On November 12, 2021, the Director of Jesuit Missions in the UK, Paul Chitnis, spoke to Vatican News and revealed that Pope Francis’ Catholic social teachings contained in his encyclical on climate change, Laudato Si’, had made a “significant” impact at COP26. However, he “lamented” that after two weeks of discussions by nearly 200 countries represented at COP26, the nations needed to “set tougher climate pledges” because the final draft was “watered down.” Jesuit director Paul Chitnis also expressed that the voice of the “faith communities” was not “not sufficiently addressed” at COP26. He said that the “role of faith communities is absolutely fundamental” in combating climate change:
“Pope Francis’ leadership on this issue, particularly through Laudato si’, has been ‘enormous and highly significant’ and this was noted at the COP26 summit. However, one of the things that have not been addressed enough at the conference, he lamented, has been the need for an “interior change” and this, he said, “is where the faith communities have something really important to say.” He also stressed that “the role of the faith communities is absolutely fundamental in keeping this 1.5-degree limit to global warming alive.” [1]
“The role of faith,” according to Chitnis, is “absolutely fundamental” to reaching the “1.5 degree limit to global warming.” Here we have a prominent Jesuit leader telling us that “faith” will save us from the climate crisis. Whose faith and whose role will save planet earth? Rome’s of course. They do not seek faith in the word of God, but faith in the first beast of Revelation 13. The first beast of Revelation 13 wants the entire world to honor her. This will happen when the United States enforces the decrees of the first beast in the world (Revelation 13:2). This is exactly what we see Rome asking for. The Jesuits regret that COP26 did not go far enough because the nations failed to heed the voice of the church. They want everyone – politicians, religious leaders and business leaders to come together and establish a close working relationship on the doctrines of Rome. We know from prophecy that this refers to a Sunday law.
The Jesuits want climate solutions to be based solely on the teachings of the church. They wanted Laudato Si’ to be the exclusive answer for COP26. Although the world is calling the climate crisis the most important problem facing humanity, Rome was not entirely happy because, according to Jesuit Paul Chitnis, “there are still a host of issues the nearly 200 countries represented at COP26 disagree on.” Chitins said the promise to reduce emissions that was adopted at COP26 was not enough to limit “global warming at 1.5 degrees above pre-industrial levels.” This means, according to Chitnis, that we will still see devastating “sea levels rise, droughts, storms, floods and wildfires.” [1]
It is clear to see that the so-called climate crisis is being created to help bring about the green Sunday Law. Sunday, the counterfeit Sabbath, the mark of apostasy, is being disguised as the solution to save our society from destruction. All this continuing agitation for Laudato Si’ is Rome’s master plan to conceal its true intention and establish its ecclesiastical supremacy throughout the world. Pope Francis has dedicated his pontificate to promoting Laudato Si’ and the nations are promising to do the same. They are planning to save the world together. Rome, the first beast of Revelation 13, wants the kings of the earth to promote the Pope’s green Sunday law. Will we soon see the final sell-out of all our civil and religious liberties?
Even if Rome didn’t accomplish everything they wanted at COP26 (Praise the Lord!), we know that change is coming and strategies are being devised and plans are being made to undermine our long-standing values of liberty and freedom through a National Sunday Law. It’s coming. There is no doubt about that. What we need now is for God’s people to finish the work that has been entrusted to us. It is the Remnant people of Revelation 12:17 who need to fulfill their God-given prophetic role while there is still time.
[1] https://www.vaticannews.va/en/church/news/2021-11/cop26-new-draft-urges-bolder-climate-action.html
Bonjour,mais où étaient tout ses gens quand Dieu créa le monde,pour se permettre de prendre des décisions comme sa,et se prendre pour je ne sais qui?Vraiment l’homme est aveugler,et avide de pouvoir,alors que c’est Dieu qui dirige tout,il les laissent à leur folie,qui se retournera contre eux même,et Dieu lui même à fixer un jour,et mis un arrêt,pour les arrêter dans leur folie,certains devraient se rappeler de l’histoire de Pharaon,qui défia Dieu dans toute son arrogance,nul souverain à atteint son degré,mais Dieu lui fit comprendre qui était,et qui est toujours le chef,et que nul ne peux le défier au péril de sa vie,ils finirent tous cavaliers,chevaux ect… dans les profondeurs de la mer,pour recevoir leur récompense,au jour du jugement.Tout ce qui se trame dans les ténèbres,n’a rien pour nous rassurez,et Dieu mettra tout cela au grand jour.Persévérons dans la prière,car l’heure du jugement approche.
could someone translate this into English?
Hello, but where were all his people when God created the world, to allow himself to make decisions like his, and to think of himself as I do not know who? Truly man is blind, and greedy for power, whereas it is God who directs everything, he leaves them to their madness, which will turn against them even, and God himself to set a day, and put a stop, to stop them in their madness, some should remember the story of Pharaoh , who challenged God in all his arrogance, no sovereign has reached his degree, but God made him understand who was, and who is still the leader, and that no one can challenge him at the risk of his life, they all ended up riders, horses ect … in the depths of the sea, to receive their reward, on the day of judgment. Everything that is brewing in the darkness, has nothing to reassure us, and God will bring all this to light. for the hour of judgment is approaching.