From November 6 to 18, 2022, heads of state, presidents, including Joe Biden, prime ministers, religious leaders, climate activists, celebrities, representatives of civil society, and CEOs from around the world will be meeting in the Egyptian city of Sharm el-Sheikh for the world’s largest annual gathering on climate action, the 27th meeting of the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP27).
This year in Egypt, “COP27 is hoped to become the ‘turning point where the world came together and demonstrated the requisite political will to take on the climate challenge through concerted, collaborative and impactful action’,” one news source reported. [1]
On the first day, November 6, 2022, Simon Stiell, the United Nations Climate Change Executive Secretary, made the same remarks. His words more closely resembled a warning to world leaders:
As @unfccc, we will be holding people to account – be they Presidents, Prime Ministers or CEOs.
Our policies, our businesses, our infrastructure, our actions, must all align with the #ParisAgreement.
My signal of change today at the opening of #COP27.
— Simon Stiell (@simonstiell) November 6, 2022
The Twitter post above expressed the following:
“So this is why I say today, a new era begins, and we will begin to do things differently. We will be holding people to account – be they presidents, prime ministers, or CEOs. An accountability chief, if you may. Because our policies, our businesses, our infrastructure, our actions, be they personal or public, must be aligned with the Paris Agreement and with the convention” (Twitter Post).
Let us #PrayTogether during this #SeasonOfCreation so that the UN COP27 and COP15 Summits might unite the human family in decisively confronting the double crisis of climate change and the reduction of biodiversity.
— Pope Francis (@Pontifex) September 1, 2022
During COP27, Pope Francis’ influence on this climate conference, especially through Laudato Si’, will be significant. Pope Francis has already urged the entire “human family” to unite behind the climate change agenda during COP27. The first beast of Revelation 13 wants to be worshipped by everyone. This will happen when the United States enforces the decrees of the first beast in the world (Revelation 13:2).[0]=AZU13W__4_gd5-aLiFBLybEr7eJwjv4P6wQ8IMOQ7KNKo6wqEHpsVS0QIBSHkeQ4CRUXcoNJsIxoCtgRfIhHFoNAHbqWQlOzAfgkmohV2E125BPwylTXxR_MSG4lodjZCRxcBJj-zo-EHBOO7C6QDK-q&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-R
COP27 will be attended by President Joe Biden, who has reportedly promised to “highlight the need for the world to act.” This is exactly what Rome wants. They want to collaborate with the United States to address the so-called climate crisis. Watching the United States and the Vatican, the two great powers of Bible prophecy, working together to save the world is extremely unsettling. The two most influential nations in the world will cooperate to advance a single strategy. They will lay the foundation for the future, which will be built on Laudato Si’, Pope Francis’ climate encyclical.[0]=AZXoLbxqgJ-KQe-wYlv4AEdTqlvQnGSsAX8JIlHUsAIAsthLTo_K6RHU1DT9rOidD-hT1PcVSgdlAeTnwvRhmAfPTeB88-pICq_TFP6LMVpgfwjyiUh_Lzf_d2jZK-UrVQ1twKO3zV5G2FUkxxeHM_4L&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-R
The above post says: “Catholics will be present at COP27, where we will have a new opportunity to care for creation and reach an agreement for the world.” Rome will take center stage at this global climate summit, and they will play an important role in reaching an “agreement for the world.” We know from Bible prophecy that this will be accomplished when a Sunday law is enforced.
In the Facebook post above, the Roman Catholic Bishops serving in the European Union have announced that the Jesuits will participate in the “role that Catholics will have in climate action.”[0]=AZVpbP1faqkcNgpPGBbJfMQvsr-T20zhTbs5zKL1CJKhWVSU-4U6tCHK7QiIZTbSygm1d6dE939pUHlYR7TR7EauO_VNbWivneUaHkFP4tnIoCnVcz__9qeJMbQ–IC8sIpv5vTfiO2KeZLfqg0BPSyL&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-R
An Interfaith Climate event at COP27 will be hosted by religious leaders from all over the world. They will discuss the spiritual dimensions of the climate crisis and issue calls for climate “repentance.”[0]=AZVHPECQ7FmG_L-y_a6vVL0TgWEt9Xa5uoTdmHdG_oFsBXQq-kmwP_tkQt6ziIBNPXj1MmWhemF3A8OT7dX4QGYUeJj0v1qK54Kus0EDjfMhkJA92DWAPTUfrSSB3_r8eTc-i4M-Z6yenuA4npV120_z&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-R
However, don’t be deceived. These religious leaders will actually be giving their support and influence to push for political action and “international treaties.” The role of faith will be absolutely fundamental for COP27. Whose faith? Rome’s of course. The world is not seeking true biblical faith as revealed in the word of God; rather, they are placing their faith in the beast of Bible prophecy.
So world leaders have descended on Egypt to vow to build a greener, safer planet. They will be arriving at this climate conference in very big, expensive, gas-guzzling jets. Politicians and famous celebrities will all board private jets, yachts, and limos to travel to a conference where they will lecture the general public about how they should change their lifestyles to protect the environment. How dishonest and hypocritical!
If the purpose of COP27 was to promote climate sustainability, everyone would stay at home and conduct the meeting via Zoom. Literally thousands of private jets will travel thousands of miles to assemble thousands of people. What kind of environmental impact will this even have in terms of carbon footprint? Simply put, this gathering is a big joke. They would stop traveling, stay at home, and hold the meeting online if they truly believed in what they were saying.
But as you can clearly see, the rules are not for the globalist elites to follow. The average person is the one who must endure lockdowns, lose their jobs, give up their freedoms, pay the new carbon taxes, and shoulder the burden of the rising cost of living.
So for the next 12 days, world leaders will be manipulated, indoctrinated, and scared into embracing the 2030 Agenda by a bunch of globalists. The elite of the world will ruin our economies, make us poorer, colder, hungrier, less safe, and less free as they push us to net zero carbon emissions. The stage for the final conflict is unfolding before our eyes.
The Rio de janeiro meeting of 1992 is a continuation of agenda 21 which has been dubbed as agenda 2030 . A new world that the global elites hope
to create in the near future will create a global dictatorship with draconian laws.These global elites who sit down at the WEF (World Economic Forum) to discuss the global issues such as economy and world politics it is hoped by the year 2030 they will be able to control the world through formation of world currency; world army; world international bank; world religion nobody is supposed to be left out of this agenda of the papacy to be under the international socialist serfdom of the united nations papal socialist dictatorship similar to that of Hitler during the reign of Nazi Germany..In the coming few years we are going to witness A ROME which is fearless as tiger and everybody will feel the pinch may God help us to overcome the forthcoming crisis.
Thanks for sharing. God bless you.
Muchas gracias por la informacion saludos desde Peru hnos ya estamos viendo todo lo que ha sido revelado .