The History News Network publishes news on current events from prominent historians. On June 12, 2022, the History News Network published an article titled: “Should the USPS Honor the Sabbath, or Amazon?” The article addressed a new conflict that has arisen between the federal government and religious beliefs. The problem is related to mail delivery.
The US Postal Service signed an agreement with Amazon in 2013 to deliver mail on Sundays. They have been doing Sunday deliveries across the country for a while now, and it has been very profitable for the postal service. A Christian postal employee recently filed a lawsuit against Amazon, claiming that he needed Sundays off to attend church and practice his religious beliefs.
The 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Pennsylvania sided with Amazon and said that the religious observance of Sunday by some should not exempt postal workers from doing their job or delivering packages. The History News Network came out to express support for Sunday rest and said that postal clerks and carriers need rest due to their work conditions and heavy burdens. Notice what they published:
“The 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals decided that exempting postal carriers from Sunday shifts would burden other workers … Today, many postal clerks and carriers face high demands, short staffing, and untenable work conditions. On the surface, Amazon helped to mitigate the long-term effects of Congress underfunding USPS from 2006 to 2022, as well as competition with new communication technologies. Package delivery has become more important than ever for the longevity of USPS. However, while Amazon reaps the benefits, postal clerks and carriers literally carry the burden.” [1]
The History News Network then explains how people can successfully advocate for Sunday rest. They encourage people to campaign for Sunday not on the grounds of religious discrimination, but because of “labor rights” and the right to rest.
“The 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals’ decision proves that powerful corporations like Amazon have surpassed even Christian nationalism in the race to set postal policy. Instead of decrying religious discrimination, activists and people who simply want to enjoy their weekends should campaign for labor rights. This endeavor will require separating Christian morality from labor movements, which have historically been intertwined. Everyone deserves rest regardless of whether the rest is sacred.” [1]
Sunday is being promoted as a “right” to rest in order to hide its religious imperatives. That is exactly what is being said here. Don’t call it religious, even if the “rest is sacred.” Call it a labor problem. They are instructing people on how to implement a Sunday law in a post-modern secular society!
Are we prepared for the impending Sunday law crisis? These news items about the push for Sunday must be more than just a passing interest for us, because everyone is pleading for Sunday rest as the solution to all of our problems. Sunday rest has been endorsed by the Pope, Protestant churches, labor unions, the media, secular groups, environmental groups, and politicians worldwide. And the truth is that they are attempting to conceal the true purpose of these Sunday laws, which is remarkable given that God warned us that they would attempt to do so:
“The Sunday movement is now making its way in darkness. The leaders are concealing the true issue, and many who unite in the movement do not themselves see whither the undercurrent is tending” (Testimonies, Vol. 5, p. 452).
The provisions for Sunday rest are intended to encourage people to attend church on Sunday. Every week, more and more daily newspaper editorials, magazine publications, politicians, and religious leaders call for the reinstatement of the old Sunday laws. When we see the world united to spread Catholic doctrine (Sunday), it will only be a matter of time before we are thrust into Jacob’s time of trouble. The walls are closing in on us on every side. We must be extremely active and diligent in getting the truth to as many people as possible before probationary time ends. May God give each of us a burden to do His work right now.
Passover 2026 to be exact.
I really want to discuss this with someone
* considering Daniel 9:27 , the prince who is told there who will have a covenant with many for one week, I’m persuaded that this prophecy fulfilled in October 2021, when most of the world religious leaders (“representing at least 84% of the worlds population”) met in Vatican and signed a document prepared by the pope regarding climate change.
Considering that that prophecy is about the last seven years of the world, and in the middle of the seven years Daniel says that the prince will cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease,
the Sunday law would be passed mid 2024.
If any churchgoer on Earth should know better than to set dates in regards to prophecy, it is a Seventh-day Adventist. You are in great error, Brother.
Thus, our enemy doesn’t care whether it’s on the hand (rest from labor [and supported by labor unions]) or on your forehead (sacred rest [supported by 1st amendment]).
That’s the one thing that confused me in this, why would the 3rd circuit court of appeals not consider their requirement to uphold the constitution (1st amendment) but would succumb to labor unions? Is the appeals court, like the Supreme Court, tasked to weighing all things to uphold the constitution?
Not that I am for Sunday rest, I am just trying to understand. But I do understand that the article is emphasizing the secular supports (labor unions) are having more sway than the religious freedom (constitution) requirements.
Sunday movement is making it’s way in darkness
The Devil is not asleep as christians are. He is trying as hard as he can to conceal the real issue by starting with the labour laws aspect yet what he really desire is that Sunday must be established by the laws of men. Let us watch and pray for we are living in the very end of the edge. Shalom.
Personally I’d have loved to of had a shift working on a Sunday but I couldn’t because Catholic co-workers Always got those shifts,
back when I had a job that is…
Before they made posioning mandatory
No doubt that we are approaching S.L. quickly – how quickly only God knows. But, some scenarios much worse than this one will come soon.
However, we should not play with years, saying could be this or next year. Two things are most important about these last days events: sharing quickly 3 angels messages, and prepare spiritually our selves for the soon coming of our Savior Jesus Christ.
They are admitting that they want Sunday. They are not hiding their intentions. It is clear where this is headed to. We need to be awake with our lamps trim and burning.