On October 10, 2022, Citizens Free Press published a story about how some churches are bringing Drag Queens and children together. [1] What are Drag Queens? These are grown men who dress up like women to play out their sexual fantasies. These Drag Queens are now being brought into houses of worship and being displayed in front of children. This is child abuse, sexual exploitation, child manipulation, child grooming, recruitment and an attempt to transmit these broken values into children. And it’s being done inside of churches.
The name of the Drag Queen is Miss “Penny Cost.” This is a play on the word “Pentecost” and a mockery of God’s Holy Spirit. In the YouTube prayer above, they thank God for “Penny Cost” and for blessing the Drag Queen evangelist with a life of “service, preaching, and pastoring.” This reminds me of a time in the life of Jesus when He went to the temple and drove out the unholy traffic from the house of God. In times of spiritual crisis, Jesus did not remain neutral or silent:
“And when he had made a scourge of small cords, he drove them all out of the temple” John 2:15.
If there was ever a time when Christians needed to return to the gospel, embrace Christ’s teachings, and follow His example when he overturned the tables in the temple and drove out the acts of ungodliness, this was it. Drag Queen prayer time in church for children is not biblical, and no one is protesting this significant moral departure from the Holy Scriptures. By accepting these Drag Queen displays and remaining silent, the entire congregation sanctioned and became complicit in this event.
“So men have argued, till policy has taken the place of faithfulness. Sin is allowed to go unrebuked. When will be heard once more in the church the voice of faithful rebuke … Would that every minister of God realized the holiness of his work and the sacredness of his calling. As divinely appointed messengers, ministers are in a position of awful responsibility. In Christ’s stead they are to labor as stewards of the mysteries of heaven, encouraging the obedient and warning the disobedient. Worldly policy is to have no weight with them” (Gospel Workers, p. 140).
[1] https://citizenfreepress.com/breaking/church-brings-drag-queen-and-children-together/
This is an abomination unto the Lord! I was unable as well as unwilling to watch this disgusting display of false worship and toxic effeminism! What kind of parents would allow their kids to be abused and indoctrinated by the likes of these disgusting reprobates!! Let us never forget that God saves us “from” not “in” our sins!
These are Sunday churches that we know are living with false doctrines. The people who know GOD should be coming out of them now. That doesn’t mean the Sda congregations should close up but be ready to receive those escaping these false churches. The true church is holy and we need to remain faithful to the truth. We are to be witnesses to the truth and overcomers. Remain in constant connection to GOD and He will tell you when to go. Just like the angel in Joseph’s dream said take the child and flee into Egypt. Will He not do that for us?! Stand even if you are all alone stand. He hung on the cross for me I can stand for Him. We take up our cross and die daily. Dying to self.
“the true church is holy”–that is what the Catholics say. The Sda corporation that is a “church” by virtue of legal registration in the laws of men, is NOT holy. There is absolutely no visible structure in this world that we should ever think to call holy.