Religious leaders around the world are becoming more bold with their intentions about combining faith with climate action. More churches are adding their names to the new “religious” crusade against climate change. And as always, Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si’ seems to be at the center of all of these efforts.
In an article published on March 19, 2022 titled “Preach now or mourn in the future: How Key West faith leaders are confronting climate change,” we are once again seeing churches on a spiritual decline as they no longer believe what the original gospel teaches, but are now refocusing evangelism to address the climate agenda. As people of faith embrace the green climate religion, this is only leading them away from the church’s biblical witness and causing confusion among the faithful and the young.
The article highlighted the following points:
“Mote belongs to one of several faith-based communities in Florida turning their attention to climate action, making religious cases for environmental preservation.”
“Experts and faith leaders say provincial places of worship have a leading role to play in facilitating that support, and helping people engage in local environmental and justice issues.”
“We can either preach now to help people realize this,” said Ryan Gladwin, Palm Beach Atlantic University associate professor of ministry and theology. “Or we’re just going to have to be mourning with them, in the future, what we’ve lost.”
“Houses of worship could wield considerable influence on a small island.”
“Baker’s led the only Catholic church on the island for 14 years … he’s quick to cite Pope Francis’s 2015 encyclical, a landmark document credited with driving faith-based environmental action.” [1]
With their new global climate crusade, the churches will not be slowing down. They will keep pushing these initiatives forward. The gospel of Jesus Christ is being replaced by radical environmentalism. This new ecological gospel is bringing all of the churches together in a fraternal union to achieve a common goal and witness. Different religions are lining up one by one to accept this new religious imperative that doesn’t come from the word of God.
There is a spirit of cooperation among the world’s churches as they come together on Catholic social doctrine, which is alarming to say the least. It’s a response to Laudato Si’. It’s an affirmation of Rome. This only gives more credibility and legitimacy to the Vatican’s effort to unite all the churches on the climate change platform. The following are promoted by Laudato Si’, and the churches are adopting the Pope’s proposals:
- common home (Laudato Si’ #1)
- common good (Laudato Si’ #18)
- protect those common areas (Laudato Si’ #151)
- common destiny (Laudato Si’ #158) – Lake of Fire, Revelation 19:20
- one world with a common plan (Laudato Si’ #164)
- common origin (Laudato Si’ #202)
- common father (Laudato Si’ #228)
- common work (Laudato Si’ #238)
This isn’t the church that the Lord founded. The modern church is ignoring its primary responsibility of calling people to turn away from sin and wickedness and accept the gospel of Christ. As a result of our silence and inactivity, we are ignoring our core obligation to bring salvation to the lives of lost sinners. We need the prophets and apostles’ courage to return to defending the teaching of God’s word, which has been distorted by today’s culture.
When it comes to our connection with our Creator, the 4th Commandment, God’s seventh-day Sabbath, provides us with the biblical perspective we need. The Sabbath takes us back to the beginning of time and to our Creator. In other words, God does not say “Sunday, ” as it appears three times in Laudato Si’ (Laudato Si’ #237), but rather recognizes the seventh-day as a manifestation of God’s creative power. Then there’s the First Angel’s Message, which reminds us to worship God as Creator, who “made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters” (Revelation 14:7).
By keeping His seventh-day Sabbath, Saturday, the true Lord’s day, is the only way to remember both God and His creation. It’s by honoring God and resting on His memorial of creation that we are able to fulfill our spiritual commitments and obligations. We cannot substitute the gospel of Jesus Christ for the climate gospel. We cannot replace the Lord’s memorial of creation, the true Sabbath, with the Pope’s call to embrace Sunday. And we cannot replace the universal call to worship the Creator, as contained in the First Angel’s message, with the pantheistic errors of Laudato Si’.
May God’s word lead us in the right direction. It is the only reliable guide we have.
“God has given us His word that we may become acquainted with its teachings and know for ourselves what He requires of us … It is not enough to have good intentions; it is not enough to do what a man thinks is right or what the minister tells him is right. His soul’s salvation is at stake, and he should search the Scriptures for himself. However strong may be his convictions, however confident he may be that the minister knows what is truth, this is not his foundation. He has a chart pointing out every waymark on the heavenward journey, and he ought not to guess at anything” (Great Controversy, p. 598).
The church should focus on preaching the gospel instead of the climate hysteria meant to take us to socialism.
This is happening everywhere. We need to keep our eyes on Jesus as we enter the final prophetic scenes.
It will be declared that men are offending God by the violation of the Sunday sabbath; that this sin has brought calamities which will not cease until Sunday observance shall be strictly enforced; and that those who present the claims of the fourth commandment, thus destroying reverence for Sunday, are troublers of the people, preventing their restoration to divine favor and temporal prosperity. {GC 590.1}
Because the Pope’ encyclical is calling for Sunday to be the day of rest, section 237 in Laudato Si, we should have nothing to do with this movement.
Pope Francis has found his path to unite the churches and it is working even better than he thought.
Why don’t they build a case that shows us we can bring the world to Jesus?
Thanks for the info, we are in the last days.
Climate change is the new religion that brings all religions together, and Sunday is the solution to the alleged issue. God appears to have revealed this to us via His word, yet many of our people continue to remain skeptical of what is to come. Lord, please open the eyes of your people that they might perform their duty at this critical time of earth’s history.
This is about much more than the Sabbath, as important as that is. It is about idolatry. The sin of idol worship has always been at the center of every Jew and gentile nation apostasy. It will be again.
“Extreme environmentalism” is just a modern form of idol worship, where the earth itself, Mother Earth, “Gaia,” is worshiped. The climate crusade is the only worshiped thing on earth that transcends all cultures, languages, religious beliefs, age groups, and any other distinctions. The saving of the earth will be made the focal point and the excuse to craft ungodly policies that will have direct bearing on end times events.