“When Protestantism shall stretch her hand across the gulf to grasp the hand of the Roman power, when she shall reach over the abyss to clasp hands with spiritualism, when, under the influence of this threefold union, our country shall repudiate every principle of its Constitution as a Protestant and republican government, and shall make provision for the propagation of papal falsehoods and delusions, then we may know that the time has come for the marvelous working of Satan and that the end is near” (Testimonies, Vol. 5, p. 451).
We are told that all the principles of freedom guaranteed by our Constitution will be repudiated. This is exactly what is happening today. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has just announced that a new standardized national Covid-19 vaccination passport has been accepted by all the provinces and territories in Canada for those who wish to travel both inside and outside of Canada. This, according to Trudeau, is necessary so that they can end the pandemic and get back to the “things we love.”
BREAKING: Here's a first look at a federal, standardized vaccine passport, which is already published on the government's website.
The website says that in every province or territory, page one will look like the Yukon sample shown below. pic.twitter.com/4kRJ5zMBqY
— Rachel Gilmore (@atRachelGilmore) October 21, 2021
With this new national standardized tracking system, they will not only be able to deny travel to the unvaccinated, but they will be able to track ALL the movements of the vaccinated. This new Covid-19 passport that can be downloaded onto your smartphone will help the government to monitor what its people are doing and where they are going. Do we still believe that all of this is being done to keep us safe? Is this vaccine passport with its QR code and tracking capabilities really only about health? Or is it about control? We are being brainwashed into thinking that these new national standardized tracking systems are for our own good.
Justin Trudeau says that this is necessary in order to get back to our lives? If you think that this will end with just monitoring our travel you are mistaken. This is just the beginning. The World Economic Forum and other globalists have more plans for the Great Reset. They want to develop a digital ID for each person that will also track our social credit score, a ranking based on our daily behavior. This is what is currently being used in China to determine which citizens are submissive and which are problematic.
But there is also a plan by governments and financial systems to implement a spending and ranking system for each person. Your digital currency will soon be linked to your Covid-19 passport. And if you don’t receive the vaccination or if you don’t comply with other health and environmental mandates (Laudato Si’) then you won’t be allowed to spend your money. And last but not least, there is talk of a carbon credit score. Future carbon credit scores will monitor how much carbon dioxide or other greenhouse gases your business or spending habits are affecting the environment.
The Covid-19 pandemic has made it clear that liberty and basic human rights no longer matter anymore. The cost of “keeping us safe” comes at the price of freedom. If the Covid-19 vaccine is effective, you don’t need the passport because you are protected against the unvaccinated. But if the vaccine is not effective, the passport is useless along with all the other mandates. This means that all these arbitrary measures and mandates have more to do with controlling the people than with health.
This is happening around the world through varying degrees of government control. Under the guise of keeping us safe, the government will soon know everything about you and your personal privacy. Who you talk to, what you are saying, how you spend your money, where you are going as every detail of your life is recorded and stored. But this is still about health, right? Unfortunately, this will not lead to peace and freedom, but to large-scale subjugation.
We were told in God’s inspired writings that the loss of our Constitutional freedoms is linked to the healing of the deadly wound and the union of church and state. Under the rein of the Antichrist during the mark of the beast, those who refuse to worship the beast will not be able to buy or sell. This is where this is headed. Today the nationalized Covid-19 passport is here. Tomorrow it will be the nationalized Sunday law, the mark of the beast.
Personally, I am afraid of downloading the Covid-19 passport onto my smartphone. It’s not because I know I’m not going to get a green check that says that I am compliant with all the new health mandates; no, my concern is that if I download the app, I could get the yellow Star of David on my iPhone with special instructions directing me to board the local train towards a reeducation camp. Meanwhile, the police guards will tell me that it is only for my own good. And when we are taken to the newly designed detention camps, there will be a large welcome sign with the German words: “Arbeit Macht Frei,” which means “work sets you free.”
These were the words that welcomed the Sabbath-keeping Jews as they were brought by trains to the notorious Auschwitz concentration camp. The tragedy is that any kind of work the Jews might have done at Auschwitz did not liberate them. It was just a propaganda tool used to trick them into working towards their own extermination. Today, it is no different. Today, governments promise us that everything will return to normal if we obey them. At the same time, they are embracing the tyrannical policies of the Antichrist’s one world government.
Can we really stand on the sidelines and say nothing while our freedoms are being repudiated one by one? How can we stand by and let this happen? Shame on our so-called freedom loving people. The real question should be: “Do we want to be part of the New World Order and receive the mark of the beast or do we want to get back to what we used to be, free?”
“Our warfare is aggressive. Tremendous issues are before us, yea, and right upon us. Let our prayers ascend to God that the four angels may still hold the four winds, that they may not blow to injure or destroy until the last warning has been given to the world. Then let us work in harmony with our prayers. Let nothing lessen the force of the truth for this time. The present truth is to be our burden. The third angel’s message must do its work of separating from the churches a people who will take their stand on the platform of eternal truth” (Testimonies, Vol. 6, p. 61).
I get e-mails from the IRS when they put out any memo’s. Yesterday, I read a new memo that states the IRS is planning on implementing a new law that says, “even if a business shows a loss on their income taxes, they are still going to tax them! WHAT??? I had to read it twice before I realized that they want money from the hard working people of this country, even if they did not make any money from their businesses!!!
My husband and I have owned a small electrical business since the late 1980’s. We incorporated as a Sub Chapter S Corporation due to the fact that any work done by an electrician can be sued, no matter how old the work is. We live in Florida, and several years ago, Florida passed a law that all contractors, large or small, in the electrical business, had to incorporate. This helped get rid of all the “fly-by-nights”.
My husband and I have almost always lost money in our business for the past twenty years due to the fact that he has always worked for someone else on a full-time basis. Consequently, we have lost money in our business due to buying tools, having rental storage, etc.. I am curious to see what they are going to start charging us each year now for losing money!!!
Thank you for this research and article, Andy.
God bless you brother!
Stay close to JESUS….
Thank you and many blessings to you!
Why people who are not criminals are worry about gouvernment tracking them or seeing what they doing ?
When a government is willing to “do wrong (evil)” against “criminals”, they will do it to those that are not criminals. Why, because it is the way “they” do things.