From October 12-14, 2021, Ganoune Diop met with more than 30 religious leaders of various faiths during the Conference of the Secretaries of the Christian World Communion to discuss “ecumenical relations.” The meeting was chaired by the Quaker Gretchen Castle, while Ganoune Diop served as the event’s acting secretary. Representing Pope Francis were Bishop Brian Farrell and Reverend Andrzej Choromanski from the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity. [1]
The Christian World Communion, made up of Adventists, Catholics, Pentecostals, Baptists, Lutherans, Methodists and other Evangelicals, described its 2021 ecumenical forum in the following words:
“This informal ecumenical forum, dating back to 1957, sees itself as ‘communions of churches belonging to the same tradition and held together by this common heritage, conscious of living in the same universal fellowship and giving to this consciousness at least some structured visible expression.’ ” [2]
This is the same message found in Eastern pantheism and in the universal fraternity of Pope Francis which teaches that although different religions have different gospels, different theologies, different views on God and conflicting views on inspiration, sexuality, abortion, marriage and feminism, apart from that, we are one because everything is connected. We are all one with God and the universe. We are all brothers and sisters of the same universal brotherhood. The prevailing emphasis today is not on biblical doctrine or truth; no, they just want to focus on the love of God; which god, Mother Earth?[0]=AZXAOB_s7V3f7z8cFhmALpg_nsO4t7LEzdX9Onz4hUYLKgNvZ6t6k-dWLBgPLj0YZltHcwY7XqrC9qptq8bk4GR-VyAWNcSwpravjELBrd-pUKYX-yn6mcvfwSWzrWRL029dC299MsX6St1OoItH5dJx&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-R
“It is true that Spiritualism is now changing its form, and, veiling some of its more objectionable features, is assuming a Christian guise … But the Bible is interpreted in a manner that is pleasing to the unrenewed heart, while its solemn and vital truths are made of no effect. Love is dwelt upon as the chief attribute of God, but it is degraded to a weak sentimentalism making little distinction between good and evil” (Great Controversy, p. 558).
This is pure pagan philosophy. Jesus Christ has been reduced to just a footnote in the modern ecumenical movement. They mention His name only to try to give themselves an appearance of legitimacy. However, this movement that has become very popular in all the churches has nothing to do with Christ. In the name of Jesus, they are promoting heresy and false doctrine.
“Error is never harmless. It never sanctifies, but always brings confusion and dissension. It is always dangerous. The enemy has great power over minds that are not thoroughly fortified by prayer and established in Bible truth” (Testimonies, Vol. 5, p. 292).
The culture wants to define truth. The world wants to tell us what to believe. And carnal, misguided Christians want to tell us that it is wrong to warn of other churches even when they distort the word of God. Consequently, those who still believe the truth will say nothing. We refuse to point out those who are teaching error. We refuse to defend the faith because the world has told us that speaking out is hostile, argumentative and unloving.
The modern Christian church has lost the battle in the spiritual warfare between good and evil. We have stopped confronting anyone for spreading heresy. We do not issue corrections when bishops, popes or pastors deliberately mislead and distort the truth. And who are these modern churches that are doing this? They are listed below as willing participants and as those who “live” together “in the same universal fellowship.”
Orthodox Church of Russia
Armenian Apostolic Church
Roman Catholic Church
World Council of Churches
Anglican Communion
Lutheran World Federation
International Old Catholic Bishops’ Conference
World Communion of Reformed Churches
Global Christian Forum
Baptist World Alliance
Global Pentecostalism
Disciples Ecumenical Consultative Council
Mennonite World Conference
Moravian Church Worldwide
Organization of African Independent Churches
World Convention of the Churches of Christ
World Evangelical Alliance
World Methodist Council
Salvation Army
Friends World Committee
General Conference of the Seventh-day Adventists [2]
GCSDA, “Come out her my people.” But it seems as though the GCSDA is going further in. The Evangelical Ecumenical Train to Rome is speeding up. They are ALL coming together, planting their feet on Satanic grounds, the Vatican. The only ones out of the church who will “come out of her” will SDAs of the “Constitutional Minimalist” variety. You’ve never heard of a “Constitutional Minimalist”? Get to know one! For they will be the ones who will repairer the breach at the end of time. For it was Ellen G. White who said in Prophets and Kings, p. 678, “In the time of the end every divine institution is to be restored. The BREACH MADE IN THE LAW AT THE TIME THE SABBATH WAS CHANGED BY MAN IS TO BE REPAIRED.” Does the SDA member know what she is talking about? Let me know. If anyone has any DOUBT that E.G. White was ever a prophet of God, forget what was said!!!
The text that comes to mind is Mark 8 35 to 37
For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel’s, the same shall save it. [36] For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? [37] Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? Poor fellow Diop
Nous connaissons l’orientation de C.Diop ,elle est Claire et limpide il est en mission et au service de Rome. Ma grande stupéfaction c’est le comportement de la conférence générale, cette non action, pas de mesure censurant ces positions au nom des adventistes qui pour la plus grande majorité ne se reconnaissent pas dans ces fonctions et ces points de vue. Je dois reconnaître et admettre que je suis membre de l’église SDA qui est l’église établie selon les principes bibliques et dont Jésus Christ est le chef mais ,je reconnais que dans son management humain, sa direction humaine elle est complètement corrompue et apostasiée. Il y a danger de criminalisation spirituelle car le message des trois anges n’est pas prêché, plus grave il a été donné l’ordre de ne pas le prêcher pour ne pas froisser Babylone .
Isa 4:1 KJV And in that day seven women shall take hold of one man, saying, We will eat our own bread, and wear our own apparel: only let us be called by thy name, to take away our reproach.
Why has Ted Wilson not given him the boot yet?
Maybe because they are both on the same page?
Many think He sends Diop when It would be too Controversial to go Himself,
Elder Wilson, has publicly rebuked a few things but never any of Ganopue Diop’s actions from what I know,
David Gates was right when He stated the General Conference told him the Jesuits are their friends,
How can He have published the GCSDA Church attended such an event,
It’s time to start a petition to remove Ganoune Diop from the office he has betrayed.
It truly is a sad thing to have to confront these sorts of issues on a seemingly continuous basis. How can any thinking Christian, SDA or not, see these abominations and yet consider that safety lies in continuing to support an organization which permits, and even promotes open rebellion and apostacy? No, there is no safety to be found by clinging tenaciously to our dearly beloved SDA organization, because she has systematically joined herself to fallen Babylon. Sister White informed us in EW 124.2-125.1 that true believers must be separate; she said that to encourage the apostate religious organization/church by attending their services was a deadly poison; she said that angels cannot enter into those places where error is presented and we are left to the buffetings of Satan. The only thing that we can do as God’s faithful children is to remember (or research) from where we came from. Study the fundamental principles of our movement as set forth by the founders of our movement – not to be confused with the creed that modern SDA’s hold as doctrine and use as a test of fellowship, known as the 28 Fundamental Beliefs. When you compare the 28 Fundamental Beliefs to the fundamental principles, there are a few significant differences – the most glaring of them all being the identity of the God we worship. It seems nearly incomprehensible, but the God of the founders of our movement, who sacrificed everything for the cause and were shown by the Father’s Holy Spirit “a line of truth extending from that time to the time when we shall enter the city of God,” (SpTB02 56.4, please read it in its entirety at¶=417.288) was not a Trinity. They searched the scriptures and were shown by the Holy Spirit that there is one God, even the Father (Rom 15:6, 2 Cor 1:3, James 3:9) and that there is one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the eternal Father.
The fact is that the reason we are seeing so many barefaced apostacies being exhibited in the SDA denomination organization from the top to the bottom is because we are worshipping a false God which our founding fathers knew not. Is this a small matter, or a side issue? Is it merely a distraction intended to split up God’s church? Consider carefully the following quote from 4SP 399.1:
“Satan leads men to conceive of God in a false character, as having attributes which he does not possess. A philosophical idol is enthroned in the place of Jehovah; while the true God, as he is revealed in his word, in Christ, and in the works of creation, is worshiped by but few. Thousands deify nature, while they deny the God of nature. Though in a different form, idolatry exists in the Christian world today as verily as it existed among ancient Israel in the days of Elijah. The God of many professedly wise men, of philosophers, poets, politicians, journalists,—the God of polished fashionable circles, of many colleges and universities, even of some theological institutions,—is little better than Baal, the sun-God of Phoenicia.”
No, this is not a side issue, nor is it a distraction. It is of the utmost importance to those who desire to be recipients of God’s gift of eternal life. We cannot expect to receive the gift if we do not even know the gift Giver. Otherwise we should expect to see Baal (Satan) worshipers in heaven and even Baal himself.
Were we warned this would come? Yes. The alpha of deadly heresy -John Harvey Kellogg affirming that God was a Trinity in order to support the pantheistic dogmas promoted in his book “The Living Temple” – was just the beginning, now we are witnessing the end, or omega, where the entire denomination proudly proclaims this same false idea. No wonder Sister White shuddered to see it. No wonder it has become so clear unto those who will “come and see” that things are not well in SDA church.
I pray that we will not become weary of sighing and crying for these abominations being done in the church – for only those that sigh and cry will receive the seal of God (5T 212.3)! Hold fast till He comes.
Very true. Sda is no longer a safe place to be in. This is the fourth month since I stopped Attending the church.
I no longer trust the church.
I believe you can still look to Jesus the true heavenly captain of the boat. I stopped looking to others, and attempt to faithfully study my bible to know Jesus better and be like him.
History repeats itself, what did the SDA General Conference Leaders in Jesus days on earth encourage the church members to cheer about ? Crucify Him, crucify Him, crucify Him. We are serving our God, a personal God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, not the SDA General Conference. It would be foolish to ignore the sins which have been condoned and embraced by many in the church. It does no good to put our heads in the sand. The voice of warning must be heard. The cutting truth must be proclaimed, but it must be done in the context of love and concern for those who have been blinded by Satan. There is still a loyal group who will not be moved from the pillars of truth.
“The leaven of godliness has not entirely lost its power. At the time when danger and depression of the church are greatest, the little company who are standing in the light will be sighing and crying for the abominations that are done in the land. But more especially will their prayers arise on behalf of the church because its members are doing after the manner of the world.” Testimonies, Vol.5, pp.209,210.