“These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.” Revelation 17:13.
We are witnessing an unholy alliance coming together as two powers, Church and State, are working together to promote Roman Catholic social teaching. In a March 22, 2024, interview with Vatican News, Malta’s President George Vella spoke about Pope Francis’ commitment to combating climate change. He praised the papal encyclical Laudato Si’, claiming that it was written for the entire world and not just for a group of people or nations. Here, the President of the Republic of Malta states that papal encyclicals have authority over all the peoples of the world, regardless of their geographical location.
The Vatican News reported the following:
• “When Pope Francis speaks about important issues such as climate change, he’s not speaking just about one country, but is addressing the whole world, says Maltese President George Vella.” [1]
• “Obviously, the issues the Pope is talking about are not national issues, but issues that cover the whole globe … because when he’s talking about climate change, when he’s talking about the environment, he’s talking not about Malta or Rome, or any other country; he’s talking about the whole world,’ Vella said in an interview with Vatican News following his audience with the Pope on Thursday.” [1]
• “President Vella highlighted the Pope’s commitment to climate change, saying the Pope is very ‘Franciscan’ in his way of thinking, ‘in the sense that Laudato Si’ is the hymn of St. Francis. And that is one of the encyclicals, which is a manual for the environment … Laudato Si’ is a hymn to the beauty of nature.” [1]
Political leaders and church leaders are working together to save the planet in an unprecedented unified response to the climate crisis. Church and State are campaigning for the same cause: Laudato Si’. This is where the climate movement is leading us. This is what the world is preparing for: Revelation 13 and the impending mark of the Beast.
Rome is leading this campaign, and we know from Bible prophecy that this unholy alliance will result in the elimination of all civil and religious liberty. It is critical to understand the global magnitude of what is going on: secular forces are submitting to religious powers. This union, along with the Sunday rest provision in Laudato Si’ (section #237), contains the prophetic end-time criteria revealed to us by the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy. Eventually, the plan is to compel American and other world leaders to act on papal policies in their respective countries.
“And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.” Revelation 13:12.
Most leaders are compromised today.
Politicians who want to stay in power have to pay their dues to Rome.
Most politicians are already compromised.