Indonesia, which is home to the largest Muslim population in the world, is falling under the feet of Pope Francis. On September 3, 2024, Indonesian officials were seen bowing, kneeling, and kissing the Pope’s hand as he was greeted upon his arrival at Soekarno-Hatta International Airport in Tangerang. These acts of awe and reverence being shown to the Pope diminishes the unique and sacred position of God, who alone is deserving of such honor. Political figures who bow before the Pope demonstrate that they acknowledge his spiritual authority and recognize the Pope’s role and office that he plays on earth. Many also bow before the Pope, thinking that they will receive some kind of blessing because he is viewed as holding the highest position in the religious world.
By embracing the Pope of Rome, who believes in papal infallibility and supremacy, Muslims are erasing their own history. And what doctrines or policies has Rome changed to earn such a glorious embrace from Muslims in Indonesia? Absolutely nothing. Who has changed then? It is the entire world that is changing even as the Vatican remains the same. And yet the Pope receives a hero’s welcome. Tragically, they also welcome him as the divinely appointed ruler who will unite the world in peace and interfaith harmony through papal policies.
One must grasp the magnitude of what is happening before our eyes. The world is coming together with the “man of sin, the son of perdition” (2 Thessalonians 2:3). The division that once existed between Roman Catholics and Muslims during the Crusades has come to an end, even as the Pope still claims universal supremacy over all people. Rome has never repudiated any of her dogmas.
Today we witness Muslim political leaders coming together to pay tribute to Pope Francis as a viable, legitimate, and unifying authority. Under the future reign of Antichrist, all powers must kneel before Rome. Islam will soon cease to be a threat to the papacy. They will either submit or, like everyone else, they will cease to exist. The only Muslims left will be those who are ecumenical, and only those who have surrendered to Babylon, the mother of harlots.
Truly, all the world is wondering after the beast! With the conquest of Islam and Protestantism, who will stand in the way of Rome’s global aspirations? Seventh-day Adventists? We had better stand up against Rome’s plan to unite the world through ecumenism and interfaith dialog. The one great interfaith family described in Revelation Chapters 13, 17, and 18 is now being formed, and this alone should make us conscious of the signs of the times.
The end is near. Prophecy warns us that when we see the great religious bodies uniting, this act will precede the final conflict in the great controversy. In this conflict, Seventh-day Adventists cannot be neutral or ecumenical. Our message is even more needed today than in the past. The third angel’s message is more true and necessary in this generation than it has ever been. Now is not the time to abandon our post, turn back, and join the opposition. We must move forward with “the mighty, the most solemn, testing message ever given to the world” (Manuscript Release, Vol. 5, p. 314).