The four-day work week is a modern business model that is gaining a lot of popularity among workers across the world. The United Arab Emirates has just announced that it is reducing its work week. [1] Here in the United States, the movement for a four-day work week is gaining popularity. [2] And Valencia, a 5 million-strong autonomous community in Spain, has just passed a new “Valencian Law of Family Diversity and Support” that reduces the work week to 32 hours and defines Sunday as a day of rest. [3]
The regulation applies to private businesses and is intended to limit Sunday shopping by allowing citizens to be free from commerce. Minister Monica Oltra of the Ministry of Equality and Inclusive Policies proposed the Sunday rest idea as part of a draft law on “family diversity.” This law will promote “Sunday rest in the commercial sector, especially in large stores.” [3]
The Government of Valencia has a draft copy of the new law posted online. [4] Notice the actual text of the law and what it says about Sunday rest in Article 21 called “Promotion Measures in Private Companies” under Section 2:
“The Government will encourage companies, through collective bargaining or collective agreements, to implement measures for the reconciliation of family and personal life and the working life of their staff. For this, they will develop training programs for social agents and business associations with representatives of autonomic character. In that sense, it will promote Sunday rest in the commerce sector, especially in large stores.” [5]
This is a state government that has mandated Sunday rest in order to “reconcile” the family. Sunday rest is the ultimate goal of this new four-day work week. The Pope’s encyclical Laudato Si’, Section #237 , is being put into action, which calls for healing our “relationships with God, with ourselves, with others and with the world” on “Sunday.” Following two years of mandatory lockdowns due to the pandemic, a new economy focused around Sunday is growing. The four-day workweek has sparked growing interest around the world in recent months, and it will continue to do so until Sunday is declared the world’s national day of rest.
“He has borne long with the perversity of the race; He has tried to win them to Himself. But the time will come when they shall have filled their measure of iniquity; and then it is that God will work. This time is almost reached. God keeps a record with the nations: the figures are swelling against them in the books of heaven; and when it shall have become a law that the transgression of the first day of the week shall be met with punishment, then their cup will be full” (Review and Herald, March 9, 1886).
“The substitution of the false [Sunday sabbath] for the true [seventh day Sabbath] is the last act in the drama. When this substitution becomes universal, God will reveal Himself. When the laws of men are exalted above the laws of God, when the powers of this earth try to force men to keep the first day of the week, know that the time has come for God to work. He will arise in His majesty, and will shake terribly the earth. He will come out of His place to punish the inhabitants of the world for their iniquity. The earth shall disclose her blood, and shall no more cover her slain” (Review and Herald, April 23, 1901).
The language used in inspiration could not be more vivid in describing what we see happening in our world today. Sunday is being exalted and promoted as the day of rest and worship. The world is crying out for a day of relaxation, a day to spend with family and friends, a day to take a break from the rigors of work. What day do you suppose that will be? There is little doubt that Sunday is being promoted in different places around the world. The different Protestant churches, the Roman Catholic Church, labor unions, secular governments, the secular media, and various special interest groups will publicly accept Sunday as the universal day of rest as a result of Laudato Si’.
In the post above, Monica Oltra, the same politician who introduced the Pope’s Sunday law in Valencia, praises Pope Francis for his inclusive views on LGBT+ families.
“It is time for thee, LORD, to work: for they have made void thy law” Psalms 119:126.
“Let not the commandment-keeping people of God be silent at this time, as though we gracefully accepted the situation. There is the prospect before us of waging a continuous war, at the risk of imprisonment, of losing property and even life itself, to defend the law of God, which is being made void by the laws of men” (SDA Bible Commentary, vol. 7, p. 975).
[4] Ley valenciana de diversidad familiar y apoyo a las familias
It has gone too far this time around, the world really needs Jesus no one else!
The stage has been set for sunday law; its only a matter of when . But is God who is control of time.The papacy has already announced the seven year plan for a sabbatical year to combat climate crisis the laudato si to solve world crisis . The inspiration tells us that sunday law is slowly making its way in darkness about a century and half ago. But now it’s no longer in darkness it’s now agitated openly before our eyes . ”May God Almighty help us to ready than ever before?”.