There is no such thing as “non-binary.” In Adventism, it has never occurred. This is a new sexual construct that requires everyone to learn a new LGBT+ approved language that’s much more “inclusive.” Those who fail to legitimize these new constructs will be fired or canceled for refusing to use the correct pronouns, as determined by the new “non-binary” class.
What has always existed in Adventist institutions is the two-class binary system. On one hand, you have males, and on the other hand, females, and biological sex is what determines what side you are on. Some men are more masculine than others, and some women are more feminine than others. But this range doesn’t change sexual designations. Today, both sex and gender and the language we use to define them are being confused. This is not complicated, but it’s the diversity consultants that have invaded the church that are creating new categories that are making this issue confusing.
For about 900 years, the Spanish language has always enjoyed unanimity. Not anymore. The word “alumnos” has always referred to male students while “alumnas” refers to female students. This has always been the case since the beginning of the Spanish language. The two words can be found in any Spanish dictionary and are defined as such, male and female.
The Dean of Chile Adventist University (UNACH), Pastor Mauricio Comte, has just introduced a new word to describe all of the students at the university. It is a word that is not known and isn’t even found in any official Spanish dictionary. On three different videos and at three different ceremonies, the Dean of UNACH, an ordained minister, didn’t use the traditional masculine or feminine terms when addressing the students, but opted for the new non-binary, LGBT+ approved term that is inclusive. The masculine “o” in “alumnos” and the feminine “a” in “alumnas” have been dropped.
“Alumnes” is the new term, which includes an “e” and is non-binary. Nobody knows what this word means because it doesn’t appear in any official historical book or document. It could refer to a boy, a girl, both, neither, or something else. However, this new word goes against long-established precedent and is being pushed by LGBT+ activists as a linguistic change to ensure gender equality and inclusion.
The government of Chile has turned left politically and is pushing the pro-LGBT+ agenda on all the schools. In the video below, you will see Pastor Mauricio Comte, Dean of Chile Adventist University make the following remarks:
“This year your university will be submitted to a new evaluation and institutional accreditation on behalf of the CNA (National Accreditation Commission). And we expect your support in the quality of alumnes (non-binary students). Thank you for being part of UNACH.” (YouTube video).
“Alumnes” has become the preferred choice among young people, members of the LGBT+ community, and those promoting the new inclusive languages. [1] [2] [3] [4] So in some places within Adventism, we no longer use the long-standing binary Spanish terms “alumnos” or “alumnas.” They are all now non-binary, gender neutral “alumnes.” What’s next? Will we no longer have “amigos” (friends who are boys) or “amigas” (friends who are girls)? Will we start referring to each other as “amiges”? The same can apply to dropping the phrase “hermanos” and “hermanas” (brothers and sisters) in Christ. We can now all be non-binary “hermanes.”
Truth is supposed to be explained by words. Running does not imply that you are sleeping. Walking isn’t the same as flying. The words we use must be consistent with what has been established culturally and historically. We begin to convey lies and misinformation and the language begins to break down if we don’t follow these simple principles, such as when I use the word “cold” to describe something “hot.” This happens whether I’m confused or just telling lies.
We are doing the same thing when we refer to men as “she” and women as “he.” This is the problem with the entire left-wing, LGBT+ ideology, as well as their subversion and confusion of language and culture. Where does it all end? It never does. Once we start bowing to the demands of the LGBT+ agenda, the list of expectations will continue to grow until we no longer recognize our schools and churches anymore.
God made us Male and Female. What the Harlot SDA Church is Doing is Blasphemy and Bowing to Satan’s Counterfeit of a Reality in Heaven. However Again there is a Crucial Difference. With God Remade Men and Women [ Perfect and Translated ] are Identified in Revelation as Men, Even though the Both Sexes Retain their Body Identity and Character. Their is No Wishy Washy Neither Here not their No mans Land Language.
The Harlot Church Bowing to Satan’s Homosexual Agenda is Blasphemy to God, and Confusing to all. Furthermore she has Snubbed her nose at God and Made Mockery of Gods Statement though Paul “There is Neither Male or Female”. When God Remakes us all Male and Female into Men at The Second Coming, We will be Identified as Men and Saints. We will not be ITS or Anything Else. Until God does this Work which is His Right and Prerogative alone to Do, we are MALE AND FEMALE. WE ARE MEN AND WOMEN! IT CANNOT BE OTHERWISE.
Aloha from the Island of Maui, SMK!
Dear brothers and sisters that are living stones – that make up the Remnant Ecclesia of the Living Stone.
The same principle of language can be applied to the terms, “Ecclesia” and “Church!”
They are NOT synonymous! Do an etymological study on these two different terms, to understand why our Lord was very specific when He chose to use the term “Ecclesia” instead of the Greek word “Kuriokos,” in English – “Church.”
When Emperor Constantine tried to “wed” the “Ecclesia” to the pagan religious “Church” system existing then, the Remnant “Ecclesia” of Living Stones, became “Cinderella!” You “see!”
Aloha, your brother in Christ,
Maka’ala Stone
This is Babylon – Confusion .
In 1973 American Psychiatric Association made history by issuing a resolution stating that homosexuality was not a mental illness or sickness. American Psychiatric Association (APA) voted, in 1973, to remove “Ego-syntonic Homosexuality” from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)
Since this behavior was no longer considered abnormal the LGBT + movement infested the world, demanding everyone’s acceptance of what God’s word clearly says is an abomination. What is really insane is that the church is viewing this as a civil rights issue rather than a moral issue. Although it really should not surprise anyone knowing that the GC was infiltrated by the Jesuit order of Catholicism, an organization notorious for protecting its homosexual pedophile priests. Just praying that Jesus comes soon to put an end to all of this madness.
This is what happens when our church and schools “hook up” with the government!!! I am so thankful that we do not have school age children, but, I pity our children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren that have to deal with this issue. When the hearts of “men” become continually wicked as it was in the days of Noah, then the Lord will come and put an end to all of this! I truly believe we are right on the verge of the second coming!!!
No parent “have to” deal with the issue, except by taking their children out of the schools and Home School them.
Совершенно согласна с тобой мой брат!
So sad to see our leaders embrace Satan’s doctrines; this is absolutely appalling. In my Opinion, when we see what these apostate conferences are doing we need to stop supporting them! To turn a blind eye and do nothing is supporting the Devil’s mission and I truly believe we will be held accountable. There are many other worthy SDA platforms that desperately need our support to faithfully spread the word of the Lord while time lasts.
Madam, God will Hold us to Account. The Laodicean Harlot Church is Corporately Responsible for the Above Crimes of the Amigos Above. The Only Way to Escape Gods Wrath is to Cancel G.C SDA Church membership of Local SDA Conference Church and Worship God at Home Churches of the Faithful.There is Nothing more that can be done for the SDA Denomination.
Бог предупреждал Лаодикийскую церковь! Вот теперь иполнилось то, о чём было сказано! Через Свидетельства Христа есть комментарий, где сказно, что Бог больше не принимает их богослужения, молитвы, толкования Слова Божьего. Мы живём прямо во время отвержения Лаодикии!!! Но дальше Свидетель предложил средства, которые помогут тем, кто эти средства согласится принять. Кто будет иметь веру, праведность и Святого Духа, тот станет ПОБЕДИТЕЛЕМ. Так говорит Библия.
EGW: We are not to let the world convert us; we are to strive most earnestly to convert the world. Christ has made it our privilege and duty to stand up for Him under all circumstances. {RH, August 17, 1897 par. 9}
Be strong in Jesus, brothers and sisters, hold the line. Our Savior is coming soon.