On September 1, 2024, Canadian Catholic Priest Raymond J. de Souza wrote an article in the National Post arguing that Sundays are special days set apart by God that we need to keep in order to maintain a work-life balance. He points out that too many people in today’s society live only for their jobs and that by designating Sunday as a day of rest, we can adopt the correct mindset that views work as secondary and Sunday rest as primary. Once again, society is being conditioned to believe that by honoring Sunday, people can live a healthier and more sustainable lifestyle.
The Catholic priest expressed the following:
• “Christians shifted the Sabbath to Sunday in honor of the resurrection, which took place on the first day of the week.” [1]
• “The concept of the weekend, where Saturday and Sunday are joined together as a break from work, is based on a flawed conception of human flourishing. It assigns the priority to labor and commerce.” [1]
• “The presumption is that man needs rest so that he might be ready for more work. Work comes first. It’s not an uncommon view, and growing more so in a world of digital 24/7 commerce.” [1]
• “The primacy of Sunday as a day set apart puts work into its proper place. Man lives, and therefore he needs to work. He does not live to work. Many people actually do. They need the Sabbath more than most.” [1]
• “In 1998, St. John Paul II sounded the alarm regarding this danger — to no discernible effect. He argued for the dimanchist view in humane, not specifically religious, terms: ‘Through Sunday rest, daily concerns and tasks can find their proper perspective’.” [1]
• “What can be done? Keep Sunday at the head of the week. It matters. And don’t let online shopping intrude on Sunday.” [1]
Despite all the claims that Rome has changed, nothing could be further from the truth. This same power still maintains that God’s law has been changed and that Sunday is the new day of rest that God has given us in order to promote our physical and spiritual well-being. The effort to convince people that Sunday is the day that everything must close is well under way. We are aware that these calls to reclaim Sunday are only bringing us closer to the mark of the beast crisis.
Sunday agitation will only intensify into extreme demands for arbitrary legislation. The biblical predictions found in Revelation 13 and 17 are daily taking shape before our very eyes. Rome is busy fulfilling her role by compelling all classes to observe her institutions. And what are the Protestant churches, the secular governments, and the vast majority of society doing? They are lining up behind her. Let the commandment-keeping people fulfill their divinely appointed duty and do the following:
“The people of our land need to be aroused to resist the advances of this most dangerous foe to civil and religious liberty.” (Spirit of Prophecy, Vol. 4, p. 382).
“It is our duty to do all in our power to avert the threatened danger” (Testimonies, Vol. 5, p. 452).
The Roman Church and always claimed Sunday Sacredness and Sunday Worship as their Sabbath Independent of God. As Supposed “Proof” for that claim they make the Assertion, without Biblical Proof in the Original tongues or Languages that it was Written that Christ Rose from the Death on a Sunday. Had that been the case in the Hot Middle Eastern Climate during March and April within 24 hours Christ’s Body Would have seen Corruption.
The Lord has lead me to the Truth that the Resurrection actually occurred during the First hours of the Sabbath, and Possibly before Midnight.
Proof 1- It is Written in the Bible that the Holy One of Israel – Christ would not see Corruption in Mortal Bodily Death.
Proof 2 – The Body of Moses was Resurrected only a Few hours after his death – before his body had seen Corruption.
Most everyone believes that Jesus rose on a Sunday, but Jesus’ resurrection occurred on Sabbaton, the seventh-day Sabbath – as would be expected because the seventh-day Sabbath is God’s day throughout the entire Bible, in both the Old and New Testaments. Our Lord was raised from the dead on the day which symbolized a finished work, not upon the day that began the weekly toil. Also, Jesus was resurrected at the beginning of the seventh-day Sabbath which, symbolically,
looks forward to the resurrection of the saints at the beginning of the millennium.
In the entire Bible, both Old and New Testaments, God’s number is seven, and His day is the Sabbath. He instituted the seventh-day Sabbath at Creation (Gen. 2:1-4). He, Himself, made it holy. his was a Sabbath for all mankind, not for the Jews only. he Sabbath was created thousands of years before there was ever a Jew on the earth. Adam and Eve were not Jewish, yet they kept the seventh-day Sabbath as God ordained.
Ray Foucher – In the Heart of the Earth – The Secret Code pg 139
After His resurrection, Jesus met with His disciples and other followers many times and never once did He ever hint that He had changed His holy day. After Jesus’ resurrection, His followers and later Paul, continued to keep the Sabbath:
“And when the Jews were gone out of the synagogue, the Gentiles besought that these words might be preached to them the next sabbath. … And the next
sabbath day came almost the whole city together to hear the word of God.”
(Acts 13:42, 44)
“And on the sabbath we went out of the city by a river side, where prayer was wont to be made; and we sat down, and spake unto the women which resorted
thither.” (Acts 16:13)
There is no Biblical evidence whatsoever for the establishment of Sunday, the first day of the week, as a holy day or day of rest. And now, we see that even Jesus’ resurrection was not on a Sunday, but was on the seventh-day Sabbath. here goes the basis for Sunday-keeping! There goes Sunday sacredness.
Ray Foucher – In the Heart of the Earth – The Secret Code pg 140