EuroPride is a pan-European international event dedicated to promoting LGBT+ advocacy. EuroPride is hosted by a different European city each year. The LGBT+ organizers planned to hold the 2022 EuroPride in Belgrade, Serbia; however, Serbian authorities placed a ban on the 2022 EuroPride event due to the fact that Serbia has a large conservative Eastern Orthodox presence in the country and currently doesn’t have any form of legal recognition for same-sex marriage or couples.
The militant LGBT+ agents deliberately targeted Serbia to incite chaos and revolution in the once relatively peaceful country. This nation was picked for their 2022 EuroPride event in order to bring them into compliance with the LGBT+ policies of the EU. The following was published by The Associated Press:
“Members of the European Pride Organizers Association chose Serbia’s capital three years ago to host the annual event, hoping it would represent a major breakthrough for a Slavic country that is traditionally conservative and strongly influenced by the Orthodox Church.” [1]
When Serbia decided to ban the 2022 EuroPride event, more than 20 western countries, including the US, France, the UK, and of course the EU, worked to pressure Serbia to reverse its decision:
“Several EU officials have said they will join the LGBTQ events, while those calling on the Serbian government to reverse the previously heralded ban included U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken.” [1]
Religious, social, and political organizations protested against the 2022 EuroPride event in Serbia, calling for the preservation of marriage and the family. They also demanded that the ban on the LGBT+ event stay in place. [2] However, due to ongoing internal conflicts, protests on both sides, lawsuits, and mounting pressure from the EU and the rest of the world, Serbia permitted the EuroPride event to take place. [3]
So, now that the 2022 EuroPride event has concluded, what was the outcome? Notice what one of the Serbian Members of Parliament (MPs) has said:
Ово није само геј парада, ово је класична окупациона и антихришћанска агенда: скрнављење хришћанских симбола, вређање верских осећања, комунистичка петокрака, ЕУ диктатура, подршка НАТО-у у рату против Русије… Геј парада је само претходница за потпуну НАТО окупацију Србије!
— Бошко Обрадовић (@BoskoObradovic) September 17, 2022
The Tweet says:
“This is not just a gay parade, this is a classic occupation and anti-Christian agenda: desecration of Christian symbols, insulting religious sentiments, communist pentacle, EU dictatorship, supporting NATO in the war against Russia… The gay parade is just a precursor to the complete NATO occupation of Serbia! (Tweet above).
One of the first things they saw after the 2022 EuroPride event was allowed to take place was the open and public mocking of Jesus by members of the LGBT+ movement in the streets of Belgrade, Serbia. Look at this ridiculous smile! Does this poor soul really believe that Christ was smiling as He was crowned with thorns piercing his head or when His hands and feet were nailed to the cross, all of which He suffered for us, including this mocker?
The radical LGBT+ agenda is not about equality; rather, it is about obliterating, marginalizing, and mocking conservative and biblical views. The homosexual agenda is far more aggressive than people are willing to acknowledge. Their fight was never about gay marriage or equal rights. They defame our Creator to His face as they declare war against the moral law of God.
Through chaos and revolution, the LGBT+ movement is currently attempting to impose their beliefs on every nation and religion. Nations are being bullied into accepting the new definitions of love, marriage, and families thanks to the UN and the USA. The radical social engineering of the LGBT+ agenda is at play here. They want to impose their confusion and insanity on us. “All these are the beginning of sorrows” (Matthew 24:8). Get ready for impending persecution. All of this emboldens the LGBT+ movement to wage war on God, the Bible, and Christian institutions.
“I was shown that a terrible condition of things exists in our world. The angel of mercy is folding her wings, ready to depart … The law of God is made void. We see and hear of confusion and perplexity, want and famine, earthquakes and floods; terrible outrages will be committed by men; passion, not reason, bears sway. The wrath of God is upon the inhabitants of the world, who are fast becoming as corrupt as were the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah” (Maranatha, p. 137).
They are on a mission to take over and change our world.
“Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded; But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all. Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed.” Luke 17:28-30.
There is nothing new under the sun…Eccl 1:9; 3:15. God destroyed the cities of the plain…the men of the city, old and YOUNG surrounded Lot’s home. When you look up the word YOUNG in the Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance you will see how debased the population of those cities were. Young #5288 boy, from infancy to adolescence. Do you hear and see? Adolescence is up to the age of accountability: age 12. This perversity means that the LGBT will not stop until pedophiles are also acknowledged as another group.
As Paul said…”and such WERE some of you.” There is victory over every weight and sin that does so easily beset us. We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. Pray that God will strengthen us when we stand firm in what God calls this: an abomination. Fortify your minds with His promises…you will need them.
Just like John Travolta played Michael the archangel in the movie Michael, (I did not watch it) will be held accountable for his blasphemy so will those who thought it smart and cool to be so Heaven daring as to portray our beloved Lord as that which He calls an abomination. Satan has deluded them.
You’re kidding right? Mocking is a lot different than imitating someone, well mock can mean imitate but you think this person is somehow ridiculing your religion. I’m sorry but does that mean you should also post a negative blog about a person cosplaying Jesus on halloween? Lets say you took a LGBT icon like I don’t know Lady Gaga and imitated her appearance but dressed her up as a nun. Nobody would say your mocking Lady Gaga. Many would probably sing Judas or I don’t know Alejandro or do that “In the name of the father the son and house of gucci” meme. The communist flag is probably some random person trying to be seen. One person doesn’t represent the whole community. I mean they brought a rapist on a TV station in Serbia and interviewed him, does that mean I should consider he is in line with str8 christian people?