“In this time of persecution the faith of the Lord’s servants will be tried. They have faithfully given the warning, looking to God and to his Word alone. God’s Spirit, moving upon their hearts, has constrained them to speak.” GC 608
News and commentary from a Biblical world view on current events, top stories, social trends and political and religious events.
Protestants today don’t even know WHY they are Protestants….at least the ones I’ve met.
The fulfillment of Revelation 13 is in its infancy now with the ongoing chaos and disasters happening worldwide, and under the noses of people that don’t read and study their Bibles. The nonsense and drama will increase after the presidential election in the USA. Who will eventually come to the
rescue and deceive almost the entire world? The false christ! And who is behind it? The devil, of course! Deception and force are his tools in the last days. But how are people to know these things and be ready for the true Jesus to soon return and meet His saints in the air? By praying, reading, and studying the Bible with the help of the Holy Ghost. It’s that simple. Don’t rely on anything else or you will be wrongly led and deceived into accepting the mark of the beast and be lost. (The devil is now tampering with my computer as I type these words.) Again, study the
road map to heaven and you will get there. God bless. C.W. Good
Amen, thank you for your words of encouragement. CW Good Praying for all the remnant for complete direction and obedience and God’s will and direction for our lives.
Thank you!