There are many positive developments taking place in Adventism today. This movement was raised and dedicated to the great work of evangelism. God Himself has set forth the imperative and urgency of His work. Now, more than ever, in this solemn moment of earth’s history, every gift and capacity for soul-winning needs to be put to use. Prophecy is fulfilling. We see the signs of the Lord’s return everywhere we look. Now is the time for the church to proclaim the glorious truth of God to every nation.
We are pleased to have Lloyd Claycomb, a Seventh-day Adventist who is fervent about spreading God’s last warning to every corner of the globe, for this interview. We pray that this discussion will inspire and motivate you to get involved and do something for our Saviour.
Andy Roman: Brother Lloyd Claycomb, thank you for doing this interview. Please tell us about yourself, how long you have been serving God, and what you feel God is calling you to do for His service.
Lloyd Claycomb: I am a 3rd generation SDA but became heavily involved with the world, operating multiple companies, including a publicly traded company. While spending over 40 years in business, the Lord blessed me, and we were able to accomplish many wonderful experiences traveling the world and the finer things of this life. However, while in the world, I was not IN CHRIST and was on dangerous ground, serving Satan. It’s even hard for me to write this, as I knew all along what the truth was but chose to be indifferent. All the years in the world, I always paid tithe and understood the truth; however, I did not have an active faith or a faith that represented Christ. Fortunately, He loved me enough to not let go, and it came down to where I was asked by the Holy Spirit what side I wanted to serve. Realizing this may very well be my last eternal decision, I chose to REPENT and return to our loving Saviour, Jesus. Having seen the effects of social media, especially TikTok, I decided to set up a platform whereby I could spread the Gospel and hopefully lead others to find Christ. The site is called and has both our TikTok and website.
Andy Roman: Will your evangelistic emphasis include the testing truths for this time, such as the Three Angels’ Message? What would you say to those who believe that the Third Angel’s Message is not for this time and that all we need to do is preach about Jesus?
Lloyd Claycomb: I would say to those SDAs and those in the world that “today is the day of salvation”; we are not promised tomorrow. More importantly, what we need to realize is that every decision we make, albeit small or large, impacts what our final decision will be after we see the soon-coming Sunday-honoring process come to fruition. Baby steps seem innocent, but they have a significant impact on whether or not we are “settling into the truth” or moving further into a darkness where we will not be able to again find the light.
Andy Roman: We hear about a lot of interesting things happening on TikTok. What inspired you to do this, and what do you hope to accomplish with God’s help?
Lloyd Claycomb: God most definitely led me to TikTok and allowed me to set up a platform to spread the good news that the Judgement not only has begun but is about to conclude, and there will be NO MORE second chances. Many SDAs are sitting on the sidelines, waiting until they see the Sunday law to make a final decision. However, Matthew 25 makes it very clear that when the unprepared virgins wake up, they will lack the oil to make it to the wedding and will forgo their eternal life because they missed the opportunity to grow in faith and belief.
Andy Roman: What are your feelings about the current ecumenical movement, which teaches us not to focus on truth and to forget about the past while bringing everyone together?
Lloyd Claycomb: This is clearly another deception and distraction produced by Satan and his evil angels. The bottom line is that people do not want to give up this world and their fleshly desires for obedience. This was clearly prognosticated 135 years ago, and we now see the deadly wound finally being healed and the Roman Catholic Church fully circumferencing the entire world and every religion and religious leader promoting this union, which includes their pagan doctrines, while no longer giving any more protest. Every reformer who knew the Bible well – as bright theologians – some of whom were strong in the Catholic faith, recognized that the papal system was the antichrist.
Andy Roman: What are your thoughts about the book The Great Controversy? Is this book a safe and sure template for the future? Or is it time to revise our views about the end times, as some voices have expressed?
Lloyd Claycomb: The Great Controversy book scared Satan the most, as he fought viciously to prevent it from surfacing. It has most likely single-handedly brought hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of followers to the truth. Unfortunately, in the fast-paced, financially burdened world we live in, most people will not take the time to read a long book like this. Therefore, the ministries have produced multiple biblical videos that are shorter and more entertaining to weak-minded and non-interested people who don’t seem to have the time to really search for the truth. I have supported and will continue to support one such ministry called “Hope Through Prophecy.” Pastor Dustin Prestin does an amazing job exposing salvation issues for these last days on his YouTube channel. We have no reason to change our message, as it will go through till the end, as God is the same today, yesterday, and tomorrow.
Andy Roman: How can someone who wants to follow you find you? Also, what final words of encouragement do you have for anyone who wants to share our message with others?
Lloyd Claycomb: Our TikTok and website channels are the same: There you can find our Bible studies, videos, three angels’ messages, a sign-up for Bible studies, and how to ask questions and get more information. On TikTok, we go live every Tuesday and Thursday at 6:30 PM Eastern Standard Time, where we have a variety of live guests, Bible studies, and opportunities to hear the truth.
Our own SDA people need to be evangelized as much, or more, than the world.
How long since most of them have read The Great Controversy?
How many of them even accept God’s messenger any more?
Very true. We appear to be connected to everything in this world but the will of God.
Very good message here by Brother Lloyd. We must keep our eyes on Jesus and love the truth and worship in Spirit&Truth. I thank God for His Mercy and love and goodness and patience.
Beautiful message brother Lloyd, thank you for spreading the 3 Angels message, and doing the Lords work. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼