On June 28, 2022, we spoke with Saved to Serve Ministry about Ted Wilson’s and Ganoune Diop’s ecumenical lunch, the book “Let Mutual Love Continue,” and other topics.
News and commentary from a Biblical world view on current events, top stories, social trends and political and religious events.
An excellent interview,thank you…
Thank you Jason, it was a blessing seeing you and your family in St. Louis. Blessings!
Thank You for telling us the truth.
Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith. Jesus is the only truth. How do we continue to reach out to the hurting world around us? We disciple them in Jesus Christ. He must be our identity, not any ism. I was at the 2010 GC Session. I experienced the lack of love and the tyranny that brought TW in to office. I found people I knew crying in the halls and saying that this was a very sad day for Adventism. I sat on the side by the stage and watched the anger in TW as he denounced the sermon preached the night before by a wonderful Pastor from Trinidad, based on Acts 10. The stone cut out without human hands will replace all kingdoms of this world. Hallelujah!!!
Yes indeed!
Counting the costs: Choice “A”–Confront the apostasy. Choice “B”–Go to an ecumenical luncheon and clink glasses with the prophets of Ba’al. Both choices come with a price. Suffering comes now, or it comes later.
Andrew, the glory? Is it still there? ICHABOD! Finish the sentence.
The glory has departed from Israel. Confront the apostasy in the Spirit of the Lord. The suffering that comes later is far worse.
We may accuse Pastor Ted Wilson about having an ecumenical lunch with some ecumenical representative from Rome, but tell me who else may be a witness to such people and Pope too, if not Pastor Wilson and his team. However, if you want to know more about this topic and his message, please listen very carefully, again and again, his sermon on Sabbath morning and you will know more who is Pastor Wilson. His message is awesome!
Ahem. lol. Were not Lucifer and his fellows Holy, and made holy, by God? Were they not removed from heaven because of deception being liars? Was Cora sanctified as part of the chosen people of God? And did not the earth open up and swallow all of them?? How many good sermons must one produce to remain righteous in your eyes, all the while acting against what he preaches?
It’s kinda the definition of lying, saying one thing and doing something else.
So, if that’s the President of this denomination and your proud of that fact, amen. Prophecy be fulfilled, even the very elect will be fooled through deception. – that oh by the way isn’t case specific buy a broad and general statement. Satan deceives all by any method or means. Jesus said we’re to know them by their fruits. Ted’s fruits aren’t His good words but the developments surrounding him. Lunches, interfaith mingling, unfulfilled statements like distributing the great controversy en masse to particular areas- these are the rotten fruits hanging from an otherwise fruitless fig tree.
Praise no man but God only.
This is not really about personal accusation, it is about apostasy which we are told to confront by the testimony of Jesus.
Well done Advent Messenger & Saved to Serve, I feel like Elder Wilson has gas lighted Seventh Day Adventist for years now often saying the right things but often being caught acting unusual,
Personally feel like we’re in an abusive relationship with him and now I’m stuck having my own museum of Elder Wilson weirdness,
Giant security details when visiting SDA churches, spiritualism at Gateway, Great Controversy Project, “TMOTB is any day other then The 7th day Sabbath” comment,
“No Sunday law in the pipeline”, shares in guns n ammunitions….
75 million reasons not to give exemptions, being carried like he’s a pharoah when going abroad, dressing up in regalia, Masonic hand shakes, showing appreciation for Roseacrucian flower arrangements,
Eccumenism at Russia, Brazil, This Eccumenical book meeting,
Zero comments on blatant Apostasy from Prominent persons in SDA institutions, never correcting error filled articles like “letting Rome off the Hook” or addressing Diop’s friendship with Jesuits and meeting with Pope, etc etc, it’s not a great picture Elder Wilson has painted for Seventh Day Adventist.
Many of these photos are misleading right… I don’t think that Ted Wilson is standing with the pope as the photo depicts. The sins of the President exposed to the public doesn’t help him or the public. Share your concerns with Ted Wilson and Dr. Diop. Matthew 18 still works… prayerfully submitted
Interesting you assume we all have access to them, when He visited Wahroonga church there was a giant security detail there to keep unwanted visitors away I guess,
It’s good you know about Matthew 18 personal sins,
do you know these other two witnesses that touch on corporate sins as well?
1 Timothy 5:20 KJV
“Them that sin rebuke before all, that others also may fear.”
Isaiah 58:1 KJV
“Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and shew my people their transgression, and the house of Jacob their sins.”
The president probably has an email. I have reached out to a few key people about errors I have seen. When you write in a spirit of love as God leads you, they will answer. I personally spoke to Dr. Diop a few weeks ago at South Central Campmeeting. I haven’t heard Christ lifting up in his teachings of Revelation in such a long time. His demeanor was non condemning even of those that slander his name. Its amazing… Mathew 18 still works.
Ellen G White
We may make mistakes, and we may have to “admonish one another.” [Verse 14.] But there has come into the churches at Oakland and the surrounding community a spirit of backbiting, of faultfinding and evil speaking, which demonstrates that you are not converted. Words are uttered that never should pass the lips of a Christian. My brethren and sisters, when you have nothing better to speak of than something about the faults of others, remember that “silence is eloquence.” Cease to dwell upon the shortcomings of others. Keep the tongue sanctified unto God. Refrain from saying anything that might detract from the influence of another; for by indulging in these words of criticism, you blaspheme God’s holy name as verily as you would were you to swear. I am instructed to present these things before you, that you may see how you dishonor the name of Christ Jesus. 2l LTMS 95 1906
We have the testimony of Jesus that reveals the truth of apostasy which exists in our church. If we read the testimonies, and think and observe the signs of our times, a few facts revealed in love will go a long way. These men are lifting up their voices like a trumpet and showing God’s people their sins. Would silence have been eloquence for Ellen G. White? I don’t think so. It would have been her downfall. This isn’t shortcomings , this is apostasy! I don’t think outward demeanor is a very adequate indicator of character, except with our Lord. I really don’t see this as criticism. Those who have not studied the testimonies for themselves must be warned.
Andy Roman, thank you, your articles have opened my eyes — I do believe now that Ted Wilson is in apostasy. Not a doubt in my mind. These three statements from that February 19, 1894 Signs of the Times article, Romanism the Religion of Human Nature, make it abundantly clear. My first time to read this article in full, these three paragraphs a real eye opener:
The church that holds to the word of God is irreconcilably separated from Rome. Protestants were once thus apart from this great church of apostasy, but they have approached more nearly to her, and are still in the path of reconciliation to the Church of Rome. Rome never changes. Her principles have not altered in the least. She has not lessened the breach between herself and Protestants; they have done all the advancing.
It is souls like Luther, Cranmer, Ridley, Hooper, and the thousands of noble men who were martyrs for the truth’s sake, who are the true Protestants. They stood as faithful sentinels of truth, declaring that Protestantism is incapable of union with Romanism, but must be as far separated from the principles of the Papacy as is the east from the west. Such advocates of truth could no more harmonize with “the man of sin” than could Christ and his apostles.
The voice of Luther, that echoed in mountains and valleys, that shook Europe as with an earthquake, summoned forth an army of noble apostles of Jesus, and the truth they advocated could not be silenced by fagots, by tortures, by dungeons, by death; and still the voices of the noble army of martyrs are telling us that the Roman power is the predicted apostasy of the last days, the mystery of iniquity which Paul saw beginning to work even in his day. Roman Catholicism is rapidly gaining ground. Popery is on the increase, and those who have turned their ears away from hearing the truth are listening to her delusive fables. Papal chapels, papal colleges, nunneries, and monasteries are on the increase, and the Protestant world seems to be asleep. Protestants are losing the mark of distinction that distinguished them from the world, and they are lessening the distance between themselves and the Roman power. They have turned away their ears from hearing the truth; they have been unwilling to accept light which God shed upon their pathway, and are therefore going into darkness.
Hope is coming for the world if 144,000 can unify.
well,is sad when we place a comment about Br Wilson lunch with the Catholic Church. years back this event was nothing to argue about but today is different. I remember that in Puerto Rico that type of lunch was required for you to be considered even to be ordain. So, where are we going with this? are we defending or are we attacking?
I am not really seeing an attack here, other than a re-statement of the ones given in “The Great Controversy”, which I defend. No need to add or take away. These men are pointing out apostasy in high places, not arguing at all, just protesting as we have been called to do.
well,is sad when we place a comment about Br Wilson lunch with the Catholic Church. years back this event was nothing to argue about but today is different. I remember that in Puerto Rico that type of lunch was required for you to be considered even to be ordain. So, where are we going with this? are we defending or are we attacking?