You are invited to attend a Zoom conference on Friday, December 30, 2022, at 7:00 p.m. Central Time, USA (8:00 p.m. Eastern Time). Even though Babylon rules over the earth and is a powerful force that is spreading error and tyranny in these last days, the good news is that she is not invincible. According to God’s word, her days are numbered and she will lose everything. In this Zoom meeting, we will examine current events and prophetic developments related to the final battle and judgment of Babylon.
“And a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone, and cast it into the sea, saying, Thus with violence shall that great city Babylon be thrown down, and shall be found no more at all.” Revelation 18:21
Topic: “The Fall and Judgment of Babylon”
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Babylon means confusion. Does this apply to the SDA Church? Let’s see. Ellen White wrote that SDAs are to take “a firm stand against meat eating”, yet they teach
and use the OT Levitical laws on diet (i.e. clean & unclean meats). How is teaching this taking a firm stand against meat eating? Next: SDAs claim to be God’s remnant
church and commandment-keepers, yet over 15,000 abortions for profit have been performed in SDA hospitals in the past 50 years. Abortion is the murder of
unborn children. How is performing abortions in SDA hospitals commandment-keeping? Do SDAs understand what hypocrisy is? Is anything done about these issues
(meat eating & abortion) in the SDA Church? Is Advent Messenger trying to solve the hypocrisy and confusion in the SDA Church? Why are SDAs silent when presented
with these issues? They just keep going and boasting their previous holy claims, don’t they? It should be evident that the “blind lead the blind” in the SDA Church,
which causes the confusion. Will it change? Will Advent Messenger change it? Again, SDAs continue beating a dead horse that is now a skeleton. Sad but true.
You make a valid point. But, God has put up with this apostate SDA church for over a hundred years. We have the testimony of Jesus to show us the
error of our ways, and point out our Laodicean condition, but we’ve rejected it. You asked a worthy question; will it change? The answer is no, “It” won’t.
So yes, let’s not beat a dead horse. But, let’s not give up. There is hope for Laodicea. It begins anew in each individual that understands and upholds
“righteousness by faith”,and seeks to follow their Lord, and stands up for the truth and nourishes that seed. He is life, it will grow. Be the light and let the
darkness be the darkness. We know who wins.
Who wants to be on a ship that is sailing to the lake of fire? That’s not what I call a vacation! Consider John the Baptist for a moment. Did he attend
the synagogues of his day? No, he stayed away in the wilderness, didn’t he? What was his association with the Pharisees in his day? Did he have
anything positive to say about them? Not when he called them snakes! (Do you think John was rude with his name calling?) John the Baptist kept
himself pure by not getting “dirty” inside and outside the synagogues in his day. He was a real Protestant, wasn’t he? It did cost him his life, didn’t
it? Remember, John was the forerunner of Jesus’ first advent. Shouldn’t Christians today be forerunners of Jesus’ second advent? I hope you
think so. Also, John did mingle in society but did not get tainted by it. Hopefully we can have the same godly experience he did- without the beheading! Amen?