This study examines the climate change movement in light of Bible prophecy, including the influence of the theory of evolution and the steerage of the papacy on the movement. The climate change initiative bears striking similarities to the construction of the ancient Tower of Babel, which was also built to prevent a climate change emergency.
One thing shocking to me is that so many powerful voices now point out how the climate change issue is a total hoax, yet somehow Pope Francis escapes open condemnation for relentlessly pushing this total lie on the world, but I am one who is always bringing up that fact that he is the one who has foisted it on the world more than anyone else. We are supposed to expose the wickedness of the man of sin. Even though the church often refrains from doing so, I sincerely try to expose his wickedness and folly in my own little sphere.
Same with me here brother
Deity: Mother Earth (apparently Unitarians)
Soteriology/Justification: Go Green and you are made Righteous
Soteriology/Sanctification: Carpool, Recycle, Hugging Trees, etc.
Communion Service/Mother’s Supper: Plant a Tree
Eschatology: Global Warming (in the 70’s was the “coming Ice Age”)
Tithing: Carbon Tax
High Priest: Al Gore
TV Evangelist: Greta Thunberg (apparently, they have Women Ordination)
False Prophets: Erlich, Gore, AOC, Thunberg, Sting, and many, many more…..
Dietary Laws: Eat Insects
Iconoclast Movement: All the recent defacement of publicly displayed “art” works to draw attention to their cause
CULTIC Offshoots: Climate Change Activists
Holidays/Holy Days: Earth Day, Arbor Day
Youth Groups: Extinction Rebellion, Environmental Liberation Front
Mission Outreach: Green Peace, Sierra Club, Rainforest Action Network
Creation Myth: Darwinian Macro-Evolution & Long Age Chronology
Polity: U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
Ecumenicalism: Allied with Laudato’ Si, WEF, EU, etc……
Politics: Eco-Fascism, Cultural-Marxism
Doctrines: Reduction of Carbon Footprint, Population Control, Saving the Rainforest
Pharisees: Those who Preach against CO2 output while flying around on Private Jets (RFK jr.) or buy Multi-Million Dollar Beachfront homes (Gore) or homes on Islands (Obama) while preaching the Polar Caps are Melting and the Oceans will Rise
Saducees: Those willing to COMPROMISE with Liberal Christians such as with Pope Francis or the “Red Letter Christians”, etc. to advance the agenda under the guise of “Creation Care”
kkkkk i like this art very relivant