Rome’s influence continues to have a global impact as it works to close the gap between itself and all other religions. For decades, the Vatican has been trying to form a geopolitical and religious alliance with all different segments of society around the world. The plan is taking shape as Muslims have not only adopted Roman Catholic initiatives; they are also advancing them and giving their power and strength unto the beast of Bible prophecy.
According to an article published by NOLA Media Group on April 21, 2024, the Muslim world has adopted their own version of Laudato Si’ called “Al-Mizan,” which, according to the Roman Catholic leaders, is in line with and a counterpart to the Pope’s encyclical. Truly, the world is coming together as one.
NOLA Media Group published the following:
• “When Pope Francis released his encyclical on the environment, Laudato Si’, in 2015, Muslims, Hindus and other faith leaders joined Christians in dialogues in response to the pontiff’s powerful call to tend to climate change as a matter of faith. Now, nine years later, Islamic leaders have released a counterpart to the Vatican document.” [1]
• “The document was drafted by scholars and members of leading Islamic organizations, including the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, the Islamic Foundation for Ecology and Environmental Sciences and Uskudar University in Istanbul.” [1]
• “Christian leaders said the document struck a balance between the Islamic worldview and the Christian perspective, particularly that of the Catholic Church.” [1]
• “In many ways, ‘Al-Mizan’ is the Islamic equivalent to ‘Laudato Si’,’ the encyclical of Pope Francis, and more recently, the ‘Laudate Deum,’ a follow-up document,” Catholic Archbishop Hubertus van Megen, the apostolic nuncio in Kenya and South Sudan, told those gathered for the announcement. ‘Al-Mizan,’ although building entirely on its own profound Islamic tradition, resonates in many ways the teachings of ‘Laudato Si’.” [1]
• “In fact, I would like to invite all of you to read them in tandem, as they raise together a harmonious song of praise, who is the creator of the universe,” said van Megen.” [1]
Laudato Si’ is the foundation for the coming solidarity between Islam and Catholicism. Rome’s common ground philosophy, as defined in Laudato Si’, is what binds even the Protestant world to her. As Rome’s power and influence grows around the world, she will soon be able to implement any political or economic strategy that furthers her goals and aspirations. Rome is positioning herself to be the main negotiator and mediator on social and political issues, above all others. This is exactly what the prophecy predicts.
“And all the world wondered after the beast.” Revelation 13:3.
The Catholic crusades against Muslims are over, and Rome has come out on top. With 1.9 billion adherents, Islam has impeded the Pope’s aspirations to rule the world. Not anymore. Today, we are witnessing, in real time, how the Mohammedans are being led into captivity by Rome. Truly, the whole world is wondering after the beast! That is precisely what we are seeing today. The prophecies of Revelation Chapters 13, 17, and 18 are taking shape, and this should make us aware of the signs of the times. The end is near.
Prophecy warns us that when we see the great religious bodies uniting, this act will precede the final conflict in the great controversy. In this conflict, God’s people cannot be neutral or ecumenical. Our message is more important now than it has ever been. In fact, the closer we get to the end of time, the more spiritually significant the Third Angel’s Message becomes.
The Modern Environmental Movement is nothing more than old fashioned pagan mother earth worship wrapped up for the “sophisticated” modern man.
The awkward history of an Adventist prophecy naysayer:
“Protestants will NEVER unite with the Catholic church!”
[Protestantism declares the protest over in 2014]
“Denominational churches will NEVER set aside their differences and unite on points they have in common.”
[Ecumenicism becomes the driving force, denominational fundamentalism falls into oblivion]
“Protestants will NEVER form a church state!”
[Christian Nationalism becomes a visible political force in 2023 and is poised to hold the keys to the election in 2024]
“Okay so I didn’t see that coming but get real, USA will NEVER pass Sunday laws.”
[both political parties start talking about sabbath laws, one to stem declining national church attendance (2023) and the other to save the planet (2024)]
“Yeah yeah whatever but only a fool believes the Muslim world will ever align with the Catholi… wait, what just happened?!?”
After the hodgepodge is completed, the message of ” Come out of her my people” will have more power than before. Those who love God will not be confused about Rev 13. All of us are fulfilling prophesy. “All things work for good”; that’s what Paul says.
The question is who are you going to choose? Which side are you on. There is no gray line,no spectators. We are all part of this war, whether we are proactively fighting or decide to stand on the fence.
Those on the fence or who choose to be neutral will learn when it’s too late the choice they made without knowing it. Let’s fight on, this army cannot retreat, there will never be peace in a Christian’s life, but great is He with us than them. A Mighty Fortress is our God.