The Joe Biden administration’s vaccine mandate went into effect yesterday. Private companies with over 100 employees must require their workers to either get vaccinated, submit to weekly testing, or face heavy fines. About 80 million workers will be affected. The US Supreme Court on Friday heard challenges opposing the vaccine mandates. However, no decision has yet been made.
That didn’t stop Pope Francis from joining in on the debate. On the same day that Joe Biden’s vaccine mandate came into force, Pope Francis spoke to the 183 ambassadors from across the world who have diplomatic ties with the Vatican. During the meeting, he urged foreign leaders to vaccinate their citizens. The Pope declared:
“Vaccines are not a magical means of healing, yet surely they represent, in addition to other treatments that need to be developed, the most reasonable solution for the prevention of the disease.” [1]
“In the end, a comprehensive commitment on the part of the international community is necessary, so that the entire world population can have equal access to essential medical care and vaccines.” [1]
“In particular, I would urge all states, who are working to establish an international instrument on pandemic preparedness and response under the aegis of the World Health Organization, to adopt a policy of generous sharing as a key principle to guarantee everyone access to diagnostic tools, vaccines and drugs.” [1]
This is exactly how the mark of the beast will be imposed. All nations will be “urged” to accept the mark, and the United States will comply with the plan and force it on the rest of the world. Adventists know from Bible prophecy that an unprecedented battle is taking place, with two sides: God’s and Satan’s. Even the most casual observer of current events can see that, rather than teaching the gospel of Christ, a supposedly “religious” power is dictating policies to the nations of the world. The Pope is not pleading with the world to repent and seek forgiveness from God because of sin. No, he wants to create an “international instrument” to force vaccines on the entire planet.
The Pope’s remarks on climate change, pandemics, economics, Sunday rest, and ecumenism are appalling. His beliefs are infected with globalist philosophy, and he has plainly become their spokesperson. He’s Karl Marx dressed as a pope, and he’s attempting to unite the masses in the same way that the beast will join the false prophet and the earthly rulers and merchants, as foretold in the book of Revelation. Why does the world follow him? Why do the churches support him? The entire world is admiring not just a man, but the Antichrist. This Pope has gone well beyond the confines of the gospel and has become, in my opinion, a political figure attempting to influence the outcome of the United States Supreme Court.
Everything Rome does is calculated. It’s no coincidence that these comments were said at a time when our country is facing one of its most crucial decisions. And, while this vaccine showdown is currently taking place in the United States, the Pope has just “urged” all nations to essentially mandate vaccinations. We will face worldwide tyranny like never before if the “Catholic” Supreme Court heeds his call.
“God’s Word has given warning of the impending danger; let this be unheeded, and the Protestant world will learn what the purposes of Rome really are, only when it is too late to escape the snare. She is silently growing into power. Her doctrines are exerting their influence in legislative halls, in the churches, and in the hearts of men. She is piling up her lofty and massive structures, in the secret recesses of which her former persecutions will be repeated. Stealthily and unsuspectedly she is strengthening her forces to further her own ends when the time shall come for her to strike. All that she desires is vantage-ground, and this is already being given her. We shall soon see and shall feel what the purpose of the Roman element is. Whoever shall believe and obey the Word of God will thereby incur reproach and persecution” (Great Controversy, p, 581).
The end is near but most of us , we are blind
Last year, on the month of may 7 the vatican website wrote an article indicating how papacy used vaccination as a tool to coerce people in all papal states to accept vaccination against small pox . Punishments and rewards were offered to both sides recalciltrant and those who complied back to 200 years ago during the end of dark ages. Edward Jenner who was a jesuit was the father of modern vaccinations. The hesitant citizens were regarded as rebellious against civil authorities and all the poor and prisoners were innoculated forcefully.Refusing vaccinations was considered as reprehensible conduct punishable by loss of benefits.The legistlation was to be put in place inorder to obtain services, bonds, and premiums one had to produce a certificate showing the applicant had a proof of vaccination. So ,is history just repeating itself before our eyes the same thing that used to happen the dark ages of 1260 years is now coming to fruitation . World Health Organization an organ of the U.N is under the papacy . The papacy says by getting the covid 19 vaccination you are promoting common good and when you read catholic catechism article paragraph 2188 it says Common Good is Sunday observance by the law. The papacy is closely looking to achieve their long desired goal just like it was during the dark ages to get worship and regain its former glory. The way covid mandates are advocated by the government it is just the same way sunday law is going to be mandated.The covid vaccines are made with serum with two ingredients aborted foetuses and pig cells . Catholics and protestants are being innoculated with unclean foods and they have no problem with that because their clergy don’t warn abut what God forbids against unclean foods. These vaccination are meant to cause people to violate their conscience and take a certain religious decision to go direct against God inoder to disregard the God’s commandments including the sabbath.Many adventists are aware and educated to know what to eat ; drink; because we have the health message bu it’s unfortunate many have been deceived to believe the government lies and propaganda and have gone to receive the jab so that they can secure their jobs and neccesities of life . The hebrew boys passed the health test because they refused to eat filthy and abomination foods of king of Babylon and hence they passed the first test of health because our bodies are temples of the holy spirit 1 corinthians 3;16. The second test they had no problem because they could not bow to worship a spurious golden image instead they vowed to worship God of Israel Likewise the same applies to us Seventh Day Adventists if we comply with covid 19 vaccine mandates then it will be easy for us not to refuse climate change sunday mandate lockdowns.
Yes, seems like I read this somewhere else recently. Popes, when still with much political authority, have been mandating vaccines for several hundred years. I really don’t think any of them have the smarts to fully comprehend or orchestrate any of this on their own. They are being “coached” by the evil genius, Ha Satan.
Veeery true ..its natural for papacy to use force on so called heretics..but their end is coming and none shall help them
It is amazing that people do not question what is in the vaccine! I did not know that there were “pigs” in it. That is something new to me. However, no matter what, I will not take the vaccine. It will kill more people than the viruses!!! This is all about population control, not about getting rid of these viruses. I have not heard of one death from the Omicron virus, but, the government wants you to get a vaccine for it. Wake up people. It is all about total control.
Satan, the pope, and our government are all in on this. Depopulate the earth and it will be easier to destroy God’s people from off the face of the earth. I am so happy and calm, since I know who is really in control. God is greater than any man on this earth.
Il est écrit que Dieu dit:arrêtez et sachez que je suis DIEU,il dit aussi,que mes arrêts subsiste à toujours,l’homme essaie de détourné la loi de Dieu,en faisant des contrefaçons pour prendre aux pièges tout ceux qui ne sont pas sous la protection de Dieu,mais l’heure viendra ou le maître de l’univers mettra un frein à toutes ses méchancetés gratuites faites aux humains créer par DIEU.La loi de Dieu est méprisé,piétiné,salie,ce qui arriva au mont Sinaï,pour les rebelles arrivera aussi à tout ceux qui rejettent les commandements de Dieu.Les grands de ce monde se croient intouchables,mais le dernier mot appartient à Dieu,le seul juste juge.
D.A.R.E. To be different. Just say no to drugs… big government, the pope & Catholic church, and temptation
All praises, glory, honor, and thanksgiving be to our ever living, loving, merciful God of us all that He never fails nor abandon us..We truly trust, depends and relys upon Him and Him alone no other else..He is our supreme Omnipotent God in heaven and of the whole universe..My people are being destroyed by their lack of heavenly knowledge that pertains to heavenly eternal values..May our loving merciful God be with us all in JESUS CHRIST MOST GLORIOUS EXALTED POWERFUL HOLY NAME..Amen
Que certains pensent encore aujourd’hui que ce virus est le fait du hasard ou d’un accident ,est malheureusement un manque de discernement et de réalisme. Il n’y a dans toutes ces épidémies rien de naturel, ce virus a été créé par des hommes en laboratoire par des hommes servants les intérêts de la papauté via le système des sociétés secrètes maçonniques et autres, dont leur chef est le vicaire de Rome. Toutes les sociétés secrètes humanistes ont pour origine les différents corps monastiques de Rome et l’accès aux hautes fonctions et positions sociales et autres sur cette terre sont pour leurs adeptes : politiques,sciences, finances, sports,ONG,dignitaires religieux et autres. Et tous ces vaccins étaient déjà créés bien avant la pandémie, nous assistons à l’échelle mondiale à une pièce de théâtre extraordinaire qui a pour but de mettre en place les éléments qui mettent en place les plans de Satan, c’est-à-dire, remettre la gouvernance de cette planète à la bête. La position la conférence générale me désole terriblement, mais je ne suis pas naïf et constate que le plan de Rome visait particulièrement l’église adventiste du 7 jour car c’est la seule qui observe les commandements de Dieu et le témoignage de Jésus Christ sur le plan dogmatique. Mais gloire à Dieu car il a toujours un reste qui sera toujours fidèle à son Créateur pour la mission. Restons ferme et fidèle car c’est le début des événements et proclamons le message des trois anges avec force en Jésus Christ.