By Mark Shipowick
Why did the Lord allow a single man, Adolf Hitler, over the course of about six years, to cause so much death and destruction? One reason was to warn end-time Christians of the form that the final Antichrist will take.
As in Nazi Germany, which was controlled by the National Socialist Party, the world is being primed today by the social justice movement. This movement is essentially a front for the global destruction of Judeo-Christian values, the effect of which is to set the stage for humanity to accept another charismatic but ruthless tyrant. And as in Nazi Germany, I’m afraid most Christians, including Adventists, will accept the future Antichrist like they did Hitler who was blasphemously adored by all branches of the Christian German community with only a few exceptions.
It is a sad historical fact that most German Adventists in Hitler’s day were complicit in Hitler’s rise to power, in some cases by their silence and in others by their active betrayal of their innocent brothers and sisters (who were pacifists) to the authorities and to death.
German Adventists failed to recognize Hitler as a type of Antichrist because, like him, they were carnally minded. Like most western Adventists and Christians today, they were the moral products of their time, salt that had lost its savor. They had listened to and assimilated the culture around them rather than listening to and obeying the Word. This caused them to be attracted more to Hitler than to Christ and to interpret prophecy by their own carnal minds.
As a Christian nation, Germany at this time suffered from the same superiority delusion, the idea they were the divinely favored Aryan race, as the Jews did in the days of Christ. And this was rooted in the same spiritual disease that afflicts the end-time church of Laodicea – spiritual pride.
Another factor that tripped up German Adventists was that they, like western Adventists today, applied the prophecies of the mark of the beast too narrowly, to only the issue of Sunday vs. Sabbath sacredness. There were clear signs that Hitler was a type of Antichrist working in league with Rome but since German Adventists were focused on the letter of the law and not the Spirit animating it they couldn’t see Nazism for what it was.
Like most Adventists today, the Adventists of Hitler’s Germany believed that the Sabbath would be an issue well before probation closed for all Germans. In the book, The Great Controversy however, Ellen White says that while Sabbath observance will be a central issue, it does not become a global issue of life and death until after probation closes when Satan impersonates Christ, (See the Great Controversy page 624 forward.) Since there were few signs on the horizon of the Sabbath becoming an issue under Hitler for non-Jews, German Adventists were in denial. After all, wasn’t their great Fuhrer a vegetarian and didn’t he condone their worshiping on the Sabbath? The fact that six million Sabbath-keeping Jews were being annihilated was only an inconvenient fact. To most Germans, including Adventists, Hitler’s approval rating remained high.
Unfortunately, the same willful blindness is rampant today in western Christianity and in Adventism which is why current and past church and political leaders have responded in silence or at times with approval of another genocide, that of the unborn, and why they have sat idly by during the suppression of modern personal freedoms that were narrowly preserved from the Nazis two generations ago by the blood of millions.
Many of our leaders have, by their silence or approval, watched as our liberties have been eroded and removed over the last three decades, but especially since 9/11 and particularly in the last eighteen months.
Notwithstanding their denial, the fact is that the beast is already here. It’s in full view now prohibiting businesses from buying or selling who cannot in good conscience cater to the LGBT+ community, attacking any who dare to say all lives matter, cutting the jobs and smearing the reputations of those who stand for freedom and biblical morality, denying biological sexual identity, rewriting history and twisting every branch of science to suit their narrative. But for too many leaders, it is business as usual.
On Sunday, July 25, 2021, protests and clashes ignited again across western Europe, 275 of them in Italy and France alone, over government plans for mandating vaccinations and more lockdowns. While it’s true that Christians are “in the world but not of the world”, the wise man said there is a time for everything under the sun. If our religious and political leaders, who ought to know better, remain silent or actively endorse complicity much longer, like German Christians and Adventists did under Hitler, the results will be the same but this time it will be the free world that morphs into freedom’s and Christ’s worst enemy.
Let’s face this issue for what it is and come to grips with the fact that the battle of Armageddon, that great spiritual battle and the climax of the great controversy between the forces of good and evil is already well underway and will only intensify from here on in until the beast is defeated and thrown alive, with the dragon and false prophet, into the lake of fire. There’s no going back now. With the Red Sea in front and the armies of Egypt behind, the Lord is calling us to move forward with Him until the victorious return of Christ. The great question is, are we finally ready to obey Him?
The battle of Armageddon will be fought. And that day must find none of us sleeping. Wide awake we must be, as wise virgins having oil in our vessels with our lamps. The power of the Holy Ghost must be upon us and the Captain of the Lord’s host will stand at the head of the angels of heaven to direct the battle.
“Solemn events before us are yet to transpire. Trumpet after trumpet is to be sounded; vial after vial poured out one after another upon the inhabitants of the earth. Scenes of stupendous interest are right upon us and these things will be sure indications of the presence of Him who has directed in every aggressive movement, who has accompanied the march of His cause through all the ages, and who has graciously pledged Himself to be with His people in all their conflicts to the end of the world. He will vindicate His truth. He will cause it to triumph. He is ready to supply His faithful ones with motives and power of purpose, inspiring them with hope and courage and valor in increased activity as the time is at hand.” {3SM 426}
You can reach Mark Shipowick at:
The Sabbath is the final issue in the great controversy, but the Sabbath is the seal of righteousness by faith. Our message then is Christ our righteousness and the liberty that is in Christ Jesus because where the spirit of God is, there is liberty. Freedom from sin. The man of sin has dominion over all such as have not found liberty in Christ Jesus – freedom from sin. That is why when Moses speaks of the Sabbath it is with reference to bondage in Egypt and that the Lord set them free from physical and spiritual slavery, so ought they to remember and keep the sabbath. And Paul speaks in Hebrews of the entering the spiritual rest of God, and that those who do so cease from their works. Unprofitable works of trying to earn righteousness by our on effort which is likened to filthy rags. This is the everlasting gospel
The beast power offers a counterfeit gospel to Christ our righteousness. Its system of salvation is works based and is fitted for two classes of mankind: those that would be saved by their works and those that would be saved in their sins. And the mark of the beast is the mark of mankind’s effort to save himself through his own effort and not God’s way. Sunday then is the counterfeit to the Sabbath but its much deeper than just the day.
Man’s effort at salvation include:
saving the planet – and there comes the environment and climate change movement
Making this world just and equitable – and there goes the great reset and social justice movement
Returning the USA and the whole world to a Judeo Christian world view and some sort of religious revival in the various global religions – the image of the beast.
The liberties of God’s people will eventually be taken away regardless of whether they agitate for it. It does not matter the political leaders, the economic system or any such, the only liberty that God’s people must strive for is the Liberty found in Jesus – that cannot be taken away. When we awake to this fact and seek that liberty, we shall be ready to give the loud cry and the final movements will be rapid indeed.
You have touched on some of my sentiments, particularly, righteousness by faith. Many have become confused with what the gospel is and is not. As you stated, in the end their will be only two classes those who are for Christ and have surrendered to him to save them by faith and those who have not. Working our way into heaven is one of the greatest deceptions of Satan. Many have brought into this ideology based on what they have been taught by Jesuits in the educational system. As a result, many will be lost while hoping and desiring to be Christians. We cannot work our way into heaven nor can we be righteous through our own merits.
Thank you Brother Mark. I was very blessed by reading this thought-provoking article.
Thanks for all the special messages we get from Advent Messenger. I have an acronym, FOJ:. Focus On Jesus. Our Jesus will see us through. We are blessed to know who wins this global great controversy. Read Hebrews 12:2 and FOJ.
Good article thank you. Paragraph seven needs to be elaborated upon. Ch 39 of the GC, both tittle and first paragraph deal with events after close of probation, but events of ch25 is before. The seal of God is placed in the forehead BEFORE the final test, (IE, probation closed period), and this seal/mark is found in the fourth commandment. ‘This only, of all the ten, brings to view both the name and tittle of the Lawgiver. It declares Him to be the Creator of the heavens and the earth, and thus shows His claim to reverence and worship above all others. Aside from this precept, there is nothing in the decalogue to show by whose authority the law is given.’
So it seems from all inspired writings, that Satan will attempt to impersonate Christ’s second advent both during the little and great time of trouble. Therefore the account in p624 of GC must be one of Satans final attempts to deceive the 144000, for all will be sealed at that point on either side, and those on the wrong side cannot go to the right side any more. The censor has been thrown down and that door wherein man has been able to enter since 1844 will be be closed forever!
Above quote from FLB 287.5. See also GC452.1, 4BC1161.4-6, EP212.4, LDE ch15,CCh ch61, 5T ch23,3SM409, 3SM427.2 re seal
Hitler used Romans 13 against Germany, for sure many SDA’s would have fallen for it, as they are today also,
EGW warned us that the Sunday law would come via Romans 13 being misapplied….
Ellen White says that while Sabbath observance will be a central issue, it does not become a global issue of life and death until after probation closes when Satan impersonates Christ, (See the Great Controversy page 624 forward.)
Why would it be an issue of life or death “after” probation closes? It would have to be “before” probation closes. The Sabbath and the State of the Dead will be the two major deciding points between God’s people and the lost. Everyone will have to make a decision before probation closes. This includes Seventh-day Adventists also!