When the church becomes a dance hall and the sacred pulpit a stage, worship is transformed into a carnival of entertainment. Worship is not about emotional, high-energy, and exhilarating dancing. The church is not a karaoke bar. The spirit of worship is not supposed to resemble a Broadway show.
“Keep those Dancing Shoes On” declares the Plainfield Metropolitan Seventh-day Adventist Church in New Jersey During Sabbath Worship pic.twitter.com/CwUDlVsQZG
— Advent Messenger (@Advent1844) October 29, 2023
Jesus said, “Ye worship ye know not what…but the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship Him. God is a Spirit: and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth.” John 4:22-24.
Tragically, our Adventist youth are being targeted with this carnival worship experience, as they were called to come to the front with their “dancing shoes” at the Plainfield Metropolitan Seventh-day Adventist Church in New Jersey on Saturday, October 21, 2023. [1]
“Never bring the truth down to a low level in order to obtain converts, but seek to bring the sinful and corrupted up to the high standard of the law of God” (Evangelism, 137).
[1] https://www.youtube.com/live/V7ZP_CaCzVU?si=6HzxvMWJrWz780M5
C.J. Hobbs says
This is Evidence that the “HOLY SPIRIT” is slowly being withdrawn from the earth readying for the Second Coming of “JESUS CHRIST” . You can’t serve “GOD” anyway you want too, and expect to survive the Second Coming Of “JESUS CHRIST”
This is not “GODLY” Worship, these people are worldly partying Faking Worship!
Eric Doering says
“The people of Israel had been taken out of idolatry, to become the depositaries of sacred, ever-living truth. The knowledge of the ONE TRUE GOD was given to them. They were greatly blessed with divine revelations, enshrouded in symbols and ceremonies, until type met antitype in the death of Christ. Everything in both their private and their public life was connected with a revealed religion. The law of God was given by Christ, and specified so plainly the duties of private, social, and public life, that none needed to err. ONE GOD, the Creator of the heavens and the earth, was brought to view in the fourth commandment, and his will was to be their will. Those who worshiped the ONE TRUE GOD were strengthened in moral power, and developed strong and symmetrical characters, while those who worshiped other gods grew more and more debased, because they exalted human passions and sanctioned vice in their religious services. ST August 12, 1889, par. 1
This is what has happened once again. Under the banner of Seventh-day Adventist trinitarianism, unfurled after the death of our founders, the one true God of scripture, the heavenly Father, has been pushed aside in favor of the unscriptural “God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.” The result of this separation from the true God is the falling away that was predicted by Paul, and is evident in the bedlam of noise, dancing and hypnotic repetition displayed in varying degrees in so many local churches, not to mention the elbow rubbing done with Rome at ecumenical meetings world-wide. The acceptance of the fallen condition by the corporate church leadership is evident in the deafening silence and lack of action taken against these diabolically inspired exhibitions as reported on in this article. For this cause, God will bring to pass the prophecies of Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel. The denomination will be destroyed. It must be destroyed, because it no longer even recognizes its own harlotry. Only God’s true church, the people that keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ, will be spared IF and ONLY IF they heed the call to touch not the unclean and come out from the confusion which is characterized as Babylon. That time has come. Make your final choice. If we continue to support an apostate institution by our mere attendance at their meetings which not even angels can attend, or worse yet by funding their projects in apostacy, then our actions will reveal where our allegiance lies and we will fall together with them.
Throughout Bible history, the one true God has called his people to come out from idolatry and false worship and to return to him by way way of obedience and true worship. How could it be any different today, at the very last moments of earth’s history?
Eyes wide open says
So many things wrong with this service. Dancing, lifting up nationalities and using that as a reason to dress and act any old way, women in pants on the podium during Divine Service, women in short, tight skirts and dresses singing on the praise team. And the speaker repping ecumenism “if you haven’t linked arms with your fellow churches…” Come out of her, my people. Babylon is fallen!
Anne says
Paul Marcok says
Yep,…Nothing escapes your attention, Anne.
Lynn Callaway says
How sad these people consider their “heritage”, to be anything else but as children of a Holy God. They have the whole repetitive, 7/11 format going on. This has no place before a Holy God! How embarrassing as a SDA!
Israel says
When the “dancing” entered in to God’s people God rejects them as His people:
“As they drew near the encampment, they beheld the people shouting and dancing around their idol. It was a scene of heathen riot, an imitation of the idolatrous feasts of Egypt; but how unlike the solemn and reverent worship of God! Moses was overwhelmed. He had just come from the presence of God’s glory, and though he had been warned of what was taking place, he was unprepared for that dreadful exhibition of the degradation of Israel. His anger was hot. To show his abhorrence of their crime, he threw down the tables of stone, and they were broken in the sight of all the people, thus signifying that as they had broken their covenant with God, so God had broken His covenant with them.” PP 320
Charles says
Take those dancing shoes off!
Paul Marcok says
That`s it Chuck…Take those disco shoes off – and put your “hole-y shoes” on.