“All history, and particularly those of religions, teaches that coercion may make martyrs, but never proselytes. The human mind revolts from force, and the more strenuous the efforts to compel it to take an ungrateful course, the more certain will be its progress in the opposite direction.” (Dates, Charters, and Customs of the Middle Ages, book 2, Volume 1, p. 241, R.T. Hampson, Henry Kent Causton and Company, London, United Kingdom, 1841).
“Proclaim liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof.” Leviticus 25:10
“For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another.” Galatians 5:13
“So speak ye, and so do, as they that shall be judged by the royal law of liberty.” James 2:12
Liberty—a sacred fire lit by our Creator—has always been threatened with extinction by secular and religious forces that have ever sought to control the consciences of the people under their jurisdiction. In conjunction with unceasing vigilance and reliance upon the Lord God for the preservation of our heaven-sent privileges and liberties, there is a constant need for instruction upon the principles of righteousness, which offer genuine freedom—contrasting them with unrighteousness, which brings forth oppression.
“The freedom that once was founded on a biblical consensus and a Christian ethos has now become autonomous freedom, cut loose from all constraints. Here we have the world spirit of our age — autonomous Man setting himself up as God, in defiance of the knowledge and the moral and spiritual truth which God has given. Here is the reason why we have a moral breakdown in every area of life. The titanic freedoms which we once enjoyed have been cut loose from their Christian restraints and are becoming a force of destruction leading to chaos. And when this happens, there really are very few alternatives. All morality becomes relative, law becomes arbitrary, and society moves toward disintegration. In personal and social life, compassion is swallowed up by self-interest. As I have pointed out in my earlier books, when the memory of the Christian consensus which gave us freedom within the biblical form is increasingly forgotten, a manipulating authoritarianism will tend to fill the vacuum. At this point, the words ‘right’ and ‘left’ will make little difference. They are only two roads to the same end; the results are the same. An elite, authoritarianism as such, will gradually force form on society, so that it will not go into chaos — and most people would accept it.” (The Great Evangelical Disaster, pp. 22, 23, Francis A. Schaeffer, Crossway Books, Westchester, Illinois, 1984).
It is most illuminating to read the warnings given between two and two-and-a-half centuries ago regarding the perils we face right now as civil liberties and religious freedoms, which we have taken for granted, are disappearing under the pretext of building a “more inclusive society,” in the name of “national security,” for the defense of “the common good.” Those who uttered these precautions knew well the scope of fallen human nature to undermine the values upon which true liberty stands—the end result is tyranny and destruction.
Samuel Adams, Founding Father of the United States: “A general dissolution of principles and manners will more surely overthrow the liberties of America than the whole force of the Common Enemy. While the people are virtuous, they cannot be subdued; but when once they lose their virtue, they will be ready to surrender their liberties to the first external or internal invader.” (The Writings of Samuel Adams, volume 4 [1778-1802], p. 124. G.P. Putnam’s Sons, New York City, New York, 1908).
Message from the Continental Congress to the 13 States of America, 1783: “…the citizens of the United States are responsible for the greatest trust ever confided to a political society. If justice, good faith, honor, gratitude, and all the other qualities which ennoble the character of a nation and fulfill the ends of government, be the fruits of our establishments, the cause of liberty will acquire a dignity and luster which it has never yet enjoyed, and an example will be set which cannot but have the most favorable influence on the rights of mankind. If, on the other side, our governments should be blotted with the reverse of these cardinal and essential virtues, the great cause which we have engaged to vindicate will be dishonored and betrayed, the last and fairest experiment in favor of the rights of human nature will be turned against them, and their patrons and friends exposed to be insulted and silenced by the votaries of tyranny and usurpation.” (Debates on the Adoption of the Federal Constitution, volume 1, p. 100, J.B. Lippincott and Company, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1836).
The servant of the Lord told us, regarding the future:
“Liberty of conscience, which has cost this nation so great a sacrifice, will no longer be respected.” (The Great Controversy, p. 410, 1884 edition).
Sister White informs us as to why this will be so, in connection with the coming Sunday Law:
“Wherever the divine precepts are set aside, sin ceases to appear sinful, or righteousness desirable. Those who refuse to submit to the government of God are wholly unfitted to govern themselves. Through their pernicious teachings, the spirit of insubordination is implanted in the hearts of children and youth, who are naturally impatient of control; and a lawless, licentious society results … Already the doctrine that men are released from obedience to God’s requirements has weakened the force of moral obligation, and opened the floodgates of iniquity upon the world. Lawlessness, dissipation, and corruption are sweeping in upon us like an overwhelming tide … Courts of justice are corrupt. Rulers are actuated by desire for gain, and love of sensual pleasure. In-temperance has beclouded the faculties of many, so that Satan has almost complete control of them. Jurists are perverted, bribed, deluded. Drunkenness and revelry, passion, envy, dishonesty of every sort, are represented among those who administer the laws…
“The dignitaries of Church and State will unite to bribe, persuade, and compel all classes to honor the Sunday. The lack of divine authority will be supplied by oppressive enactments. Political corruption is destroying love of justice and regard for truth, and in order to secure public favor, legislators will yield to the popular demand for a law enforcing Sunday observance…
“Our land is in jeopardy. The time is drawing on when its legislators shall so abjure the principles of Protestantism as to give countenance to Romish apostasy. The people for whom God has so marvelously wrought, strengthening them to throw off the galling yoke of popery, will by a national act [of the Sunday law] give vigor to the corrupt faith of Rome, and thus arouse the tyranny which only waits for a touch to start again into cruelty and despotism. With rapid steps we are already approaching this period. When Protestant churches shall seek the support of the secular power, thus following the example of that apostate church, for opposing which their ancestors endured the fiercest persecution, then will there be a national apostasy which will end only in national ruin.” (The Great Controversy, pp. 401, 403, 410, 1884 edition).
It is with this understanding that A.T. Jones stated emphatically, again in relation to the Sunday Law:
“It is therefore the divine right of every man utterly to ignore this institution [Sunday law], to disregard its observance, and to dissent from the authority which instituted or enjoins it…Men are thereby compelled either to submit to be robbed of their inalienable right of freedom of thought in religious things, or else to disregard the authority of the State. And no Christian, and no man of sound principle and honest conviction, will ever hesitate as to which of the two things he will do. Thus it is clear that by divine right, every man can, with courage, consistency, and righteousness, engage in uncompromising opposition to this movement to establish a national religious despotism.” (The Rights of the People, pp. 252, 253, Pacific Press Publishing Company, Oakland, California, 1895).
We must ever recognize the basic principle of any edict that savors coercion and totalitarianism:
“The principle of Rome is the abject slavery of the mind; the principle of the United States [biblical Protestantism] is the absolute freedom of the mind.” (The Two Republics—Or Rome and the United States, p. 5. A.T. Jones, Review and Herald Publishing Association, Battle Creek, Michigan, 1891).
The declension of society reflects upon the character of the laws that are passed by the State. The principle of self-restraint in government gives way to unbridled power, which overrides liberty of conscience.
“Manifestly there is an irreconcilable difference between papal principles and the fundamental principles of our free institutions. Popular government is self-government. A nation is capable of self-government only so far as the individuals who compose it are capable of self-government. To place one’s conscience, therefore, in the keeping of another, and to disavow all personal responsibility in obeying the dictation of another, is as far as possible from self-control and, therefore, wholly inconsistent with republican institutions and, if common, dangerous to their stability. It is the theory of absolutism in the state, that man exists for the state. It is the theory of absolutism in the church, that man exists for the church. But in republican and Protestant America, it is believed that church and state exist for man and are to be administered by him. Our fundamental ideas of society, therefore, are as radically opposed to Vaticanism as to Imperialism. And it is as inconsistent with our liberties for American citizens to yield allegiance to the Pope as to the Czar.” (Our Country, pp. 53, 54, Josiah Strong, The Baker and Taylor Company, New York City, New York, 1885).
This absolutist mindset was manifested throughout the COVID-19 era and is reflected in a myriad of laws in the 21st century that seek to silence those who adhere to biblical values and principles. Consider the recent words of a Green Party senator from Ireland:
“If you think about it, all law, all legislation is about the restriction of freedom. That’s exactly what we’re doing here. We are restricting freedom, but we’re doing it for the common good. You will see throughout our constitution, yes you have rights, but they are restricted for the common good. Everything needs to be balanced. And if your views on other people’s identities go to make their lives unsafe, insecure and cause them such deep discomfort that they cannot live in peace, then I believe it is our job as legislators to restrict those freedoms for the common good.” (Website of Life Site [USA]: Ireland Looks to Take a Knife to Citizens’ Freedom of Speech, December 1, 2023).
The Irish government is vigorously pushing to pass the Criminal Justice (Incitement to Violence or Hatred and Hate Offences) Bill 2022. It is so broad that:
“If you have in your possession a book, photo, meme, newspaper, or anything at all critical of a ‘protected’ class — including racial and sexual minorities, transgender people, and migrants (because ‘nationality’ is a protected characteristic) — you can be guilty of a hate crime. Note that under the proposed law, they don’t have to prove you incited violence or hatred. All you have to do is to possess material that is likely to do so, in the judgment of authorities. Any Irish person who has a critical thought about the system attempting to turn their children trans, say, or the mass migration overtaking the country — he had better keep his mouth shut and not write, tweet, or TikTok anything about it, or face prison.” (Website of The European Conservative [Hungary]: Silencing the Irish to Save Them from Themselves. November 28, 2023).
We can discern the ramification of such laws for the people of God in the last days — not just from secular and atheistic governments but also from religiously-inclined administrations that will adopt the identical vein of Antichrist — rule or ruin. Writing of the spirit that was prevailing in the Seventh-day Adventist Church during her day, Sister White rebuked this absolutism that has always been a curse to humanity:
“The great and holy and merciful God will never be in league with dishonest practices; not a single touch of injustice will He vindicate. Men have taken unfair advantage of those whom they supposed to be under their jurisdiction. They were determined to bring the individuals to their terms; they would rule or ruin … Satan’s methods tend to one end — to make men the slaves of men…The high-handed power that has been developed as though position has made men gods, makes me afraid, and ought to cause fear. It is a curse wherever and by whomsoever it is exercised … The devisings for forcing men to follow the prescriptions of other men are instituting an order of things that overrides sympathy and tender compassion, that blinds the eyes to mercy, justice, and the love of God. Moral influence and personal responsibility are trodden underfoot … Rule, rule has been their course of action.” (Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers, pp. 360, 361, 363).
Liberty, not coercion, is what God uses to save souls!
“Persecution, moreover, never in the end advances the cause it pretends to defend.” (The Rights of Man, p. 114, W.A. Colcord, Echo Publishing Company, North Fitzroy, Melbourne, Australia, 1905).
About: The Remnant Herald is an Australian publication produced by Remnant Ministries. The current editor and author is Elvis Placer, and we have reproduced this article with his permission. You can contact Elvis Placer through email at rh1844@pm.me or call the office clerk at +61 3 9706 2173 to request a FREE subscription to the Remnant Herald.
Force is the last resort of every false religion. – ST May 6, 1897
Trial and persecution will come to all who, in obedience to the Word of God, refuse to worship this false sabbath. Force is the last resort of every false religion. At first it tries attraction, as the king of Babylon tried the power of music and outward show. If these attractions, invented by men inspired by Satan, failed to make men worship the image, the hungry flames of the furnace were ready to consume them. So it will be now. The Papacy has exercised her power to compel men to obey her, and she will continue to do so. – ST May 6, 1897
Compelling power is found only under Satan’s government. – DA 759.1
Compelling power is found only under Satan’s government. The Lord’s principles are not of this order. His authority rests upon goodness, mercy, and love; and the presentation of these principles is the means to be used. God’s government is moral, and truth and love are to be the prevailing power. – DA 759.1
Gods people Should be Ready for the 2025 Agenda [ Stop the Coup ] which is Communist Fascism under the guise of “Christian” Conservatism”. From their PDF summary document.
Project 2025: Background & Vision: “Project 2025”
Marks the second major vision document, or Mandate for Leadership, by Christian right groups; the first was in 1981, the year Ronald Reagan became president. By the end of that year, sixty percent of their proposed reforms had become policy, they claim. After Trump was elected in 2016, conservatives pushed through two-thirds of their fifth Mandate for Leadership agenda. As the newest vision paper, Project 2025 carries forward the unfinished proposals of 2016 and 2022, but represents a major departure in both the scope and the granular detail of its ambition to recapture the White House and overhaul our system of government and power structure.
Christian Ideology: Project 2025 backs a vision of a smaller federal government, shifting decision-making power to the state level of government and, where possible, shifting government functions and responsibilities to the private sector. That’s not a surprise. But in what marks a radical departure, it backs a “unitary executive theory” of power, giving special, unprecedented,“supreme” powers to the Executive branch to carry out these reforms.
Such a step would radically alter our present US democratic system of checks and balances. Many of the reforms proposed for various agencies are aimed at reducing or delaying the oversight power of Congress and the courts to oppose the rapid implementation of Project 2025’s agenda.Project 2025 also calls for aligning federal domestic and foreign policy with conservative Christian religious values.
It would replace secular public education with Christian-based education, and shift public education dollars to private and Christian schools. Project 2025’s
vision is not only an embrace of authoritarianism, but envisions a future Christian-led theocracy. Project 2025 seeks to eliminate or merge key government regulatory departments and agencies, and drastically reverse current Biden domestic and foreign policy in every critical sector. Some proposals call for the creation of novel “parallel” advisory bodies from the private sector, to be given new authority to advise, create, or revise federal policy, with a direct line of
access to the next GOP president.
[ Stop the Coup Summary document pg 2 ]
For a time the oppressors will be permitted to triumph over those who know God’s holy commandments.All are given the same opportunity that was granted to the first great rebel to demonstrate the spirit that moves them to action. It is God’s purpose that everyone shall be tested and proved, to see whether he
will be loyal or disloyal to the laws which govern the kingdom of heaven. To the last God permits Satan to reveal his character as a liar, an accuser, and a murderer. Thus the final triumph of His people is made more marked, more glorious, more full and complete….
The people of God should be wide awake, not trusting in their own wisdom, but wholly in the wisdom of their Leader. They should set aside days for fasting and prayer….
We are nearing the most important crisis that has ever come upon the world. If we are not wide awake and watching, it will steal upon us as a thief. Satan is preparing to work through his human agencies in secrecy…. We must know the reasons of our faith. The importance and solemnity of the scenes opening before us demand this, and on no account must the spirit of complaining be encouraged….We may have to plead most earnestly before legislative councils
for the right to exercise independent judgment, to worship God according to the dictates of our conscience. Thus in His providence God has designed that the claims of His holy law shall be brought before men in the highest authority. But as we do all we can as men and women who are not ignorant of Satan’s devices, we are to
manifest no bitterness of feeling. Constantly we are to offer prayer for divine aid. It is God alone who can hold the four winds until the angels shall seal the servants of God in their foreheads.
[ 3SM 369 ]
In the churches which have departed from truth and righteousness, it is being revealed what human nature will be and do when the love of God is not an abiding principle in the soul. We need not be surprised at anything that may take place now. We need not marvel at any developments of horror. Those who trample under
their unholy feet the law of God have the same spirit as had the men who insulted and betrayed Jesus. Without any compunctions of conscience they will do the deeds of their father the devil…. Those who choose Satan as their ruler will reveal the spirit of their chosen master, who caused the fall of our first parents. By
rejecting the divine Son of God, the personification of the only true God, who possessed goodness, mercy, and untiring love, whose heart was ever touched with human woe, and accepting a murderer in His place, the people showed what human nature can and will do, when the restraining Spirit of God is removed, and men are under the great apostate. Just to that degree that light is refused and rejected will there be misconception and misunderstanding. Those
who reject Christ and choose Barabbas will work under a ruinous deception. Misrepresentation, the bearing of false witness, will grow
under open rebellion.
Gods people should be ready for Sunday Law Legislation in 2024, with full enforcement and penalties under a “Christian” Fascist Communist Government by 2025. The Evangelicals are determined to have such a Government by 2025.
Force is Satan’s method.