For over sixty years, Christian leaders have engaged in interfaith dialogue, but when Muslims reach out to Pope Francis, urging him to strengthen the relationship between Islam and Rome, this signals something far greater than mere diplomacy—it points to the fulfillment of prophecy. Such unity between the major faiths is a precursor to the end times, and the coming together of Islam and Catholicism under one spiritual understanding is no exception. As these events unfold before our eyes, it becomes evident that what was once seen as improbable is now a reality, serving as a clear sign that we are moving closer to the final events.
Muslim Network TV reported on February 12, 2025, that leaders of the religion of Islam were inspired by Pope Francis’ encyclical Fratelli Tutti and approached the Pope, urging him to meet with them to strengthen their relationship.
Muslim Network TV reported the following:
• “Chems-Eddine Hafiz, the rector of the Grand Mosque of Paris, has extended a proposal to Pope Francis for an interfaith meeting between Christians and Muslims in Paris later this year, aimed at promoting dialogue and unity.” [1]
• “The suggestion was made during an audience at Casa Santa Marta in the Vatican, where Hafiz met with the Pope alongside a delegation from the European Coordination Council AMMALE—Alliance of Mosques, Associations, and Muslim Leaders.” [1]
• “Drawing inspiration from Pope Francis’ encyclical Fratelli Tutti, which advocates for fraternity and justice, Hafiz’s proposal seeks to strengthen the relationship between the two religious communities through meaningful conversation.” [1]
• “During their discussion, Hafiz presented a message emphasizing the need for Christians and Muslims in Europe to unite in fraternity, sharing a vision for an international interreligious gathering in Paris in 2025.” [1]
• “In his letter to Pope Francis, Hafiz reflected on the centuries of shared history between Christianity and Islam, emphasizing that despite differences, both communities are united by a divine origin.” [1]
• “Hafiz praised Pope Francis’s efforts in combating prejudice, noting his commitment to promoting interfaith unity through ongoing dialogue with Muslim leaders.” [1]
• “The proposed gathering in Paris shall be a significant step towards furthering interreligious understanding and collaboration between the two faiths in Europe.” [1]
During the Catholic Crusades (1095-1492), Rome was unable to conquer the Mohammedans. Yet according to Bible prophecy, even this power must be brought into subjugation. For we read:
“And all the world wondered after the beast.” Revelation 13:3.
Here we see Muslim religious leaders coming together to pay respect to Pope Francis as a viable, legitimate, unifying authority. Under the reign of the Antichrist, all powers must be brought to the knee of Rome.
“And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse, and against his army.” Revelation 19:19.
Prophecy tells us that the beast is gathering “together” an army to wage war against the truth, against God, and against His people. Pope Francis and Islam are working together to usher in religious unity throughout the world. According to prophecy, this is exactly what will happen in the final days of human history.
“The world is filled with storm and war and variance. Yet under one head—the papal power—the people will unite to oppose God in the person of His witnesses. This union is cemented by the great apostate. While he seeks to unite his agents in warring against the truth” (Testimonies, Vol. 7, p. 182).
As the coming crisis unfolds, God’s people must remain unwavering in their commitment to Bible truth, standing firm against deception and compromise. The Scriptures warn of a time when the beast—symbolizing the union of church and state—will rise with increasing power, seeking to enforce false worship and suppress God’s commandments. The resurgence of papal authority, as foretold in prophecy, will lead to coercion and the erosion of religious liberty. In this solemn hour, the faithful must boldly proclaim the three angels’ messages, warning the world against allegiance to the beast and calling all to worship the Creator in spirit and truth.
I’d like to point to the interesting article “The competition between religious countries and the secular world” by Franz Jedlicka on LinkedIn. He names some data regarding nonviolence in the legislation of countries worldwide.