The news is reporting that India, China, and Russia are creating a new alternative global banking system to bypass the sanctions imposed on Russia by the United States and the rest of the world. [1] When Russia invaded Ukraine, the United States immediately attempted to isolate Russia from the global economy by shutting off its access to the financial systems of the world. However, it turns out that India, China, and Russia are strengthening a financial partnership that will allow them to trade freely while circumventing US sanctions and further dividing the world. [1]
Since the United States placed an embargo on Russian oil, Russia has turned to India, which agreed to buy its oil at a discounted price. This new Russian-Indian alliance includes the trade in “oil and arms.” [2] Since the global embargo against Russia began, China has also established a new, stronger partnership with Russia, stating that it will provide “financial” and “military” aid to Russia. [3]
What does any of this have to do with the great time of trouble? And is there any evidence that Ellen White was given a revelation regarding the current situation? Well, there is a declaration found in the Spirit of Prophecy that plainly talks about:
- the great time of trouble
- Michael standing up
- “monied men”
- control of the global market systems
- war
- wealth
- starvation
- increasing pricing
- India
- China
- Russia
- America
This is exactly what is in the news right now. Here is the statement from Mrs. White:
“In India, China, Russia, and the cities of America, thousands of men and women are dying of starvation. The monied men, because they have the power, control the market. They purchase at low rates all they can obtain, and then sell at greatly increased prices. This means starvation to the poorer classes, and will result in a civil war. There will be a time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation. “And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation, even to that same time; and at that time thy people shall be delivered, everyone that shall be found written in the book…. Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly, and none of the wicked shall understand, but the wise shall understand” (Manuscript 114, 1899).
Is this part of the scenario described in the statement above that will help usher us into “the time of trouble such as never was since three was a nation” (Daniel 12:1)? Or, is it all just one big coincidence? There is one thing that is certain: when it comes to divine inspiration, there are no coincidences. The crisis we see happening today is leading to stricter market control, stricter banking practices, price increases, starvation for the poorest classes, increased strife, and war – just as we see described in the statement above. And thanks to India, China and Russia, our world is not on the road to peace and unity.
Another point worth mentioning is that when this testimony was written in 1899, India, China, and Russia were not the big superpowers they are now. These nations, together with the United States, currently have the world’s largest populations, economies, and military forces. Is this just another coincidence? We think not. These current world events, together with the push for Sunday sacredness and the healing of the deadly wound, are simply another sign of how near we are to the time of trouble when Michael shall stand up and deliver His people. Truly, there is a prophet in Israel today.
How amazing is our God! Signs are rapidly fulfilling all around us, and although there are no definite times given, one doesn’t have to be super intelligent to join the dots, and to know that we are the last generation, living in the toenails of time.
I can surely agree, that all is pointing to exactly what was predicted in the Bible, Daniel 11 and Rev 13 is slowly but surely coming into picture. What we didn’t clearly understand about what the Bible and Spiritual of Prophecy predicted is clearly making sense now. Its the world versus communism which in actually fact is The King of the North (Papal Rome) versus King of the South (atheist nations, such Russia, China, India and others that fall under that same bracket)
The pioneers understood the king of the north to be Turkey, including Ellen White, not the Catholic Church.
We are told by the pen of inspiration: “to many it (the end) will come as an overwhelming surprise”. But it also begs the question: Does it really have to be an overwhelming surprise?
I’d like to read the entire manuscript. Is it available on the “ EGW writings”app? How can I find it?
I entered India, China, Russia and two quotes came up. In the EGW Writings app.
Look under manuscripts releases. The search engine is pretty good
Here is the link to the entire manuscript written by EG White in 1899¶=14064.6104008
WOW . . Thank you for giving that to us.
Thank you for the article it is true it is time to wake up.
The article cited 4 countries. “In India, China, Russia, and the cities of America, thousands of men and women are dying of starvation.”
The article has conveniently left out the fourth country and blame the other three for the lack of peace and disunity in the world.
Shouldn’t the fourth country also be named?
I agree with you…The forces of evil are all over. Also true to repeat that “the first casualty of war is truth”. Jesus himself said in Matthew 24…”do not be deceived” (misled)…
AMeyer, good call. I’m beginning to think the first casualty of interpreting prophecy, in a similar manner, is the truth! We have so departed from what Ellen White endorsed as truth, and what the pioneers preached as truth concerning interpretations of prophecy the end result has been considerable confusion. Truth, even truth endorsed by Ellen White has been set aside.
It also entirely leaves out an analysis of the “civil war” portion which 1. I don’t think Sister White would have said lightly, given that she lived through one herself and 2. Has not, to my understanding, occurred, for a civil war would mean millions dead.
We know the final events will be happening very rapidly, and they sure are. Every day we wake up to see another event has happened over night. Most Adventist still slumber, not even keeping up with world events. May God help us.
It is a solemn statement that I make to the church, that not one in twenty whose names are registered upon the church books are prepared to close their earthly history, and would be as verily without God and without hope in the world as the common sinner.—Christian Service, 41 (1893).
You should reconsider your statement “thanks to china,India, Russia…” etc. It’s too specific. We know who the evil puppet masters are and being of one mind towards the foe of the day is perilous.
Those are the names Ellen White wrote. I didn’t write them. We know who the puppet master is, but there is a reason why inspiration named these nations, including America.
You shouldn’t just blame RIC, the US and the Papacy are the ones at the helm orchestrating these events!!!
Ellen G White is authentic prophet of God ; whatever she wrote over a hundred and twenty years ago has been fulfilled in our days. She has accurately predicted what is affecting our current generation today and in near future as we approach to the close of probation the mark of the beast crisis is going to be upon us and it is high time for us to be prepared because the Arcangel MICHAEL is soon going to stand up and all the cases shall be determined for eternity or the HELL. So it is time for us to be ready
This so-called war is a play for the world. A big stage to make the nations so fearful, that they will accept any way to get out of the potential of a global war. These men sit at the same table planning mischief. Daniel 11. The antichrist (papacy) will soon step in with his synthesis, and seemingly save the world against nuclear war. Even secular people will accept his moral standards and thus, the stage is set to either accept his mark or God’s seal.
It is so clear.
“Young men, take up the work of canvassing for ‘Daniel and the Revelation’. Do all you possibly can to sell THIS BOOK. Enter upon the work with as much earnestness as if it were a new book. And remember that as you canvass for it, you are to become familiar with the truths it contains.” {1MR 63.3}
Daniel 11:45 “And he (TURKEY) shall plant the tabernacles of his palace between the seas in the glorious holy mountain (ISRAEL); yet he shall come to his end, and none shall help him.”
This verse must be fulfilled BEFORE Michael stands up, until then: “occupy”. We have been specifically told of the FINAL SIGN that leads directly to Michael standing up (the close of probation). Today? We have rejected the plain testimony of Ellen White who declares Daniel 11:45, as presented by the pioneers, was TRUTH.
“Sunday forenoon Elder Smith spoke upon the ‘Eastern Question’ [Daniel 11:45] . . . the great day of the meeting was over. Many had listened to the TRUTH, and the day of final reckoning will reveal the results of that day’s meeting.” {Letter 10a, 1877} (unpublished)
“Elder Daniells speaks this evening upon the ‘Eastern Question’ [Daniel 11:45]. May the Lord give His Holy Spirit to inspire the hearts to make the TRUTH plain.” {Ms189-1889, Dec. 25, 1898} (unpublished)
Do you want to know prophecy? READ “Thoughts on Daniel and Revelation”.
James White wrote this.
Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, Vol. 51 #15, Oct.3, 1878 p. 116
We were very happy to again stand before the people of our charge, and speak to them the words of life. We spoke seventy minutes with ease, answering the important question, “Where are we?” We traced down tbe several linos of prophecy in Daniel two, seven, eight, and eleven, showing that all the specifications of these prophetic chains have been fulfilled excepting the crowning event of prophecy, the coming of the Son of man.
And while the prophecy of Daniel has to do with four empires, Babylon, Persia, Grecia, and Rome, the book of the Revelation has to do with the fourth only, Rome. We trace down the four leading chains of symbols in this book and find ourselves standing before the Judgment of the last day, waiting for the second appearing of Christ. And although we had done this a thousand times, yet on this occasion the field seemed new, and the evidences more conclusive than ever before. As we followed down the seven seals to the opening of the seventh, we stood before the naked scenes of the last Judgment. And the churches brought us to the preaching of the coming of Christ in the sixth, while the seventh [church] reveals our real, condition. Here the inquiry was again raised, in view of the description given of the church of the Laodiceans, ” Where are we ? ” Or, what is our real condition before God ? The danger of self-deception was pointed out, references to cases of great deception in Old-Testament history were made, and the church was exhorted to new consecration and devotion to the work of God.
We trace down the line of prophecy represented by the metallic image of the second chapter of Daniel, from the golden head, Babylon, the silver breast and arms, Media and Persia, past the sides of brass, Grecia, to the feet and toes, Rome in its divided state, and there we find ourselves waiting the utter destruction of all earthly governments, represented by the stone dashing the image in pieces.
What next ? Answer : The establishment of the everlasting kingdom of God, which includes the coining of the Son of man to destroy his enemies, raise the righteous dead, restore the earth to its Eden glory, and reign with his people upon it ” forever, even forever and ever.”
The same field of prophecy is occupied in the seventh chapter of Daniel with the use of another class of symbols, the lion, the bear, the leopard, the beast with ten horns, and the same beast with three horns plucked up by the little horn. The kingdom of Babylon is symbolized by the lion of this chapter, the same as by the golden head of chapter second. Persia by the bear, Grecia by the leopard, and Pagan and Papal Rome by the two forms or conditions of the great and terrible beast. The specifications of this prophetic chain are more minute than those of chapter second. The time of the persecuting rule of Papal Rome is given in a manner so very plain, its twelve hundred and sixty years bounded at each end, commencing A. D. 538, and terminating A. D. 1798, that it can hardly be misunderstood.
What next ? Answer : The second appearing of Christ, the destruction of the beast, his body given to the burning flames.
We have passed all the light-houses on the coast of time, and are entering the eternal haven by the light of the judgment fires of the burning day and the blazing glory of the coming of the Son of man.
Again, the last three of those four universal empires are symbolized in the eighth chapter of Daniel by the ram with two horns, Media and Persia ; the goat, Grecia ; and the little horn, Rome. This horn was to become exceedingly great, stand up against the Prince of princes in his first advent, and be broken without hand at his second advent. We wait the destruction of the man of sin by the brightness of the coming of the King of kings.
And there is a line of historic prophecy in chapter eleven, where the symbols are thrown off, beginning with the kings of Persia, and reaching down past Grecia and Rome, to the time when that power ” shall come to his end and none shall help him.”
If the feet and the toes of the metallic image are Roman, if the beast with ten horns that was given to the burning flames of the great day be the Roman beast, if the little horn which stood up against the Prince of princes be Rome, and if the same field and distance are covered by these four prophet chains, then the last powor of the eleventh chapter, which is to ” come to his end and none shall help him,” is Rome. But if this be Turkey, as some teach, then the toes of the image of the second chapter are Turkish, the beast with ten horns of the seventh chapter represents Turkey, and it was Turkey that stood up against the Prince of princes of the eighth chapter of Daniel.
True, Turkey is bad enough off; but its waning power and its end is the subject of the prophet of John and not of Daniel.
The fulfillment of these lines of prophecy constitutes signs of the approaching end.
While the lines of prophecy in the book of Daniel have to do with the four kingdoms, Babylon, Persia, Greece, and Rome, that of John pertains to the fourth only, Rome. The Revelation contains four distinct lines of prophecy, measuring the period of the fourth universal empire, covering the history of the church until her Lord shall come.
Ellen White sternly rebuked her husband for introducing an interpretation of Daniel 11:45 as the king of the north being “Rome”, when the pioneers knew it was Turkey. NOT ONE of the pioneers accepted James White’s interpretation, indeed, they were shocked at it. Make no mistake, every one of the pioneers understood that Daniel 11:44 was fulfilled in 1856 by the Crimean War. Ellen White NEVER even suggested that this interpretation was wrong (the king of the north is Turkey, from Daniel 11:40 to 45). So WHY did James White counter the officially accepted interpretation of Daniel 11 verse 45? James was an excellent bookkeeper. He correctly understood that if verse 45, as presented, was accepted it would greatly injure tithes and offerings. And he was right!! It appeared in 1877-1878 that Russia would indeed invade Turkey and force the Turks out of their homeland. And where would they go? South, to Palestine, which at the time was a part of the Turkish Empire. As a result, the SDA people determined that the “end of all things was at hand”. Indeed, HAD Russia taken over Turkey and driven the Turk into Palestine, then the first part of Daniel 11:45 WOULD have been fulfilled! But NONE of our pioneers, notably Smith and Daniells, had declared this WOULD happen, they preached, as we do today, “what if” Russia did conquer Turkey? Then or in the future, what would it mean? We do the same with prophecy today as then. Forecast “what if” this or that event takes place? Then what? Standard SDA prophecy in action. MAKE NO MISTAKE, the rebuke of James White’s wife (Ellen) was one of the hardest things James had to endure. James was not only wrong but the depth of his counterattack on the truth is still felt today. The Church has all but rejected the pioneer’s interpretation of Daniel 11. This has left us with many, many different theories for Daniel 11:36 to 45. These is only ONE verse left, verse 45. That has been the case since 1877. THIS position Ellen White called TRUTH. You can believe James White, as most do, but you will first have to reject the counsel of Ellen White in doing so. Turkey WILL conquer Palestine and WILL move the seat of its government there. The only question is: when? When it happens, then you may know, His return really is at the very door step.
Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, Vol. 51 #15, Oct.3, 1878 p. 116
We were very happy to again stand before the people of our charge, and speak to them the words of life. We spoke seventy minutes with ease, answering the important question, “Where are we?” We traced down tbe several linos of prophecy in Daniel two, seven, eight, and eleven, showing that all the specifications of these prophetic chains have been fulfilled excepting the crowning event of prophecy, the coming of the Son of man.
And while the prophecy of Daniel has to do with four empires, Babylon, Persia, Grecia, and Rome, the book of the Revelation has to do with the fourth only, Rome. We trace down the four leading chains of symbols in this book and find ourselves standing before the Judgment of the last day, waiting for the second appearing of Christ. And although we had done this a thousand times, yet on this occasion the field seemed new, and the evidences more conclusive than ever before. As we followed down the seven seals to the opening of the seventh, we stood before the naked scenes of the last Judgment. And the churches brought us to the preaching of the coming of Christ in the sixth, while the seventh [church] reveals our real, condition. Here the inquiry was again raised, in view of the description given of the church of the Laodiceans, ” Where are we ? ” Or, what is our real condition before God ? The danger of self-deception was pointed out, references to cases of great deception in Old-Testament history were made, and the church was exhorted to new consecration and devotion to the work of God.
We trace down the line of prophecy represented by the metallic image of the second chapter of Daniel, from the golden head, Babylon, the silver breast and arms, Media and Persia, past the sides of brass, Grecia, to the feet and toes, Rome in its divided state, and there we find ourselves waiting the utter destruction of all earthly governments, represented by the stone dashing the image in pieces.
What next ? Answer : The establishment of the everlasting kingdom of God, which includes the coining of the Son of man to destroy his enemies, raise the righteous dead, restore the earth to its Eden glory, and reign with his people upon it ” forever, even forever and ever.”
The same field of prophecy is occupied in the seventh chapter of Daniel with the use of another class of symbols, the lion, the bear, the leopard, the beast with ten horns, and the same beast with three horns plucked up by the little horn. The kingdom of Babylon is symbolized by the lion of this chapter, the same as by the golden head of chapter second. Persia by the bear, Grecia by the leopard, and Pagan and Papal Rome by the two forms or conditions of the great and terrible beast. The specifications of this prophetic chain are more minute than those of chapter second. The time of the persecuting rule of Papal Rome is given in a manner so very plain, its twelve hundred and sixty years bounded at each end, commencing A. D. 538, and terminating A. D. 1798, that it can hardly be misunderstood.
What next ? Answer : The second appearing of Christ, the destruction of the beast, his body given to the burning flames.
We have passed all the light-houses on the coast of time, and are entering the eternal haven by the light of the judgment fires of the burning day and the blazing glory of the coming of the Son of man.
Again, the last three of those four universal empires are symbolized in the eighth chapter of Daniel by the ram with two horns, Media and Persia ; the goat, Grecia ; and the little horn, Rome. This horn was to become exceedingly great, stand up against the Prince of princes in his first advent, and be broken without hand at his second advent. We wait the destruction of the man of sin by the brightness of the coming of the King of kings.
And there is a line of historic prophecy in chapter eleven, where the symbols are thrown off, beginning with the kings of Persia, and reaching down past Grecia and Rome, to the time when that power ” shall come to his end and none shall help him.”
If the feet and the toes of the metallic image are Roman, if the beast with ten horns that was given to the burning flames of the great day be the Roman beast, if the little horn which stood up against the Prince of princes be Rome, and if the same field and distance are covered by these four prophet chains, then the last powor of the eleventh chapter, which is to ” come to his end and none shall help him,” is Rome. But if this be Turkey, as some teach, then the toes of the image of the second chapter are Turkish, the beast with ten horns of the seventh chapter represents Turkey, and it was Turkey that stood up against the Prince of princes of the eighth chapter of Daniel.
True, Turkey is bad enough off; but its waning power and its end is the subject of the prophet of John and not of Daniel.
The fulfillment of these lines of prophecy constitutes signs of the approaching end.
While the lines of prophecy in the book of Daniel have to do with the four kingdoms, Babylon, Persia, Greece, and Rome, that of John pertains to the fourth only, Rome. The Revelation contains four distinct lines of prophecy, measuring the period of the fourth universal empire, covering the history of the church until her Lord shall come.
James White was writing about his personal views on the “Eastern Question”. His views were opposed by the Church and his wife, Ellen White! What did Ellen White have to say about the “Eastern Question” (which is Daniel 11:45)?
As Daniel 11:45 was presented to the Church in 1877, by Uriah Smith, she called Smiths’ presentation TRUTH.
““Sunday forenoon Elder Smith spoke upon the ‘Eastern Question’ [Daniel 11:45] . . . the great day of the meeting was over. Many had listened to the truth, and the day of final reckoning will reveal the results of that day’s meeting.” {Letter 10a, 1877} (unpublished)
Twenty years later when Elder Daniels delivered the same thoughts on the Eastern Question, she again called it TRUTH.
“Elder Daniells speaks this evening upon the ‘Eastern Question’ [Daniel 11:45]. May the Lord give His Holy Spirit to inspire the hearts to make the truth plain.” {Ms189-1889, Dec. 25, 1898} (unpublished)
As for me and my house, I believe the PROPHETS endorsement of Daniel 11:45 is TRUTH.
Did E.G.W. predict alliance between Russia, China & India..”? (Not sure what this is supposed to make me feel like or think..but), Well…, if she did, I don`t see anything worse in this alliance then current evil alliance of NATO which – with help of EU – has pushed Russia into creating such alliance, with China & India. And it`s US – not Russia, China nor India – who is the ”beast with two horns, like a lamb but speaking like the Dragon”. And it`s US that is enforcing Papal wishes upon the rest of the world. So no alliance of any countries in the world, can be any worse nor more evil than US created and enforced alliances of NATO/NWO/WHO/UN..etc.
I agree with above. It is NATO and USA causing this problem. Russia is concerned about build up of arms on its doorstep. Let us be truthful.
That is so true. Unfortunately we always think we are on the side of the good guys and the others are the bad guys….we are truly deceived