Our modern world has a view on gender that places equality over godly principles. An unrealistic version of equality is being propelled above common sense, civility and above the word of God. There are clear distinctions and differences between men and women, and it is disturbing to see society blurring those gender lines. There is an effort to eliminate all of the safeguards which set men apart from women and vice versa. This, according to the gender-bending radicals, is equality.
Instead of celebrating and affirming the unique differences between the two sexes, the ultimate objective is for men and women to have the very same indistinguishable and interchangeable roles. Anyone can become whatever they feel like becoming. Men can have babies [1] and women can get you pregnant. [2] Sameness or identicalness between genders is what they consider “equality.”
This is not equality, it’s confusion. God has given unique, distinct roles to both men and women. God has also given men and women the authority, the grace and the power to carry out these biblical roles. Sadly, this gender confusion has come into Adventism.
Julian Hibbert is the editor for Messenger Magazine. This is the “official journal” for the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the United Kingdom and Ireland. Recently, Julian Hibbert published an editorial called “Every Women is a Somebody.” In the article, which was sent to Seventh-day Adventists all over the UK, Julian was commemorating the 100th anniversary since the UK passed the rights for women to vote.
Even though he praised the advances of women’s right in the UK he also said that the “myth that women are inferior or unequal to men” still existed. He denounced the unequal pay for women, the sexual objectification of women in advertisements and the attitude that women are generally seen as “somebody’s wife, somebody’s mother, somebody’s daughter, or somebody’s sister.” He concludes his editorial by stating that women are “God-ordained” and “equal.” [3]
Julian Hibbert used no Bible or Spirit of Prophecy that speaks directly on the role of women, but he did quote from secular sources. The editor for this Seventh-day Adventist publication is promoting the feminists’ argument: “Women are equal to men. Period.”
When no clarifications, explanations or distinctions are made a wrong impression is left in the minds of people. That’s part of the feminists’ agenda. The assumption is that equality is incompatible with the biblical role that God has given to women.
Danielle Pilgrim takes this same argument even further. In an article called ‘Injustice: The Struggle for Equality for Female Pastors in the Seventh-day Adventist Church,’ Danielle Pilgrim denounces the 2015 General Conference Session vote to not allow its Divisions to ordain female pastors as “absolutely inconsistent, unjust, and immoral.” [4]
In an article published in Spectrum Magazine, a independent Adventist journal, Danielle Pilgrim makes the following statements:
“What I am denouncing, however, is the inconsistent, unjust, and immoral position that was taken at the 2015 GC Session. The GC’s decision to not allow Divisions to ordain female pastors is absolutely inconsistent, unjust, and immoral.”
“There is no such thing as separate but equal. Women cannot receive separate credentials and still be considered equal.”
“And, although we may receive the same pay as men, having separate credentials is still inequality. [4]
Equal Value vs. Equal Authority
Adam and Eve were both created in the image of God (Genesis 1:27) which means they both have equal value and importance to God. They both deserve equal honor and respect. They are equal in their human personhood – namely, they are both human beings. So yes, Adam and Eve were created equal in several ways, but equal value doesn’t imply that they share the same role or have been given the same work. Giving everyone the same equal authority is not rational or biblical.
1. A judge, a prosecutor, a defense attorney and an accused person all have the same value in the eyes of the law. They are all human beings and all deserve the same dignity and respect. But they don’t all have the same role and the same authority that the judge has. Just because I don’t have the same “equal” authority of a judge doesn’t mean that I am being discriminated. Not even the attorney representing me has the same authority of the judge. Only official judges have been given the right and authority by our society to condemn, sentence, or release a person from a criminal or civil case.
Can I cry “discrimination” because I don’t have the equal authority that a judge has? Of course not, that would be ludicrous. Feminists don’t seem to understand the principle that not everyone has the same authority.
2. Umpires, coaches, players and fans all have equal value. They are all human beings and all deserve the same dignity and respect. But they do not share the same role and authority. A fan doesn’t get to decide if an infraction or foul has been committed. Is that discrimination? Of course not. Can you image if everyone at a sporting event had the same role and authority that the umpire has? That would bring complete confusion.
If a team wins a championship both coaches and players share the trophy. Now, who is more important and valuable to the team – a coach or a player? They are both important and equal. They are both necessary in order to win. But who has more authority in making decision for the team – a player or a coach? Obviously a coach does because he has a different role and he has been given authority to fulfill his job. Is that discriminating a player’s rights? No. What if everyone on the team, including cheerleaders and parking lot attendants, had the same authority that the coach had? That would bring chaos to the team.
3. A father, a mother, a son, a distant cousin and even your next door neighbor are all human beings. All have equal value in God’s eyes. But does the neighbor have the same role and authority that a father has in his own household? Of course not. Are you going to allow your child, who also has equal value in God’s eyes, to make financial decisions for your household? Of course not. Will you allow your 6 year old boy to drive the car so that he doesn’t feel discriminated against? Can you imagine the chaos and confusion that would exists if everyone, including the neighbors, had the same role and authority that everyone else has in your household?
4. The church of the living God also has a divinely, established order. Jesus Himself ordained the 12 apostles and created gospel order. God has not left it up to us to figure things out with regards to the biblical role of men and women in the church – and no, we don’t have to guess. Everyone has equal value in God’s eyes in the church, but not all have been given the same role, work and authority. Is that discrimination? Of course not.
But the devil is saying that it is unjust and immoral if we don’t eliminate the principles of gospel order and ordain women into the ministry. Instead of remaining satisfied with being equal before the laws of the land (equal pay, equal opportunities) feminists want to bring their agenda into the church too. They want women to be equal with men in every way. Their argument is, “If a man can do it a woman should too.” But women were never called to become masculine. Women can’t do everything men do, neither can men do everything that women do. We shouldn’t even be attempting to deviate from the biblical principles that God has given us with regards to masculinity and femininity.
Once we cower to the feminists’ demand that says, “Women ought be men,” we make of none effect the word of God by throwing out theology, biology, history and psychology – all in the name of equality. This issue is not about equal rights, but about what is right. Men and women are abandoning their fundamental roles in the name of nondiscrimination. The sexual lines that divide men from women are being erased all in the name gender equality.
The answer to this confusion is to look back to the beginning when God created male and female and gave them their unique roles. We must return to the roots of our history which is found in God’s word. That is the only way to push back against the false notions of this fake equality. We need to stand up and fight for our men and women, even if it means we have to contend with and expose the feminist agenda.
Let us affirm and respect the distinctiveness of both men and women. We are not the same, and a modern technically advanced civilization cannot change these facts. Let us choose what is right over what some call “equal.” We are being driven into this crisis by the feminist movement and this is destroying the unity and order in the church.
[2] https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/transgender-woman-froze-sperm-still-11393064
[3] https://www.stanboroughpress.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Bam-04-18.pdf