For the 61st General Conference Session, Covid-19 has been a major issue. That is a proven fact. What evidence do we have? For starters, due to Covid-19, the world session was postponed for two years. Second, this is the first hybrid session, which means that some delegates will vote in person while others will vote online from their respective countries. This too is due to Covid-19. Finally, Covid-19 has had such an impact on Adventism that during the session, there was an official moment of silence to honor our members who have died as a result of Covid. So it’s clear that the 61st General Conference Session, as well as its leadership, recognize COVID-19 as a major issue.
However, when the issue was raised about how the church’s official position on Covid-19 vaccinations had negatively impacted church members, the topic of Covid was suddenly dropped. There was no longer any time to discuss Covid because there were so many other things to deal with and we were on such a tight schedule. In other words, Covid-19 was important when it was convenient, but when it no longer served our purposes, we had no more time to talk about it. This was evident during the sessions.
Jonathan Zirkle, a delegate from the General Conference, proposed that the Seventh-day Adventist Church reexamine its position on vaccines and that this topic be included on the agenda for the 61st General Conference Session. Jonathan Zirkle stated that the church’s present stance on vaccinations has caused many church members to suffer and has negatively impacted them during the Covid pandemic.
In the video below, you will see how the chairman of the business meeting began ignoring the delegates and simply moved on to the next item on the agenda. The chairman refused to acknowledge their motion, claiming that no one had offered to “second” or “affirm” that motion. The truth is that at least two people attempted to second that motion, but they were ignored. In the video, you will also see how when the delegates were finally able to connect with the chairman, due to online connection issues at the General Conference Session, they were told that the agenda items were closed and that they were too late, despite the fact that they had done nothing wrong.
The chairman even talked over the delegates, despite their protests that they had followed the proper procedure and were not being heard. However, the same delegates persisted until the chairperson was forced to admit that the original motion to discuss the negative impact of the church’s position on Covid had been seconded, allowing open discussion to continue.
You will hear the delegates saying that the chairperson was shutting down their participation in an attempted “coup” by the church. It was reprehensible to watch the General Conference Session process being undermined right in front of your eyes. The two attempts by the chairperson to undermine their due process failed, not because the chairperson was willing to be fair, but because the delegates were adamant about not allowing their right to participate to be taken away. The delegates had to contend with the chairperson to be allowed to speak for two minutes. They wanted their two minutes to express their heartache and pain. But the story gets even worse.
When the chairman was forced to admit that the motion had been seconded by the delegates, this legitimized further discussion about Covid-19. This should have paved the way for a full discussion of the church’s position on Covid-19 vaccinations. Unfortunately, this victory was short-lived. Notice what happened next.
In an unprecedented move, President Ted Wilson stepped out to personally address the 61st General Conference Session delegates just as the motion on Covid-19 was going to be considered by the delegates. The chair unexpectedly announced that Ted Wilson would be giving some remarks. Ted Wilson was not chairing this meeting, and there were several other votes and resolutions during these sessions, but this was the first and only time that Ted Wilson interrupted a proceeding. Notice what Ted Wilson told the delegates:
“I want to strongly urge … that we stand united in asking this body not to put that issue on the agenda.”
“The General Conference has not mandated that people take the vaccination. It has given people a choice.”
“This is not an agenda item for the General Conference. It is an administrative item. It has been dealt with and some people don’t like the way it has been dealt with, and that is their right.”
“We respectfully, kindly, and very much in a determined manner ask that you, the delegates, vote ‘no’ on placing this item as an agenda item.” (YouTube Video)
First and foremost, Ted Wilson stated that the church has not mandated the vaccine, but said that they only gave people the freedom to choose. That is simply not true. Because of the church’s position on Covid-19 vaccination, many have lost their employment. Members who sought to exercise their right to choose by refusing vaccinations were advised by their employers that their religious exemption would be denied due to the Seventh-day Adventist Church’s official vaccine statement.
No, President Ted Wilson, church members were not given a choice because people in positions of authority used the official church statement to deny vaccine exemptions to Seventh-day Adventists, and many of them lost everything as a result. Covid-19 vaccines, according to the church’s official statement, are neither a religious liberty issue nor a matter of faith.
That was the whole point of holding this discussion during the General Conference Session. Members have been negatively impacted. Members have suffered. Members have been disenfranchised due to the church’s statement on vaccinations. But instead of wanting to listen to this, church leaders tried to shut down any discussion. Finally, when the motion to have a discussion was approved, Ted Wilson came out to “urge” the delegates in a “very much determined manner” to vote “no” to adding Covid-19 to the agenda of the 61st General Conference Session. Was this a motion to the delegates, or was it a command? Whichever it was, Ted Wilson used his position as President of the General Conference to influence the vote. He got involved only after the chairman failed to kill this debate on Covid through questionable tactics.
This kind of dirty politics is foreign to the character and will of God. Malicious, underhanded political maneuverings were used to attempt to subvert the delegate’s right to discuss Covid-19. Why so much effort to shut down a discussion on Covid? As far as the hierarchy is concerned, they don’t want anyone to hear the other side of the issue. It did seem like everything was moving according to a plan, and the rest of us were all just going through a process to an outcome that had already been predetermined.
That is what one of the delegates expressed to the chairman in the video below. Daniel Jennah, of the Madagascar Central Conference, asked the chairman during the Covid discussions if those conducting the business meeting could at least give the appearance that the delegates were participating in the discussions. That is pretty bad.
Again, it was only after it was obvious that a discussion was going to take place on Covid-19 that Ted Wilson injected himself into the process and forcefully asked the delegates to shut down the conversation on Covid. Surprisingly, or maybe not, the delegates acquiesced and the matter was voted down.
This is truly amazing. It’s incredible that when it comes to shutting down discussion on Covid, Ted Wilson will go to great lengths to stop this effort. Where is the same enthusiasm to put an end to apostasy? Where is the same effort to purify the people of God? Where is his desire to purge the church of many evils? If Ted Wilson can use his power and influence to stop a vote during a General Conference Session, can he not use this same authority to stop a lot of the shenanigans in Adventism?
By the way, they are still praying for the Holy Spirit during these sessions. However, we have forgotten that where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty (2 Corinthians 3:17). Unfortunately, there isn’t a lot of free exchange of ideas during this session. There are, however, political machinations, maneuverings, control, concealments, lack of transparency and discussion, delegates being dismissed, and papal power on full display. But, if you read the official reports from the official church publications, “The Lord has been with us.”
Thank you for giving a faithful report of political maneuvers in place of true freedom. They do have a spirit but it sure isn’t the Holy Spirit.
God bless you brother Rodney, we are in a war for the soul of God’s people.
Thanks Brother Andy for your faithful reporting to God’s people. We do not have to be afraid, but concerned as we move forward to finish the work. God has never done anything, in secret, like is happening at the GC session. So thankful that Jesus is in charge of His church. As long as we remain faithful to His calling, we will be on board the ship as our Captain brings it safely into port. We have been warned by our dear prophet that bright lights will go out. Let’s just keep the faith and let the Holy Spirit lead in our lives. I love this church and it will be victorious.
Thanks for that reminder Jerry. I have done nothing in secret, Jesus says.
“So thankful that Jesus is in charge of His church”
Had Jesus been in charge of this church, it would NOT have adopted and maintained a pro-vaccine policy, nor would it engage in ecumenical negotiations with the roman catholic organization. Simple as that.
Not the only chairperson that tried to muzzle the ox, it was very similar with the other chairperson re the ratline that they used to smuggle Mr. Diop back into office by hiding a wolf among sheep. On monday, then tuesday night again – coup de’tat. With all due respect where it’s applicable, I don’t believe any member should be dependent on the GC’s consideration whether or not to offer us a choice in this matter. That’s already an inalienable right from God to choose based on conscience and leave the circumstances to God. Lastly, every precious truth that we believe, accept and practice is a Fundamental Belief, including Revelation 18 verse 23, whether or not the BRI endorses same or the majority of Seventh Day Adventists practice. Is it because we are so heavily vested in the healthcare industry that we are going to deny truth. Then truth needs no defense to be truth. Is it only the seventh day sabbath that makes us a peculiar people? I’m afraid it’s EVERY WORD. Thank you brother Andy for posting the entire video so that persons can get a proper understanding of what took place instead of just a snippet. We need to remember that there is not just a mark, there’s a beast, there’s an image, there’s the name and the number of the beast, then there’s the mark. All the components fall into place prior to the mark. When you look at all that’s been happening, the doubts about whether the mark as understood if it is the mark (coming from our so called scholars-seers that can’t see), how our health arm has gotten tangled in PR and marketing, how our PARL director has been repeatedly been spotted ‘how far from home’ (especially in that ecumenical meeting singing that song in reverence to the man of sin: i had to cry when i saw this), then we know that we only have a few more miles to go. It’s painful, but we must press on in watching, praying, fasting, doing the work and waiting. Tis almost time……hold fast…….He will come. Watchmen everywhere, stand like a brave, stand by a purpose true, take the dare, even if you must stand alone.
What happened at this GC Session has made me so saddened! It makes me think of the church that engineered the murder of the Son of God; the church in 1888 that was counseled that had Jesus return during that time they would have verily crucified Him. We must seek for the Lord with all the heart and live by the Word of God.
It is quite sad. By “understanding” our message, we know that we may\will in “the last-days” face “the world” alone, possibly one in a crowd of millions, I just never imagined that we could feel so alone today, even when among family. The world is waxing so very cold.
It seems to me that I personally as a member of the church have been totally dismissed and canceled. My spiritual well being is a non-issue to them. Thank God I have Jesus.
I have been dismissed and cancelled for quite some time in my SDA Church; these GC meetings are a confirmation of this!
I was impressed to study Daniel 12:7 two months before COV19 started. I have studied every word extensively and I think most people would be surprised on the implications of this verse. I have spent many weeks studying and meditating on it.
Dan. 12:7 (NKJVS) Then I heard the man clothed in linen, who was above the waters of the river, when he held up his right hand and his left hand to heaven, and swore by Him who lives forever, that it shall be for a time, times, and half a time; and when the power of the holy people has been completely shattered, all these things shall be finished.
Andy, why did you not attend the GC Session yourself and express everything you want to make things as straight as you think. I wonder if you are a member of the SDA church or simply a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
I am at the sessions and they only allow official delegates to speak.
I have been in the church for 47 years, and have attended several of our GC meetings. However, I have never encountered a meeting like we are seeing ever before! I am in shock and disbelief at what is going on in St. Louis. I never thought it would happen, but it is happening. Apostasy before our very eyes, and from the very top down.
I like Ted Wilson. I think he is a man of God, and was picked by God in 2010 to lead this church faithfully. However, I have seen a great shift in his way of thinking towards the body of Christ! I truly feel he is being led down a slippery slope, and headed for destruction. Not only for himself, but, for the Adventist Church as a whole. Boy, are the critics at Spectrum and Adventist Today going to have a field day in the near future! It is sad and alarming.
Don’t get me wrong, I will never leave this church, or be unfaithful to its message. I believe this church was established by God Himself, and there will never be another church raised up before the end of time to take its place. I will also support the GC with my tithes, just like the Lord has instructed us. I am just thankful that EGW warned us concerning the apostasy that would take place just before the close of probation! I am just sad that it is happening.
God will see his church through to the end of time. It may not be under the organized name, but, His people will be all over the world, in small bands, carrying on the message to a dying world. I want to be part of those small bands of dedicated Seventh-day Adventists!!!
Beloved LINDA F TAYLOR read 5Testimonies Pp. 209 – 213
I think many people are confused
The general conference is not the church
It is the organization
Just like in Christ’s time the Sanhedrin was not the church but the organization
He church was those who had accepted John’s message and accepted Jesus
Because the church cannot crucify it’s head ( Jesus)
It was the organization that did it
“It may not be under the organized name, but, His people will be all over the world, in small bands, carrying on the message to a dying world.”
Scripture tells us that THE CHURCH is not the collection of people, but the people of God themselves. We are re-informed by SOP that God’s people will suffer at the hands of “their people (social and faith affiliations)”, possibly even unto death. God’s Truth will win out. Maybe just not as or when or how, we might think. “the church will appear to fall”, IMHO, is the organization, and the “does not” are His faithful. These are they known as, the Remnant.
Brother Andy, you are a chosen vessel for God’s people. So very thankful that you are personally witnessing the GC sessions. Thanks for sharing with God’s people. May each of us be watchmen in our own circle of Christian friends. Praying for you brother Andy. Keep the faith, Jesus is coming very, very soon.🙏☝❤⛪
Thank you Jerry.
Beloved LINDA F TAYLOR. Please with a teachable and open minded heart read 5Testimonies For The Church Pp. 209 – 213
Thanks for your defense Bro Andy. I have disabilities that not only make it difficult to travel, but also to speak. (throat surgery gone bad). I have done my best to make my voice heard In my local church and with our Washington Conference president, Doug Bing. The result is disheartening to say the least.
It looks to me like this GC session is related to Jesuit Theater.
There is a huge unfair disparity between the delegates having to fight for their two minutes to speak, plus they get placed on a timer, and the King Ted Wilson, who gets to talk as long as he wants, while not even chairing the meeting.
GC stands for Great Censorship?
Thanks for this report.
Did you notice how the chairman ignored what the gentleman said. The gentleman that ask that we discussed the church’s position on covid-19 said he represented thousands of people and had signed documents from people all over the world. The chairman made it sound like that guy simply represented himself. These are deceitful tactics that these people are practicing. They will receive a spirit but it certainly won’t be holy. In fact I think they already have it. It’s the spirit of the devil.
The Lord has pronounced a curse upon those who take from or add to the Scriptures. The great I AM has decided what shall constitute the rule of faith and doctrine, and he has designed that the Bible shall be a household book. The church that holds to the word of God is irreconcilably separated from Rome. Protestants were once thus apart from this great church of apostasy, but they have approached more nearly to her, and are still in the path of reconciliation to the Church of Rome. Rome never changes. Her principles have not altered in the least. She has not lessened the breach between herself and Protestants; they have done all the advancing. But what does this argue for the Protestantism of this day? It is the rejection of Bible truth which makes men approach to infidelity. It is a backsliding church that lessens the distance between itself and the Papacy. – ST February 19, 1894
Satan’s chief work is at the headquarters of our faith. He spares no pains to corrupt men in responsible positions and to persuade them to be unfaithful to their several trusts. He insinuates his suspicions and jealousies into the minds of those whose business it is to do God’s work faithfully. While God is testing and proving these helpers, and fitting them for their posts, Satan is doing his utmost to deceive and allure them, that they may not only be destroyed themselves, but may influence others to do wrong and to injure the great work. He seeks by all the means in his power to shake the confidence of God’s people in the voice of warning and reproof through which God designs to purify the church and prosper His cause. 4T 210.5
I am disgusted that the president Wilson took so much effort to shut down a discussion on Covid? As far as the hierarchy is concerned, they don’t want anyone to hear the other side of the issue.
What an absurdity ?!
Anti-science bewilderment is everywhere, and it happens in the Church as well, as exemplified by delegate Jonathan Zirkle.
Maybe next time the General Conference will vote whether the earth is flat or circle?
For your information, vaccines have never been proved safe or effective. Furthermore, Jonathan Zirkle and the other delegates were right to insist on an open discussion regarding the pro-vaccine policy of the church.
I enjoy your work, regards for all the good articles.