On April 1, 2023, the Filipino Student Association at Washington Adventist University, located in Takoma Park, Maryland, hosted the 2023 Filipino Cultural Night. The event included recognizing and celebrating tradition and fostering diversity and understanding between different groups of people. There was dancing and singing and other cultural activities designed to preserve and promote culture. [1] [2] [3]
Instead of influencing the culture with the gospel, the church is being adapted to imitate worldly music and dancing. This is a phenomenon that is sweeping Seventh-day Adventist institutions worldwide. Washington Adventist University, like many of our other schools, has become a forum to celebrate the same festivities that you see around the world.
But what is actually taking place in our institutions is worse than what the world does because we profess righteousness and invoke the name of God. The real tragedy is seeing how the students are being led to believe that these kinds of worldly displays are part of Adventism. Somehow, celebrating culture means turning our institutions into local discos and entertainment venues. Jesus said that it is better to tie a millstone around the necks of those in charge and cast them into the sea than to scandalize these young ones (Matthew 18:6).
[1] https://www.facebook.com/reel/182642194598129?mibextid=l066kq&fs=e&s=TIeQ9V
The woman dancing in the blue skirt and white blouse looked like she was devil possessed!!! More than likely, she is………………….
Gone are the days (if ever they were here) where you could blindly send your children to just any Adventist school. I know more than one family who sent their bright, promising children off to an Adventist College and they graduated weed smoking, promiscuous, tattooed and no longer attending church.