On Thursday, February 3, 2022, at the National Prayer Breakfast, President Joe Biden used his speech to make an appeal for unity. Biden acknowledged the division that has paralyzed and polarized members of the US Congress. As a result, the President’s speech to opposing political parties and to the general public was a rallying cry to unify around the “common good,” the Catholic social doctrine that is the basis of Pope Francis’s solutions for our world.
Joe Biden said:
“The issue for us is unity. How do we unite us again? Unity is illusive but it’s really actually necessary. Unity doesn’t mean that we have to agree on everything, but unity is where enough of us believe in a core of basic things, the common good.” (YouTube video).
Joe Biden is pushing the “common good,” which is the embodiment of social policies being championed by Pope Francis. The “common good” is a code word to convey the need to sacrifice personal values of liberty and freedom for the benefit of society. For Roman Catholics, the “common good” is a commitment to the Catholic social teachings that the Vatican has defined as necessary to save society from destruction. And what are those solutions?
The term “common good” appears 30 times in Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si’ and the Pope defines this “common good” as:
“Common good or to integral and sustainable human development.” (Laudato Si’ #18).
“The climate is a common good, belonging to all and meant for all.” (Laudato Si’ #23).
“An integral ecology is inseparable from the notion of the common good.” (Laudato Si’ #156).
“Love for society and commitment to the common good are outstanding expressions of a charity which affects not only relationships between individuals but also macro-relationships, social, economic and political ones.” (Laudato Si’ #231).
The “global common good” pushed by Pope Francis means sacrificing your personal or national interest for the sake of international “progress.”
“International negotiations cannot make significant progress due to positions taken by countries which place their national interests above the global common good.” (Laudato Si’ #169).
We also know that Laudato Si’ calls for the implementation of a green Sunday law to address the so-called climate crisis (See Laudato Si’ #237). Sunday, the counterfeit Sabbath, the mark of apostasy, is being disguised as the solution to save our society from destruction. All this continuing agitation for a work-free Sunday, Sunday rest for the family, Climate Sunday, and the Green Sunday is Rome’s great strategy to conceal its true intentions, establish a National Sunday Law, and assert its ecclesiastical authority over the world.
And now, at the 2022 National Prayer Breakfast, President Joe Biden is calling for the nation to unite for the “common good.” This is a clarion call for the Washington, DC political parties. It’s also a battle cry for all churches and people across the United States. The writing is clearly on the wall.
The United States is in a position of power to make not only this nation, but the entire world, honor the first beast, the papacy, by enforcing its decrees (Revelation 13:2). According to Bible prophecy politicians, religious leaders, and business leaders will heed the call to heal the deadly wound for the sake of the “common good” (Revelation 13:3).
The only missing piece of the puzzle is for a sitting president of the United States to start advocating for a Sunday law. This demand for the “common good,” delivered by a sitting US President today, is technically a call to lead our country in that direction.
There’s nothing good about the common good, and who decides what is good? Our Government, the RCC, and the UN are nothing more than thieves.
Right on.
Proverbs 14:34 Righteousness exalteth a Nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.
The prophetic pendulum is shifting from europe to north america; most european governments have church state system while the us government is formed to separate church and state. The prophecy is fast fulfilling and even a casual observer can be able to see that something extra ordinary is about to take place. When you hear statements from people like Joe Biden saying that we must form common good which is in LAUDATO SI the pope’s encyclical letter is clear vindication that us is about to enforce the mark of the beast . Let’s remain vigilant and keeps our faith stronger and pray more than ever before.
Amen !!!
I have always said that Biden calls the pope every morning to get his marching orders!!! This just proves it. We are headed down a dark path with this man in office, both the president and the pope in office.
We need to stand for the truth like Daniel and his friends