A headline from the conservative Fox News Network, published on February 18, 2024, suggests that we use Sunday to deepen our spiritual connection to God. This was stated in reference to the 40 days of Lent that precede the celebration of Easter Sunday. On the first Sunday of Lent, Fox News urged its viewers to “seek God and walk closely with Jesus.”
The cable network said, in part:
• “For the first Sunday of Lent, make ‘wise shifts’ to help your relationship with God, says Washington pastor.” [1]
• “As the liturgical season of Lent enters its first full week, it is a time to adjust one’s routine to be in a better place spiritually during these 40 days, Pastor Jesse Bradley told Fox News Digital.” [1]
• “Lent, which began on Ash Wednesday, is a period of preparation for Easter Sunday, the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Excluding Sundays, Lent comprises the 40 days leading up to the Sacred Paschal Triduum on Holy Thursday.” [1]
• “But with Lent just beginning, now is ‘an intentional time to make wise shifts, seek God, and walk closely with Jesus,’ Bradley explained.” [1]
When it comes to Sunday, the news media has always been biased, favoring this day over all others. Sunday is the day of worship, according to the Roman Catholic Catechism. This is what Catholic priests tell their parishioners at church. However, Sunday worship is not just being promoted in churches. Now the mainstream media is telling us these things, demonstrating to us that they have become the mouthpiece of Rome.
This is what you call fake news, because Sunday is not the day to worship God. The Bible Sabbath is not and has never been Sunday. The Holy Scriptures do not teach Sunday sacredness. In fact, throughout the Bible, God commands us to observe the seventh day as a day of rest. Unfortunately, the mainstream media has turned from being a news source to an agent of the papacy, spreading the wine of Babylon around the globe.
God’s faithful Adventist people must become the watchmen for this hour. In light of the proliferation of fake news, it is our responsibility to speak the truth about what God has said, about the state of the world today, and about the looming Sunday law crisis. In this solemn hour of the earth’s history, we must hold individuals, groups, and compromised churches accountable for their deeds of perverting the truth of God. And we have to teach the public about Saturday, which is the real Lord’s Day and the only Sabbath that God has ever commanded us to observe. We dare not disobey His command to keep the Sabbath while claiming to love and obey Christ.
“The true Sabbath, given to man as a memorial of creation, has been taken from its rightful place as a sacred command of God, and, instead, a false sabbath has been exalted and worshiped. Living, testing principles have been lost, as stars are said to become extinct in the firmament of heaven. But a message, the third angel’s message, has come to the world, to exalt the truth to its right position, that it may stand fast as God’s testing truth for these last days. God’s requirements are to be given to the world in all their original freshness and power” (Youth Instructor, October 20, 1898).
This is not surprising considering that Fox News Channel has a majority of Catholic commentators working for them.
The Sunday Sabbath is fake news.
All the media is corrupt.