
Praising the gods of Rock and Roll.
Drums, electric guitars, spectacular lights, and extremely loud, chaotic music were all there, yet this was not a secular music arena. This was a Seventh-day Adventist institution, and Walla Walla University (WWU) has hosted the 2022 Battle of the Bands tournament on its campus. [1] [2]
They have been hosting this event for years. The Battle of the Bands, according to WWU’s Instagram account, is an event in which “students create their own bands” and compete to win. You can see photographs from the WWU 2022 Battle of the Bands competition by scrolling through Walla Walla University’s Instagram post below.
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According to “The Collegian,” Walla Walla University’s school newspaper, they had theology students “jamming” on their guitars during the Battle of the Bands event. [3] This annual rock music competition is so popular that even secular college magazines know about the “fun” during WWU’s Battle of the Bands. [4] According to the WWU’s calendar of activities, the 2022 Battle of the Bands took place on February 26, 2022. [5] This same rock tournament was also included as one of the “Winter Fun” events at the university. [6]
“Winter fun?” They justify their support for ear-splitting guitars, booming drums, deafening bass, shouting students, worldly music, flashing lights, and worldly rock bands in a Christian, Seventh-day Adventist school by one mitigating factor: fun. The students are just having fun, they tell us. Seventh-day Adventists should never take lightly the warnings given by the prophets who spoke in the name of God:
“Though in many respects our institutions of learning have swung into worldly conformity, though step by step they have advanced toward the world …. If they will listen to His voice and follow in His ways, God will correct and enlighten them, and bring them back to their upright position of distinction from the world” (Testimonies, Vol. 6, p. 145).
“There is danger that our college will be turned away from its original design” (Testimonies, Vol. 5, p. 21).
“God has revealed to me that we are in positive danger of bringing into our educational work the customs and fashions that prevail in the schools of the world. If the teachers are not guarded in their work, they will place on the necks of their students worldly yokes instead of the yoke of Christ” (Review and Herald, February 6, 1908).
Some will try to defend these rock band competitions by claiming that there was no alcohol or drugs involved. But are alcohol and drugs the only things that entice our youth? Is rock music just as destructive and dangerous, if not more? In fact, Walla Walla University students are imitating the world’s rock gods and rock stars. Tragically, rock music in the real world is characterized by sinful influences, and you can’t separate the entire rock concert venue from them. In Walla Walla University’s Battle of the Bands tournament, what culture is being exemplified? Heaven? No, because the music, rhythms, and components are all borrowed from the world’s toxic rock culture.
“Music is the idol which many professed Sabbath-keeping Christians worship. Satan has no objection to music, if he can make that a channel through which to gain access to the minds of the youth” (Messages to Young People, p. 295).
“The Holy Spirit never reveals itself in such methods, in such a bedlam of noise. This is an invention of Satan to cover up his ingenious methods for making of none effect the pure, sincere, elevating, ennobling, sanctifying truth for this time. Better never have the worship of God blended with music than to use musical instruments to do the work which last January was represented to me would be brought into our camp meetings. The truth for this time needs nothing of this kind in its work of converting souls. A bedlam of noise shocks the senses and perverts that which if conducted aright might be a blessing. The powers of satanic agencies blend with the din and noise, to have a carnival, and this is termed the Holy Spirit’s working.” (Selected Messages, Vol. 2, p. 36).
There should be a distinction between God’s people and the rest of the world. Unfortunately, we live in a world that makes no distinction between the secular and the sacred. Syncretism, or the blending of the sacred and profane, is what we’re seeing at Walla Walla University. This contrast existed in ancient Israel until they adopted Baal worship:
“The calm demeanor of the prophet stands out in sharp contrast with the fanatical, senseless frenzy of the followers of Baal” (Prophets and Kings, 151).
Tragically, our institutions are repeating the failures of ancient Israel with these rock music competitions. The trends of the 21st century are frightfully similar to the ancient pagan traditions. Do we maintain our long-standing practice of traditional worship and music that has been cautiously guarded by previous generations? Or will we continue embracing dancing, excitement, and loud, blaring worldly music? Should we embrace the hypnotic sounds of the drums, bass guitars, and keyboards in a rock concert environment that appeals to the new millennials? Well, God has already told us what to do:
“Never bring the truth down to a low level in order to obtain converts, but seek to bring the sinful and corrupted up to the high standard of the law of God” (Evangelism, 137).
Ellen G. White was shown that our people would become corrupted by music as we approached the end of time, just before probation closes:
“The things you have described as taking place in Indiana, the Lord has shown me would take place just before the close of probation. Every uncouth thing will be demonstrated. There will be shouting, with drums, music, and dancing. The senses of rational beings will become so confused that they cannot be trusted to make right decisions” (Selected Messages, Vol. 2, p. 36).
“The Holy Spirit has nothing to do with such a confusion of noise and multitude of sounds as passed before me last January. Satan works amid the din and confusion of such music, which, properly conducted, would be a praise and glory to God. He makes its effect like the poison sting of the serpent. Those things which have been in the past will be in the future. Satan will make music a snare by the way in which it is conducted” (Ibid., 37-38).
“There is nothing in these demonstrations which will convince the world that we have the truth. Mere noise and shouting are no evidence of sanctification, or of the descent of the Holy Spirit.” (Ibid., 35).
“Believe in the LORD your God, so shall ye be established; believe his prophets, so shall ye prosper” 2 Chronicles 20:20.
[1] https://www.instagram.com/tv/Caie1f4A9Va/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
[2] https://www.facebook.com/darrenfield88/videos/1003639240261926
[3] https://aswwucollegian.com/student-spotlight/has-covid-19-created-social-butterflies/
[4] https://www.collegemagazine.com/cm-guide-walla-walla-university/
I blame two components. The first are the parent’s. They are wasting their money on sending their kids to this college. Second is that neither the parent’s or the kids are reading the SOP. These two combinations are destroying the youth of today!
I feel sorry for these parent’s and their kids when they will have to stand before Christ and explain themselves. That time is very soon. These kids and their parent’s will be our worst enemies when the pressure is put on them. They will have no defense against the evil one…..
Excellent commentary and reporting Andy. I can tell you from personal experience that the sensual beat of rock music is powerful and addictive, and will arouse ungodly passions. It has no place in a Christian’s life. It is foul and profane. It is a great delusion to think we can pepper rock music with the name “Jesus” or a few Biblical phrases and somehow call it “Christian”. It is the opposite, it is devilish and satanic. These poor people are completely deceived. Satan has spun a web around them, and they think they are just fine. Pray for these souls.
This same university has a special offering earmarked in the fall in conference churches in this neck of the woods. All the dutiful pew warmers drop in their envelopes and refuse to acknowledge this debauchery. I know that from personal experience also. Wake up people.
I am much afraid that the universities will prove to be the great gates of hell, unless they diligently labour in explaining the Holy Scriptures, and engraving them in the hearts of youth. I advise no one to place his child where the Scriptures do not reign paramount. Every institution in which men are not unceasingly occupied with the Word of God must become corrupt.
Martin Luther
“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.” Proverbs 1:7. One sentence of Scripture is of more value than ten thousand of man’s ideas or arguments. Those who refuse to follow God’s way will finally receive the sentence, “Depart from Me.” – CH 253.1
KJV 2 Corinthians 6:15-18
15 And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?
16 And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.
17 Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,
18 And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.
KJV Psalms 119:126-128
126 It is time for thee, LORD, to work: for they have made void thy law.
127 Therefore I love thy commandments above gold; yea, above fine gold.
128 Therefore I esteem all thy precepts concerning all things to be right; and I hate every false way.
Did the contempt shown to the law of God extinguish David’s loyalty? Hear his words. He calls upon God to interfere and vindicate His honor, to show that there is a God, that there are limits to His forbearance, that it is possible to so presume upon the mercy of God as to exhaust it. “It is time for thee, Lord, to work,” he says, “for they have made void thy law.” – 3BC 1152.6
David saw the divine precepts thrown aside, and obstinacy and rebellion increasing. Was he swept away by the prevalence of apostasy? Did the scorn and contempt cast upon the law lead him to cowardly refrain from making an effort to vindicate the law? On the contrary his reverence for the law of Jehovah increased as he saw the disregard and contempt shown for it by others [Psalm 119:126-130, 165 quoted] (Manuscript 27, 1899). – 3BC 1152.7
Time for God to Work—David was greatly tried in his day in seeing men pouring contempt upon God’s law. Men threw off restraint, and depravity was the result. The law of God had become a dead letter to those whom God had created. Men refused to receive the holy precepts as the rule of their life. Wickedness was so great that David feared lest God’s forbearance should cease, and he sent up a heart-felt prayer to heaven, saying, “It is time for thee, Lord, to work: for they have made void thy law. Therefore I love thy commandments above gold; yea, above fine gold.” 3BC 1152.8
If David thought in his day that men had exceeded the limits of God’s mercy, and that God would work to vindicate the honor of His law, and bring the wickedness of the wicked to an end, then what influence should the widespread iniquity of our day have upon those who love and fear God? When there is widespread disobedience, when iniquity is increasing to a swelling tide, will the professed Christian world be evil with the evil, unrighteous with the unrighteous? Shall we place our influence on the side of the great apostate, and shall universal scorn be heaped upon God’s law, the great standard of righteousness? Shall we be swept away by the strong tide of transgression and apostasy? Or shall the righteous search the Scriptures, and know for themselves the conditions upon which the salvation of their souls depend? Those who make the Word of God the man of their counsel will esteem the law of God, and their appreciation of it will rise in proportion as it is set aside and despised. Loyal subjects of Christ’s kingdom will re-echo the words of David and say, “It is time for thee, Lord, to work: for they have made void thy law. Therefore I love thy commandments above gold; yea, above fine gold.” This is the position those will occupy who love God sincerely and their neighbors as themselves. They will exalt the commandments in proportion as contempt increases (Undated Manuscript 145). 3BC 1152.9
126. When David in his day saw the departing from the law of God, he expected that a manifestation of divine displeasure would be seen. He looked for the Lord to show forth His righteous indignation. “It is time for thee, Lord, to work,” he exclaimed, “for they have made void thy law.” He supposed that in their lawlessness men had exceeded the bounds of God’s forbearance, and that the Lord would not longer restrain Himself (MS 15, 1906). 3BC 1153.1
Where Will the Church Stand?—It is possible for men to go so far in wickedness, under continual remonstrance, that God sees that He must arise and vindicate His honor. Thus it is at the present period of this earth’s history. Crime of every degree is becoming more and more strikingly manifest. The earth is filled with violence of men against their fellow-men. 3BC 1153.2
What position will the church take? Will those who in the past have had respect for the law of God, be drawn into the current of evil? Will the almost universal transgression and contempt of the law of God, darken the spiritual atmosphere of the souls of all alike? Will the disrespect of the law of God sweep away the protecting barriers? Because wickedness and lawlessness prevail, is the law of God to be less highly esteemed? Because it is made void by the great majority of those living on the earth, shall the few loyal ones become like all the disloyal, and act as the wicked act? Shall they not rather offer up the prayer of David, “It is time for thee, Lord, to work: for they have made void thy law” (Manuscript 15, 1906)? 3BC 1153.3
130. See EGW comment on Psalm 19. 3BC 1153.4
165. In Harmony With Heaven—There is no peace in unrighteousness; the wicked are at war with God. But he who receives the righteousness of the law in Christ, is in harmony with heaven (Letter 96, 1896). 3BC 1153.5
So sorry to hear this. i can sadly attest that this type of thing isn’t just limited to Walla Walla. Even our so-called conservative schools are falling for this. I’m devastated.
4 simple comments…much more can be said
1. look at the hand signal in the picture of the the young man with his hand raised with the “devil’s horn” gesture
2. The lyrics have nothing to do with Christ or the Christian walk
3. Are the band names Godly? “Fresh White Chicks”
4. Most of our children, youth and young adults are in “crisis
My dear bro/sis “Small” (not sure whether that is reference to your personal attribute, or self humility.) I totally agree with your findings you commenting there on. It`s impossible not to notice those Satanic hand signs..But the reason this article is on here, is not show how ”godly” this Devil`s party was, ( “Are the band names Godly?”) but just the opposite.
I work at this institution and have send multiple emails to the president and VP’s on campus quoting scripture and SOP but my emails are never answered or deferred to someone else on campus to answer and then still not answered or excuses are made. We are told we have a ministry but it is the ministry of Satan and not God. There is no spreading of the 3 Angel’s Messages here. The important point made about the Battle of the Bands was to make sure that N95 masks were worn to be able to attend. They are now embracing a Latino “culture” on campus most recently and inviting everyone to a Salsa event. This is NOT a food event. It’s Salsa dancing and now faculty and staff are encouraged to attend and if they do they will receive 10 “health points”. I’m praying that God either removes me from this job or has me here for a purpose to cry aloud and spare not. But it is very lonely. Not many are willing to speak out against this evil. We are in a crises here. May God judge righteously and may His will be done.
You are in my prayers!
I am curious as to the thoughts and reasoning behind this post. As a student here, I believe that WWU is doing an amazing job at leading their students in a way that allows them to learn more as well fostering a more solid relationship with God. In everyone I have worked with here at this school, I have seen a desire to share God and his love to all that walk through the doors of this institution. I am interested in hearing your thoughts and opinions if you would like to email me and talk.
Good to hear that Brendon..You must be one of those that truly are Christ`s – there at WWU..God`s blessings upon you. But fact is you just can not share Jesus & 3 angels messages with such events as described here, in this article…Happy Sabbath to you. 🙂
You are in my prayers as well! Thank you for taking a stand!!
Who is running this place?
There are a lot of amazing individuals who run this institution, however, what I’m wondering is if have you ever run in your life? The body is supposed to be a temple, but you don’t have the image of health…
Even when I was a teenager attending academy I did not see or witness any godliness among my teachers except for my second grade teacher, she inspired me to be my best, do my best for the rest of my life! I was depressed all through school, my classmates, especially some of the boys were crude and disgusting towards the girls. One female classmate was into drugs and tried to encourage me to join her, unfortunately she went on to become a porn actress. One of my best friends was raped at the academy by two of our classmates. I only went through school because I had to, I didn’t go on to boarding school because I knew that I would loose my walk with God due to the hypocrisy of the leaders and teachers. When I was 13 years old, attending the Gladstone Oregon camp meeting, I saw a pastor look at a young woman with lust and during one of the youth tent meetings with many young people, the leader asked all the kids to “raise their hands who loved sex.” Is it no wonder that our kids leave our churches and join the world? I home schooled my children and never regretted it. God help us all, God wake us up! Oh what will it take before it is too late?!
Lisez et relisez tout le chapitre du livre de l’exode 32.
C’était la confusion,et la débandade au pied du mont Sinaï,la réponse Dieu fut immédiate.
Next time, by God’s grace, i will send my comments based only in God’s words [Bible & SOP]. At this time, only i can say, “Amen” to this Ministry. God bless.
As a parent of a 10 years old son, I have always thought of sending my son to an Adventist college to continue his walk in Adventism. But from what I can tell is that all of the Adventist college’s are losing their minds, and turning to the world from guidance, instead of asking for a Thus said the Lord. I won’t be sending my son to any of those colleges. I will continue with his home schooling, at least he will get a daily scripture lessons. May GOD have mercy on those college’s, and may they repent befor it’s to late!
I really hope that this one article or comments like these doesn’t affect or stop your kid from experiencing what it’s like to go to a seventh day adventist institution, i grew up going to seventh day adventist schools from 1st grade until college and i can tell you that my most life changing, God touching experiences have been in that environment, i do not know what I would be if i hadn’t experienced it and i know that because i went to those schools is the reason i have the relationship with God that i have today. i am sorry this has caused doubts and fears but i promise there is a lot more to it
i just have to say as a student from walla walla that no matter where you send your kids they can and will always find and seek out what they want. if they want to party regularly they are going to become friends with the people that do that and so on. i do acknowledge that advintist universities have done thing the advintist community hasn’t liked but honestly what’s going to be better walla walla or uc berkley
Is there a spec in these students’ eyes?
In all seriousness, this is a non issue and any bonefide issues that may have come from the orbit of this event are not worth obsessing over publicly.
This kind of obsession over young people’s innocent fun that you don’t happen understand is one of the many reasons why young people are leaving the church.
Have you ever had a spec in your eyes? It is extremely painful and irritating. It is hard to concentrate on anything else until the spec is removed. You can point at the beams of others all you all you want but it will do nothing to alleviate the pain of one’s one spec. It must be removed.
i do have to say that i agree with you david the constant eye of judgment that watches the youth is a major contribution to why most teens hate coming to church. as a young adult it makes me very happy that you do see an issue in this article for roasting some kids harmless fun
As someone who attends the University, I think that is interesting to hear these perspectives. In my opinion, the event is far from being satanic in any sense and the celebration of music is not something separate from God. After all, God has given the gift of musical talent to these musicians has He not? They are sharing their gifts with others in order to bring happiness and joy to others and I don’t see anything wrong with that. I’m sorry that many of you feel like we have been condemned to hell but I can say with confidence where myself and others will be on that glorious day.
I can assure you, Jim, there are many parents who are thankful that Walla Walla provides such an active and supportive spiritual environment for our kids. We were your age not so (very) long ago, worshipping and socializing in a different way than our parents had before us… and we still fostered close relationships with God. God is bigger than what we can imagine and loves us beyond our comprehension. I’m confident attendance at an event with drums wasn’t mandatory— or an impediment to salvation.
Agree! I attended this school as did both my children, and while none of our Adventist schools are perfect, I am grateful for the Godly staff and students who helped shape me and my sons into Christian professionals.
Are these musicians bringing glory to themselves or glory to God? I don’t attend the school so perhaps you can share with us some of the song titles and lyrics. Is this a benefit concert to help spread the 3 Angels’ Messages or are there prizes and recognition being given to those who are the best? Who won the Battle this year and with which song?
Can you provide us with a personal testimony about how your walk with God has been enriched by attending the Battle of the Bands? Is this considered a worship event? Does it take place on Sabbath? If it was moved to Whitman College would anyone know the difference?
No they are not, bringing glory to God. This type of music is composed to have rhythm, beat and sound to excite and arouse emotions in human mind, to lust. Professional rock composers are saying this, not I. Godly music is to calm and human mind and point it to God.
Jim, ..Seems you either did not read that last part of article, the quotations of E.G.W. on this type of noise. Or you just don`t care what God says there through her, since you`re expressing just the opposite opinions. Reread that quotation from her slower with open mind to Spirit of God elucidating it.
Matthew 5:10-12
“Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.”
Are the people performing in the Battle of the Bands being persecuted because of Jesus? Unless you are being persecuted because of your faith in Jesus, this text has no application whatsoever.
Walla Walla University – where youth and laughter go to hell. Well and correctly did Luther prophesy 600 years ago, that: “If religious schools if not adhering STRICTLY to Biblical teachings, will become gates to hell.”
I am not here to judge and assume anything which is what i feel like this article and the comments have come out as. But i do think this was written quite out of context, those instruments, are being played with the talents God gave to these students, Walla Walla University in my opinion and many other people’s have not failed to share and spread the love of God, most if not all the people who participated have also been a big part of our worship events and are great examples of God’s love and i can clearly tell that the people who have been making these judgmental comments about this event have never met not even one of these amazing talented followers of God who participated. I am sorry time is going by and things are changing from one thing to another, but just because school events at this period of time are not the same as they were 20, 30 years ago, it does not mean they are satanic or coming from the devil. I hope that people can start to try and be more understanding and open minded to why things have change and how that does not affect the idea that God is still the center and core of institutions like Walla Walla University.
Dear “Child” God forbids our judging others` motives for doing something, but not the actual act of someone. In more places than one, Bible tells us to ‘judge righteously’. “Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life?” 1 Cor. 6:3. If we are not allowed to say/judge a sin as such – a sin, how can we then function as children of God?..These concerts can not be in accordance with God`s will – as it is expressed in His Holy Word. And if I am – in your opinion – committing sin by ‘judging others’ – with this comment. I`ll take full responsibility for it..and my chance with God. Happy Sabbath! 🙂
It is indeed a sad day when worldly customs are embraced as just innocent fun, that because a talent is labeled as a godly gift of talent then however that talent is used must be defined as “godly”, and that this is just a new way for young people to enjoy themselves and express themselves through their ‘God given talent…’. Need I remind those who have forgotten that Lucifer was the angelic music director with God given talent. Josef Mengele also had God given talent but how he used that God given talent cannot be construed as being blessed of God.
I know personally that an SDA education means nothing if the student has not been grounded in Bible truth at home FIRST. On many of our SDA campuses a person can find whatever vice of their desire. Alcohol and drugs can be found and obtained without leaving the campus. Sexual and sensual activities are engaged in under the very nose of faculty. There is no guarantee of spiritual safety because it is a “Christian ” institution.
Years ago my family was offered scholarships to attend a local SDA school. It was turned down and my family attended public schools with instruction on what they would be exposed to. My family members still love the Lord and reflect that love in their lives…but sadly the children, who are now adults, that my family members knew were students at the local SDA school…all but three that I know are fallen away from serving the Lord. I in no wise regret the decision of where my family received their education. Parents are too trusting in unwisely believing that since the educational institution has SDA on the sign their children will be safe from EVIL influences. Even E.G. White spoke out warning parents to NOT send their children to Battle Creek when it was not lead by godly individuals or administrators.
The bedlam of noise points to where we are in the stream of time…get ready, get ready, get ready!
It is really easy to point out faults when your life is not publicized. Even if you do disagree with BOTB, does condemning them to hell glorify God? Does getting facts wrong, accusing of satanic worship, and not talking to a single student really warrant you to immediately accuse and rebuke?
I can’t wait to get to heaven when I’ll get to throw down like how David did – with all kinds of musical instruments – half naked if you wish and with no judgement from sinful people. Do you know how much God has been good to this undeserving girl all you undeserving people! Don’t act like rock stars but if you act like David just know you’ll be judged like a rock star!
David’s dancing in reverent joy before God has been cited by pleasure lovers in justification of the fashionable modern dance, but there is no ground for such an argument. In our day dancing is associated with folly and midnight reveling. Health and morals are sacrificed to pleasure. By the frequenters of the ballroom God is not an object of thought and reverence; prayer or the song of praise would be felt to be out of place in their assemblies. This test should be decisive. Amusements that have a tendency to weaken the love for sacred things and lessen our joy in the service of God are not to be sought by Christians. The music and dancing in joyful praise to God at the removal of the ark had not the faintest resemblance to the dissipation of modern dancing. The one tended to the remembrance of God and exalted His holy name. The other is a device of Satan to cause men to forget God and to dishonor Him.
PP 707.2
Corrected Translation – version 3 – just publish this only please
I wrote all this text in Portuguese and Translator to translate it into English.
Hey. I am a member of the Seventh-day Adventist Church since I was born. My mother dedicated to God before I was born as a promise she made to God, for the other two children she had, she lost by spontaneous abortion before giving birth.
After dedicating myself to God before I was born, I was born. I was baptized in 2001 at 8 years of age, but I have visions of God since the age of 07.
It is not always, I also have no views simply by asking God to talk to me, simply happen, when I least hope.
Curiously since 2013, specifically, my visions have increased, and all with a warning tone of God.
For example, at dawn on December 24, 2013, I remember as if it were today, it was when God talked to me, in vision, asking (or rather saying, ordering, – in a loving way of a father who wants to take care of his Son) telling me to stop eating meat immediately, and that at dawn of the day I should already be completely vegetarian.
Because it is vision, it works the same a video conference, or telephone conversation, that means that our brain can reason, can create questions wanting to get answers from God.
Different: From a prophetic dream, where we can only watch something, like a VR, but we can not interact, or if we say something no one answers us …
But vision, it is different, we can reason and talk normally, in thought, as we see the environment in which we are.
In this case, specifically, I remember that God said that all Seventh-day Adventists should become vegetarians immediately, and that I, especially, should be a vegetarian immediately after waking up from this vision …
I even told God that I was afraid to get sick or anemic, because I always had low immunity, but God told me: “If you become a vegetarian, I will not let you get sick for having become a vegetarian.”
Yes, I would have to do my part, take vitamin B12 with effective supplements like the Mexican Omnilife, and always do blood tests to evaluate how the health of my blood is and if I do not lack any vitamin or mineral, especially iron .
In that view, I still asked for permission for God to let me eat only fish, only for another 1 year, but I committed to leave immediately to eat all the other meats (as beef and chicken meat).
God agreed with my proposal, and repeated my words with emphasis: “All right, but only one more year. I really want all Seventh-day Adventists to stop eating meat immediately, or as soon as possible.”
After waking up on December 24, 2013, I was at my aunt’s house, I woke up late, about 10:50 am, and my aunt was putting the table with lunch: white rice, beans, and cooked chicken …. Yes, meat, and precisely one that I would not eat more … chicken (detail: chicken meat has always been my favorite meat).
That day I did not eat meat. By default, all Brazilians dine, usually barbecue, on the nights on December 24 to stay awake until midnight, just to get the fireworks by the arrival of Christmas, at 00:00 on December 25 .
It was not different on this occasion, although everyone has considered strange I have suddenly stopped eating meat except the fish meat, but unfortunately the markets were closed and my family can not buy fish for me to eat at this dinner …
The BBQ was chicken and beef, again without fish.
Until DECEMBER 24, 2014, I really ate little fish, less than I would like, but when the date of December 24, 2014, I really did not care to stop eating fish, the only Meat I was eating for 1 year, I was really ready to leave the last flesh completely, and I really did not suffer from it.
Curiously, after stopping meats, my visions of God have increased.
One of the visions that gave me goosebumps was quickly fulfilled, as a demonstration that GOD was trying to prove to me that the visions I was seeing were serious!
It may sound silly, but I’ve always loved the Japanese brand SONY, but because I’m a bit poor financially, I’ve rarely been able to buy electronics from the brand.
But I was really loving the SONY Xperia Z5 and SONY Xperia Z5 Premium, which I was sincerely looking forward to getting, and GOD watched me, probably with such tenderness, that He couldn’t contain Himself and gave me a vision of the future of SmartPhones.
Believe me, this is serious, GOD really cares about us even in the smallest details.
This was a prophetic dream, different from vision, I could look around like a VR, I could move, but I couldn’t talk to anyone:
In the dream I was inside a mall, which in real life I don’t think I ever visited this one, it looked like the mall interior had a futuristic design, so in my mind, during the dream, I judged that this dream was about the year 2030 or some year close to that.
I saw a smartphone counter right in front of me, about 10 steps away from me, and as I had a strong conviction that this dream was showing the future, I didn’t think twice, and immediately went to the counter to try to find it. .. yes… try to find a SONY SmartPhone of the future, to know what the design of a SONY Xperia of the future would look like.
In my sincere innocence, I didn’t think about anything else, I just wanted to know what the design of a SONY Xperia Smartphone of the future would look like.
To my surprise, upon arriving at the futuristic looking counter (futuristic design compared to Brazilian design standards – from the time I had this dream), and to my utter frustration:
I couldn’t figure out which of the SmartPhones was a SONY as none of the Smartphones had a logo of any brand on any Smartphone.
At least there was no logo on the front…
So I said in the dream: “What is the SONY Smartphone? None of these have a logo on the front, I can’t even tell which one is a competing brand!”
I couldn’t tell which one was LG, SAMSUNG, ASUS, SONY, etc.
So, in the dream, I thought, “Am I really going to have to take them by the hand and turn them over to look at the mark on their backs, one at a time?”
This discouraged me because I would have to look one at a time to know if there were any SONY Xperia and how many were SONY Xperia, but for that I would have to take my hand and look at the back to find the brand.
So, when I decided to take the Smartphones in my hand so I could look at the back of each one to find out which SONY is…
I actually managed to take one of the Smartphones in my hand, and by turning my hand, before I could see what the logo of this Smartphone was… the dream is over!
It took about 04 years for all Smartphone brands in the world to start doing what my dream showed.
Therefore, I concluded that the dream, despite showing the future, did not talk about 2030 but about 2019, curiously, the year in which the Pandemic Virus appeared in China.
Despite that, I had other dreams, around 2017, GOD gave me a date but didn’t tell me what will happen.
In this other dream that reveals the future happened like this:
I was simply in the middle of a forest that is in my city on BRAZIL, in a Mountain, where the Seventh-day Adventist Church – Central usually holds camps with the Pathfinders Club (Adventist Youth Ministries).
In this dream I was alone, it was night but the sky was clear (no clouds), very starry. The temperature was kind of cold, I was in the middle of the trail that goes up to the top of the hill, which is a plain, but I was already at a high point of the trail, already on the hill, close to reaching the plain.
In the dream I’m not walking the trail, I’m just on the trail, I keep asking the dream, “What’s going on? Why am I here?”
After waiting for the dream to respond, but the dream didn’t, I was stunned, afraid, being alone on the trail, so I asked “What is the event that is taking place?”
Again, a silence.
I started to get a lot more afraid, then an impression came into my mind, telling me to ask the dream about the date that dream was trying to portray.
Then I heard sounds of singing, something like the Angels of GOD singing slowly and solemnly, in a tone of proclamation, “It’s Shabbat! It’s Shabbat!”
Although I didn’t see anything unusual, I asked the dream, “What day is today?”
Then I was shown the date: 11/10(November)/2023.
Suddenly the dream ended, without telling me what was happening in this dream and on that date, but before the dream ended I was shown with great emphasis that in Yisroel it was already Shabbat by day, and that obviously the date would be different. When I woke up I wanted to check if the dream was true and I checked the date 11/11 (November)/2023 was Friday, considering it was night, and that’s why I heard the chants saying “It’s Shabbat!”, although I didn’t have seen him no Angel, only heard the chants.
I remembered that the dream showed that in Yisroel it would already be Shabbat by day, which would necessarily be another date in Yisroel: 11/11(November)/2023.
Do not ask me what will happen on that date, it has not been revealed to me until today, 03/14 (March)/2022.
I had other dreams, after this one, this dream lasted many nights and many consecutive weeks that showed that Brazil was involved in a war and that the city where I live would be being bombed by enemies of Brazil.
In the dream, simply, some voice told me that it was not safe to stay in my city “if there was a Third World War”.
Also, the dream took me to 02 places in the world where I said they would be safe to take shelter from a Third World War. I remember only one of these 02 places, which was shown to me, which is the extreme south of Argentina and Chile, approaching the extreme south of South America, but still on the mainland and not on the islands.
Currently, seeing what the UN said, that there is a risk of a Third Nuclear War, I started to take my precautions so that, if necessary, I will move abroad, I will not just move out of the city, but also moving out of the State/Province of BRAZIL.
I want to end this text saying that I had other visions, more recent, around 2019. GOD was irritated, angry, but simultaneously he seemed to cry with sadness and disgust…
Until then HE has shown indignation with Seventh-day Adventists for not keeping Shabbat properly, according to GOD. HE SAID THAT HE IS NOT ACCEPTING THESE Shabbat, and said: “I would prefer that the Seventh-day Adventists were stricter, it would be better if they were extreme and legalistic like the Jews about keeping the Shabbat than the current way they are acting, thinking who are keeping Shabbat! I am not accepting these Shabbat’s!”
And GOD said more, showed images of Seventh-day Adventists from the USA and from other places in the World like Europe, showing that many who claim to be members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, going to amusement parks on Shabbat day, going to Disney World on Shabbat, going to football stadiums to watch games or watching other sports competitions on TV or in person, always on Shabbat.
GOD also showed me Seventh-day Adventists leaving their children using Smartphones and Tablets inside Seventh-day Adventist Churches, on Shabbat, playing games of all kinds and types.
When displaying these images in this vision, GOD said in a disgusted tone and in an angry manner, “I don’t accept this!”.
Finally GOD showed me members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church entering social networks, WhatsApp, Facebook and Instagram (at the time, in 2019, they were the most famous social networks worldwide, including in Brazil, that’s why only them were shown in this vision, but it was very obvious to me that it was in general, including social networks that would be used in the future), Seventh-day Adventists were accessing these social networks on Shabbat or Friday night, and GOD told me to look at this, and said that he did not want Adventists on Social Media on Shabbat because this was making Adventists sin and desecrate Shabbat, as they ended up looking at secular content or subjects or posts, and that was equivalent to watching mundane TV or listening to mundane music on Shabbat.
Then, with a tone of extreme disgust and sadness, GOD said: “You’ve already missed this Shabbat! I don’t accept it anymore! Let them try to keep the next one! ! Try again next time!” (and then it came to my mind: “if they’re going to live until the next Shabbat. Maybe they won’t even have a chance to redeem themselves).
Finally, GOD said, “Woe to the Seventh-day Adventists and to all mankind if I required a minimum amount of Shabbat to be kept fully and perfectly right, so that any person could be saved!”
GOD has even shown Seventh-day Adventists who own any business, or have employees, and GOD has shown me how strict the judgment will be on these Adventists. GOD even told me that Seventh-day Adventists who own businesses should release their employees at 11 AM or 12 PM on Fridays, and that if the Seventh-day Adventist owns a restaurant or cafeteria, he should close at 4 PM at the latest. from Friday, but preferably until 02 PM or 03 PM on Fridays.
And GOD completed saying that the Seventh-day Adventists who are employees, employees of any company, cannot be inside the company where they work until the end of the workday if this conflicts with the Friday sunset. .
GOD seemed to me to be very strict about this, and told me that Seventh-day Adventists have to be out of the company where they work before sunset even begins.
I had many other dreams, but now, dealing with what happened at this Adventist University.
I am a person with no brakes on my mouth. I fill my mouth to say that this University seems to be possessed by Lucifer and seems to be filled with the widest range of demons. Are any of the directors or some teachers of this institution being controlled by Lucifer?
Are the students who are Seventh-day Adventists who participated in this “lowering” crowded with Legions of Demons? It can be easily seen that the students do not oppose and do not fight against this type of event, rather, they are the ones who cry out for this type of show event.
Seeing this news disgusted me so much, that if GOD told me to leave the Seventh-day Adventist Church, I would go out giving Glory to GOD, because this kind of event makes the Seventh-day Adventist Church look like Trash.
I feel more with GOD (or I have less feeling of being something diabolical) K-pop songs than this Luciferian Rock promoted by this Adventist institution that acts more like a cradle of new demons, it’s practically a mini throne of Lucifer, for Rock is Lucifer open wide, while secular Pop music is Lucifer hidden.
If GOD has been as irritated and angry and furious and sad and disappointed as the way Seventh-day Adventists say (and think) they are keeping Shabbat, I can’t even imagine GOD’s feeling at seeing this kind of thing. taking place at Adventist Universities, and worse, being supported by student members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, which proves that it is not enough to change the board, in fact everyone should be excluded from the church.
Surely GOD prefers that all of these are converted because there is no other explanation for this type of event to occur in an Adventist University, the only explanation is that they are all (or were?) music for these young people. This is the most likely explanation.
I’m not a saint, I’d like to, but keeping communion with GOD daily brings me closer to Him in such a way, that I feel like defending GOD because I start to love GOD so much every day that I feel like protect God from any suffering he may be going through because of each of us Seventh-day Adventists who have been so negligent and hypocritical, so lukewarm…
Let’s pray more, I don’t know if it’s the Closing of the Door of Grace, or the Start of Apocalypse. I don’t know if it’s the Beginning or the End of a Third World War. I don’t know if it will be something that will occur in the midst of Heaven or if it will be something to be seen from under Heaven.
One thing is for sure, GOD showed me, in a vision, probably around 2018, that there will be a visible alien invasion in Heaven. They will be demons. I couldn’t believe it, it was so real.
In the dream I was inside the house, the door to the “living room” was open, and I could see my mother outside, in the yard, looking on in terrible dread, frozen with fear so trembling that, as I looked at her face, I feared that she had died of fright and had been left immobile, dead, by fright.
In the dream, I screamed “Mommy!”, went outside the house, in the backyard, and looked at the sky in the same direction as her eyes…
They were absolutely gigantic flying saucers. It was very real, it didn’t seem to be merely Project Blue Beam (3D Holographic Projectors), and it made a sound coming from the sky, typical of a spaceship engine, same sound used in Alien Invasion movies, same engine sound of Flying Saucers. ..
In the dream I feared that it wasn’t a mere hologram, and I thought that they were real, physical ships (it wasn’t hologram), and obviously they would be full of Demons personified with human appearance (or Alien appearance), so I pulled my mom (who was viva) I pulled her by the arm into the house, closed the door and the windows, and stayed with my mom inside the house… and the dream ended.
It was very real and it scared me too much. I don’t know when the Alien invasion will take place, which will actually be Demons and Lucifer himself in the middle, but it will indeed take place, I didn’t have this vision for nothing.
11/10 (November)/2023, what will happen, I don’t know, but something will happen, even if we don’t see it.
Lol haha. Much ado about nothing much.
John 8:44 says who you are? How dare you defend Luciferianism within the Seventh-day Adventist Church and institutions? You look like you’re part of http://www.illuminati.am …That may GOD rebuke you in the Name of Jesus!