Pay close attention, and don’t underestimate what is taking place today. The effort to combat global climate change and the work of exalting Sunday rest are inseparably joined together and closely dependent upon one another. The primary responsibility of a city council is to pass regulations and city ordinances that govern everyday city life. The City Council of São João da Madeira in Portugal, however, is dangerously mixing politics and religion with the goal of bringing people together to work collectively on environmental issues.
City officials in this Portuguese community recently designated four Sundays each year as “Green Sundays.” This environmental campaign aims to increase public awareness of the risks posed by climate change. However, by including Sunday in these government actions and by calling this event “Green Sunday,” it demonstrates that churches and religious organizations will play a significant role in helping to find the right policies to address the climate crisis.
The 2023 Green Sunday events were scheduled for May 28th, June 18, July 2, and September 24. City officials in São João da Madeira released the following in an article titled “Green Sunday Arrives this Weekend.” The statement read in part:
• “The 2023 Green Sundays cycle begins, with various activities taking place on Avenida Dr. Renato Araújo between the Largo do Souto area and the city Hospital roundabout, a section that will be closed to traffic, to promote a more environmentally sustainable city, with fewer carbon emissions and more inclusive mobility.” [1]
• “All people are invited by the Municipal Council of S. João da Madeira to attend this area ofthe city and join this edition of the event, contributing to improving health and urban quality and developing a mobility model less dependent on individual transport and with lower greenhouse gas emissions.” [1]
• “In addition to this May 28 edition , others are scheduled to take place on June 18th, July 2nd and September 24th, with these and other activities.” [1]
So what is the solution to help us implement sustainable practices, become more energy efficient, and reduce greenhouse gases? The answer is Green Sunday. This is how the world is responding to the climate crisis. This is exactly what Pope Francis has been trying to accomplish for the past few years.
Pope Francis has been pleading with political, religious, and business leaders to undergo an “ecological conversion” in order to hear the “cry of the earth.” This is a call to protect the planet from climate change and to make “Sunday” the day of creation (Laudato Si’ #237). Rome is in favor of promoting environmental policies that favor Sunday rest for the people. This is not a conspiracy theory; this is a conspiracy fact. The Pope’s climate message is perfectly aligned with the push for Sunday rest.
And don’t expect that the Sunday rest initiative for the environment will go away anytime soon. The truth is that this “Green Sunday” proposal to save the environment will only intensify.
“It will be declared that men are offending God by the violation of the Sunday sabbath; that this sin has brought calamities which will not cease until Sunday observance shall be strictly enforced” (Great Controversy, p. 590).
Unless God intervenes, we are about to witness the passage of radical environmental policies that will favor Sunday closing measures. All that is needed is for world leaders to declare a “climate emergency,” just as they declared a “public health emergency” during the Covid-19 pandemic. Have we forgotten how political leaders unilaterally suspended civil rights, closed churches, stopped travel, and closed businesses through oppressive Covid-19 mandates?
For the last 150 years ,the papacy has tried successfully to exalt the sunday sacredness thorought the world, but the last three popes have made the tremendous efforts to call upon the world to revere the Rome’s day of worship which is contrary to God’s day of sabbath rest.During the reign of pope John paul II he wrote the encyclical letter known as Dies domini and urged all the catholics and all protestant christians to honour sunday as the day of rest , this was in the year 1998. After his death in 2005, his successor cardinal Joseph Ratzinger who later came to be known as pope Benedict XVI, also was not left behind in this issue of sunday sacredness in his catechesis to a meeting of world meeting of families he said that sunday must be a day of rest for everybody so, that people can have a free time with their families and God, according to what he was quoted by the catholic news service press that was back in the year 2012. He was later succeeded by cardinal Jorges Bergoglio the first Jesuit pope Francis I , he has been instrumental to force the world leaders to back the PARIS CLIMATE AGREEMENT of the year 2015, which he launched the encyclical LAUDATO SI agenda which has been his blue print for the whole world .Francis ultimate goal is to make sue the article 237 is revered by the whole world to rest sunday as the first day of creation like the jewish sabbath but fortunately the very achievement of this goal will hasten the second coming of Jesus Christ and establish his everlasting kingdom and destroy the papacy the antichrist power which has opposed God’s law and persecuted his saints , he will put to an end the sunday laws forever once and for all and end the persecution for his faithful people , Amen?”
For the last 150 years ,the papacy has tried successfully to exalt the sunday sacredness thorought the world, but the last three popes have made the tremendous efforts to call upon the world to revere the Rome’s day of worship which is contrary to God’s day of sabbath rest.During the reign of pope John paul II he wrote the encyclical letter known as Dies domini and urged all the catholics and all protestant christians to honour sunday as the day of rest , this was in the year 1998. After his death in 2005, his successor cardinal Joseph Ratzinger who later came to be known as pope Benedict XVI, also was not left behind in this issue of sunday sacredness in his catechesis to a meeting of world meeting of families he said that sunday must be a day of rest for everybody so, that people can have a free time with their families and God, according to what he was quoted by the catholic news service press that was back in the year 2012. He was later succeeded by cardinal Jorges Bergoglio the first Jesuit pope Francis I , he has been instrumental to force the world leaders to back the PARIS CLIMATE AGREEMENT of the year 2015, which he launched the encyclical LAUDATO SI agenda which has been his blue print for the whole world .Francis ultimate goal is to make sure the article 237 is revered by the whole world to rest sunday as the first day of creation like the jewish sabbath but fortunately the very achievement of this goal will hasten the second coming of Jesus Christ and establish his everlasting kingdom and destroy the papacy the antichrist power which has opposed God’s law and persecuted his saints , he will put to an end the sunday laws forever once and for all and end the persecution for his faithful people , Amen?”
Nations are advancing the goals of the Papacy. This is very concerning.
Green Sunday is Laudato Si’ 100%.
They will not stop until Sunday is restored once again. I pray Adventists wake up and see what is going on.