On Thursday, November 18, 2021, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said during a press conference that the climate change movement is a “religious” issue for her when recounting her visit to COP26. According to Pelosi, the climate crisis is also a “national security” issue and we have a “moral obligation” to become protectors of “God’s creation.” [1] When top political leaders start invoking religion with a “national” climate crisis, we know exactly where it is headed.
A precedent is being set for the coming tyranny as politics and religion unite to impose a “Green Sunday Law” in obedience to the Pope’s climate encyclical. One must grasp the magnitude of what is happening before our eyes: the complete surrender of secular governments to the first beast of Revelation 13. Our nation will establish an apostate religious-political system modeled after Rome.
The only piece of the puzzle that has yet to take shape is the National Sunday Law. When civil rule comes under the influence of the church, these efforts lead to both the downfall of the church and state. When the church enters into an unholy alliance with the state, that’s when faith is corrupted with political influence and power. This opens the way for the church to become arbitrary and a persecutor of minority groups who reject the church’s man-made traditions.
For decades, faithful Seventh-day Adventists have been announcing the final developments of world events, and we are only seeing the fulfilment of these trends. When world leaders begin making public religious statements in context to a national emergency, what follows is the systematic dismantling of all our freedoms. They are working to revoke our Constitutional rights and soon all our liberties will disappear.
The only answer for this unholy alliance of church and state is the everlasting gospel found in Revelation 14:6-12. These great messages have to take priority in the life and work of the church. These messages which the Lord gave must be faithfully proclaimed. Only through the effortless and vigorous work of evangelism can there be hope and salvation to overcome in the days ahead. We must be preparing for the coming mark of the beast.
“The Lord has shown me clearly that the image of the beast will be formed before probation closes; for it is to be the great test for the people of God, by which their eternal destiny will be decided” (Bible Commentary, Vol. 7, p. 976).
Thank you for the information!
Thank you for sounding the trumpet. We need to keep focused on what really matters: Jesus is coming again and soon for the final events will be rapid ones.
The major media outlets would have us focus on what they are doing with their left hand while the right hand works behind the scene doing its own nefarious work. Slight of hand in politics with the RCC being the mastermind behind it all pulling the strings of the puppets.
Political change as religion increasingly becomes a part of politics, read the article here
Yes, the church has a work to do, while the world will do as they choose to do; we are commissioned to go and not to set up a public place to worship where people could come in and hear the preaching of the word by the chosen few, all disciples and believers of Christ both as individuals and collectively are commissioned to go and as we go, we need to take into consideration these words of Jesus…a new commandment I give you that you love one another as I have loved you & by this shall all know that you are my disciples when you love each other (John 13: 34 & 35;15: 12 & 17) So it is only as we go loving each other as Jesus loved His disciples, the majority of the people in the area that we go to represent Christ will know we belong to Jesus by the way we love each other. What is the practical application or implication of the love of Christ among us becoming stronger as we spread out to share the gospel with others?
It will be fewer people in many places yet on the whole the larger-to-smaller groups are much closer together. More home and mobile church meetings will take place and less will be done in the traditional church building, why? In order to love as Jesus loved his disciples in practical terms, face to face warm socialisation must naturally become a premium, highly valued and desired developing closer relationships both with God and each other at the same time, as we spread out and continue with the gospel, the loving expanding collective smaller groups of disciples will be as a Mobile Missionary Movement, leaving the traditional church behind, which is more like a Manage Members Ministry, with fewer to many peoples in many to fewer places yet on the whole further apart; with church traditional church meetings which mainly meets once/week in the following formation face to back/back to face, set up more to be a church that both members and visitors can go to, while remaining less effective in spreading the gospel and developing the gifts and talents of the members at the same time.
Let us remember that The Everlasting Gospel is part of the gospel mission which was first preached to the sinful pair as The Creator Promised/prophesied of the Messiah (Christ the anointed) to come, it continued to be unfolded and made a little clearer through the writings and worship service among the people of God, which met with the stumbling block of idolatry as the people of God imitated the customs and worship manner to the heathen nations, after Christ returned to heaven on the day of Pentecost the gospel exploded among the people and different tongues were manifested, we don’t know as no record is made, but when those who returned from Jerusalem to their homes and shared the wonderful gospel of Christ heard in the language of their home town/country and not in the Hebrew tongue, this was God’s way of preparing and spreading the gospel in advance of the missionaries from Jerusalem who will directly take the gospel of Christ more fully outside of Jerusalem.
Fast forward to our day, so many churches read and use the bible, too many denominations to speak of and when it comes to Sabbath believing bodies and groups of people, there are over 500 groups (not including the Seventh day Adventist church) to the task ahead seems impossible to accomplish even with all the plans, programmes or evangelism done, why? It is the commission of Christ to the church and even if we touch every part of the world, we will never know when the gospel of the kingdom will be completed world-wide, only The Godhead will know, we are only living instruments in the hands of the divine, we do not determine is the mission has been accomplished that is left within the heavens above and yet we know it will be done, John saw an angel in Revelation 18, while the 1st, 2nd and 3rd angels of Revelation 14 was only seen in the air, the angel of Revelation 18 not only surrounded the global earth, but lighted up the earth with his glory and at such a time, all the other sheep in other folds (John 10: 16) shall hear the voice of Christ call them out of spiritual Babylon, as they become willing to respond to the gospel of the kingdom which started in the garden of Eden, continued through the sanctuary system, preached by the apostles and spread among the nations by the disciples, until there was a falling away, yet the church is back on its feet again, yet we still have a work to accomplish, which will never be done until a heaven sent revival takes place, and The Spirit of God and His Christ is sent among all peoples and many will be in the valley of decision preparing to be sealed of God (which is more than the correct observance of The Sabbath and will include the character of Christ being fully developed and perfectly reproduced in the hearts and lives of the sealed ones)
To conclude, we need to spend less time highlighting what is taking place outside of the fold of Christ, never mind the wolves outside of the fold to which Christ sent his disciples (Matthew 10: 16) we ought to be on the lookout for the…wolves in sheep clothing…which will successfully pass off as one of the followers of Christ looking to all outward appearances like the sheep, but inside or under the cover are nothing but wolves as agents of the enemy of Christ seeking to devour the sheep s and when they can do so.
Be this as it may we will not lose heart, the fold is the fold of Christ our church leaders are only under shepherds, as The Good Shepherd Jesus will protect His sheep and no one can take the sheep out of His hands, and the mission of Christ will be accomplished in these words…Other sheep have I in other folds them also must I bring and there will be one fold and one Shepherd, then and only then will the end come, no one knows the extent of the fold of Christ, The SDA church did not exist when this statement was made, so Christ is busy gathering or identifying His fold preparing them for the great gathering and when He is ready, no person, no body, no government or power can prevent Christ in bring all the sheep together so that the sheep outside the fold and join the sheep within the fold.
We are now in the time of the beginning of the sounding of the 7th trumpet…(the mystery of God…the gospel should be finished…Revelation 10: 7…which still remains unfinished as we know) then when the 7th angel shall have completed blowing the trumpet…Revelation 11: 15…the declaration shall be made…The kingdoms of this world has become the kingdoms of our Lord and His Christ who shall reign forever and ever.
May we do our part as representatives of Christ, to declare the mystery of God in all the world that we will eventually be a part of the glorious Kingdom of God and His Christ where we shall live in their presence to the divine pleasure forever and ever and ever forever as long as we live, yet more importantly for as long as God and His Christ IS and LIVES Amen and amen.
The movements have been well calculated by the devil and it’s allies but we need to to take heed of the unfolding events as regards to Matthew 24 it is our obligation to update ourselves, with such wonderful prediction from the mouth of the Creator. We know too well that the Vatican is well positioned to unleash the weep against them that will disobey the mark of the beast. We need many of this collaborations in authentication, of our faith.
Is it just me or can you make out the silhouette of a sideways figure with a halo behind his head in the missing 1/7th portions of the two concentric circles
Pelosi can’t even combat her own district much less preach to our Nation our moral obligation.