The Evangelical Alliance and the Church of England have partnered with a number of trade unions and retail alliances to work to keep Sunday special in society throughout the United Kingdom. Members of the National Federation of Retail Newsagents, the Federation of Wholesale Distributors, the National Federation of Sup-Postmasters, the Association of Convenience Stores, the Union of Shop, Distributive, and Allied Workers, and other organizations have banded together to act in defense of Sunday. [1] Retailers and labor unions have supported the church’s efforts to establish Sunday as the day of rest for society.
All this is helping to fulfill the following prediction made in the Spirit of Prophecy:
“There will be a universal bond of union, one great harmony, a confederacy of Satan’s forces. ‘And shall give their power and strength unto the beast.’ Thus is manifested the same arbitrary, oppressive power against religious liberty—freedom to worship God according to the dictates of conscience—as was manifested by the papacy, when in the past it persecuted those who dared to refuse to conform with the religious rites and ceremonies of Romanism.” (Selected Messages, Vol. 3, p. 392).
The same aggressive measures that were used to enforce health mandates during the pandemic will soon be used to enforce Sunday rest. This will lead to the ultimate destruction of our civil and religious liberties. This “Keep Sunday Special” initiative is being driven by churches. They are fighting to secure Sunday by petitioning lawmakers across the UK. They are asking fellow church goers to get involved in the fight to keep Sunday special.
This endeavor aligns with Rome’s commitment to safeguard Sunday worldwide. This means that Rome’s Sunday movement will have the full support of the Protestant churches, the labor sectors, the retailers, and the politicians. Basically, we are witnessing the different segments of society coming to the aid of Rome to advance her goal. It is clear that the world is ready to unite its forces to propel the counterfeit Sabbath to the forefront.
And if governments begin to pass policies that favor Sunday rest legislation, we will have no one to thank but apostate Protestants who have committed themselves to this downward path with Rome. This is a clear sign and warning that Sunday laws are inevitable. Although many do not recognize it, the result is clear: laws will soon be passed that will impose the mark of the beast.
“Sooner or later Sunday laws will be passed. But there is much for God’s servants to do to warn the people. This work has been greatly retarded by their having to wait and stand against the devisings of Satan, which have been striving to find a place in our work. We are years behind” (Review and Herald, February 16, 1905).
Thanks for the updates.
For sure E.G White wrote about this issue well in GC Page 615-616 Church & State uniting to ensure Sunday is respected. However, Europe & USA also predicted to back the Sunday movement. Jesus is at the door and our days are numbered. Lets wakeup saints. May God Lead us into true revival and reformation.