On June 12, 2022, we talked with Saved to Serve Ministry about some of the highlights from the 61st General Conference Session, both the good and the challenges.
News and commentary from a Biblical world view on current events, top stories, social trends and political and religious events.
I am concerned about the proceedings at this 61th session. Ted Wilson is leaning over to the side of the Jesuits and I am not afraid to say that. He has not answered my letter to him regarding the covid scamdemic which I wrote to him during this time last year. To be honest, I have no respect for Ted Wilson and his chosen crew.
Respect for authority, whether spiritual or secular, should always be yours.
Solely out of respect for the government of God and Christ. (According to the Bible)
But (!) Don’t act like them.
Act and speak as you should (no matter what the others say) kindly point out that > according to the scriptures (Moses) and the prophets (… & EGW) they cannot do this or that; without influencing your conscience before God.
>> If the spirit of Christ does His work in you and this becomes visible through you (your actions), then the upper (superiors) will act. { in the last step: put in front of the door (excommunicate) }
Then you can be sure that the Spirit of God will guide you to walk another way (His way). He will never leave you or let you be on your own.
“ That these men should stand in a sacred place, to be the voice of God to the people, as we once believed the GC to be that is past “ Last Day Events 50:4
“ If the church of God becomes lukewarm, it does NOT stand in favor with God anymore than do the churches that are represented as having fallen & become the habitation of devils & the hold of every foul spirit & the cage of every unclean & hateful bird “
Letter 35, 1898 pg 6-7
“ It has been some years since I have considered the GC as the voice of God “ MR 17:216 ( 1898)
Thank you
Anthony Cedric Adjei
Slowly and regretfully Christ left for we the precinets of the temple. DA 626
Ten Countries Without SDA’s
Tokelau, South Pacific Division
Population: 1500
2. Brunei, Southern Asia Pacific Division
Population: 428,000
3. Comoros, Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division
Population: 813,000
4. Djibouti, East-Central Africa Division
Population: 957,000
5. Falkland Islands, South American Division
Population: 3400
6. Maldives, Southern Asia Division
Population: 436,000
7. Monaco, Inter-European Division
Population: 38,000
8. Iran, Middle East and North Africa Union
Population: 81,000,000
9. Jersey, Trans-European Division
Population: 100,000
10. Somalia, East-Central Africa Division
According to President’s Wilson explanation, the flags of these nations should be flown as well.
“Two cannot walk together unless they agree”.
Hopefully we will all agree that after many SDA have fallen during the COVID crisis our church is not anymore a monolith structure. So what are the future prospects of our unity pertaining to the current situation? How should we relate to it? Should we simply come along with it accepting is as their personal choice and leave it there? We make all kind of choices every day like what shoes we are going ot ware or what kind of vegetables we are going to eat etc. Some are spiritually irrelevant while on others depend future projects of our fellowship with Jesus. What kind of decision was the one to succumb to coercion of worldly authorities and violate
freedom of conscience for sake of mere physical existence?
Did it have any impact on a person’s communion with God?
Here is what the World of God says:
Romans 6:16 Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness?
The key word here is obedience which means worship. Paul uses here word WHOM instead of WHAT which indicates a person rather than an inanimate object. So whom have those who bowed down to the mandates worshipped?
Consider what SoP says about Christ’s kingdom compared to the kingdoms of this world:
“EARTHLY KINGDOMS ARE ESTABLISHED AND UPHELD BY PHYSICAL FORCE, but this was not to be the foundation of the Messiah’s kingdom. In the establishment of his government no carnal weapons were to be used, no COERCION practised; no ATTEMPT would be made TO FORCE THE CONSCIENCES OF MEN. THESE ARE THE PRINCIPLES USED BY THE PRINCE OF DARKNESS for the government of his kingdom.”
So who was behind the coercion to take the vaccine? Whom have they worshipped by obeying government’s mandate?
Is it sin to obey or “worship” Satan?
Dear brothers and sister we have a work to do because God doesn’t want anybody to perish but to have everlasting life in Christ Jesus.
Here is what it is
Isaiah 58:1 CRY ALOUD, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and SHEW MY PEOPLE THEIR TRANSGRESSION, and the house of Jacob their sins.
It has first to start from the House of God.
2 Corinthians 3:17 Now the Lord is that Spirit: and WHERE THE SPIRIT OF THE LORD IS, THERE IS LIBERTY.
Ten countries without Seventh-day Adventists? Maybe that is because there are more true Christians there compared to the “Adventism” coming from the GC.
I am a retired commercial pilot, flight instructor, and FAA accident safety prevention specialist. FAA rules as I recall were that you were not allowed to take any drug or treatment unless it was adequately tested for a minimum of 3 years and if it was an entirely new technology (like the mRNA vaccinations) a minimum of 5 years. This was all ignored and it was forced on the pilots or they would lose their jobs! Some pilots had heart attacks (even in the cockpit), others myocarditis, etc.
unfortunately the church also sold its members down the river with no paddle. So much for religious Liberty!
Like in WW1 and WW2 in Germany the church United with the state in violation of the 6th commandment, the sermon on the mount, Jesus’ words of loving our enemies, etc. Members reported their own brethren to the Gestapo….
I ask: Who is better? The Mennonite who breaks the 4th commandment or the SDA who breaks the 6th? We cannot claim to be God’s remnant if we don’t love him and keep all his command-ments (Rev.12:17; 1John2:3,4,6)!
Brethren : Come out of apostasy so you don’t receive of her plagues. God will judge the fallen compromised churches including the SDA church! We who know more truth will be held more accountable!