to see prophesy come true right in front of our eyes. God, please enable us to be prepared for what is still to come.
The Muslim powers are exchanging their Friday holyday for Rome’s day of rest. This is significant and cannot simply be dismissed.
Yes my friend please send me an email (
One by one the dominos are falling in place. We will soon see who’s next.
Get ready! get ready! get ready! for the fierce anger of the Lord is soon to come. His wrath is to be poured out, unmixed with mercy, and ye are not ready. Rend the heart, and not the garment. {EW 119.1}
En effet les prophéties se réalise sous nos yeux,mais il faut le dire le peuple de Dieu est dans une létargie,un sommeil profond,et pourtant nous avons les yeux ouvert,le mot d’ordre est Sentinelle lève toi,et annonce le message au monde.Mais quelle tristesse!Avec ou sans nous le plan de Dieu se réalisera,surement.Le chant no 120,dit ceci,Tenons nos lampes prête chrétiens préparons nous.Mais sommes-nous prêt,pour ce qui va subvenir sur le monde?Bonne persévérance,a chacun d’entre vous dans la course chrétienne.
These are the merchants of the earth that are uniting to do the bidding of the beast (Revelation 18:15).
Well, true that prophesy is being fulfilled right before our eyes..But Islam was started by Satan to oppose Christianity. So if Muslims abandon Friday in favor of Sunday, is that really such an incredible thing?..Isn`t same Satan responsible for establishing bot of those days as ”holy”?…As we can see Satan will change one evil deed for another – if it suits his agenda/plans.