Protestants who support Rome’s ecumenical message are mere pawns used to promote a hostile agenda that will ultimately put an end to them and their beliefs. While Protestants are busy bringing their churches closer into communion with Rome, Rome, on the other hand, is busy trying to evangelize and convert Protestants to Catholicism. What a deception! Whether they realize it or not, Protestants who promote the ecumenical agenda are perpetuating fraud against God, the Protestant faith, and liberty of conscience.
According to the National Catholic Register, Protestants are a group of rebels who split the Roman Catholic Church in opposition to Christ’s call for unity. Though with very little success, the Catholic Church had always wanted the Protestant churches—which are seen as daughters—to go back to the queen mother. However, the ecumenical decree of the Second Vatican Council marked a significant turning point in Catholic-Protestant relations. Today, thanks to the ecumenical message of reconciliation, forgiveness, unity, and, of course, ending the protest, everything appears to be changing. Rome is moving quickly to unite all Protestant churches in order to reunite them with the Catholic Church and the Eucharist.
On February 29, 2024, the following article by John Martignoni, Director of the Office of the New Evangelization for the Diocese of Birmingham in Alabama, was published in The National Catholic Register:
• “It’s not unusual for me to be asked, by Catholics, ‘Why do you spend so much time trying to evangelize Protestants?’ I have been told, a number of times, that since Protestants already believe in Jesus, the Trinity, the Resurrection, and so on, I shouldn’t waste my time evangelizing them.” [1]
• “My question to you is: Are Catholics and Protestants one as Jesus and the Father are one? For example, do the Father and the Son disagree on doctrine or dogma? Any doctrine or dogma? Does the Father believe infants should be baptized but the Son says they shouldn’t be? Does the Father believe the Eucharist is symbolic but the Son believes in his Real Presence in the Eucharist? Does the Father believe in a pre-Tribulation rapture but the Son believes in a post-Tribulation rapture? Do Father and Son disagree on any single article of the Christian Faith? Of Christian morality? Of Christian practice?” [1]
• “We cannot show the world that we are one and thus have the world come to believe that Jesus was sent by the Father (John 17:23). This is one of the big reasons the world, our culture, our society is literally going to Hell all around us, because of division within Christianity.” [1]
• “When I am asked why I spend so much time evangelizing Protestants, I generally respond by asking a few questions of my own. First, I will ask my Catholic questioner: ‘Did Jesus start a Church?’ All of the responses I have received have been, ‘Yes, Jesus started a Church.’ Then I ask, ‘Is the Catholic Church the Church Jesus started?’ Every single time, again, from Catholics, the answer is, ‘Yes.’ To which I reply, ‘Well, do you not think Jesus wants Baptists and Evangelicals and Lutherans and non-denominationalists and all Protestants to join us in his Church‘?” [1]
• “Before they even have the time to answer, I take it one step further by asking: ‘Do you believe the Eucharist is truly the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ?’ So far, the answer has been, ‘Yes,’ 100% of the time. Which causes me to ask: ‘Don’t you think Jesus wants Baptists and Evangelicals and Lutherans and non-denominationalists and all Protestants to be in his Church so as to receive him in the Eucharist?’ And that is why I spend so much time evangelizing Protestants. Because I believe God wants everyone to be Catholic so that they can receive him in the Eucharist and so that they can receive all the graces that he has to offer them through the Catholic Church.” [1]
This is the reason why we should not be part of the ecumenical movement that is bringing Protestants into the arms of Rome. They want us to submit to the Pope of Rome, join in their Sunday Eucharist, and become Roman Catholics. Rome has never changed any of its doctrinal positions and never will. What is changing is Protestantism. Today we hear that the Papacy is not the Antichrist anymore. We are now brothers in Christ, with peace and unity. And all those archaic biblical allegories—the beast, the whore, the antichrist, the little horn, and the man of sin—are undermining the unity and spirit of cooperation with Rome. Therefore, they must end. We need peace, no matter the cost!
Even though the process of ecumenism has been peaceful thus far, this “peace” will not continue. Ellen G. White, prophetess of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, predicted the day when unity would be attained between Catholics and Protestants, but at an enormous cost. Protestants who participate in the ecumenical movement are helping to heal the deadly wound, which will lead to the following crisis:
“God’s Word has given warning of the impending danger; let this be unheeded, and the Protestant world will learn what the purposes of Rome really are, only when it is too late to escape the snare. She is silently growing into power. Her doctrines are exerting their influence in legislative halls, in the churches, and in the hearts of men. She is piling up her lofty and massive structures, in the secret recesses of which her former persecutions will be repeated. Stealthily and unsuspectedly she is strengthening her forces to further her own ends when the time shall come for her to strike” (The Great Controversy, 581).
“The Roman Church is far-reaching in her plans and modes of operation. She is employing every device to extend her influence and increase her power in preparation for a fierce and determined conflict to regain control of the world, to reestablish persecution, and to undo all that Protestantism has done” (The Great Controversy, 565).
Oh … so they can evangelize Protestants, but according to the BEM document of 1982(?) signed in Rio by Protestant churches including the SDA church along with the Catholic church … Protestants should cease evangelism. Hmm, that sounds like the “Mother’s” reasoning.
~It’s easier to simply import large numbers of already RC immigrants to the States than it is to convert Protestants. Around 1980, Peter Bieter, in a taped presentation, stated that the RC plan to overthrow Protestant America was to import large numbers of Roman Catholic immigrants. Roman Catholics have been active in the sanctuary movement for decades. A Jesuit priest at a Loyola Marymount University conference stated that RC immigration activists, in Orange County, California, had helped process 50,000 illegals for immigration amnesty, vis-a- vis Reagan’s 1986 immigration reform bill. Nearly 3 million “illegals” took advantage of that opportunity. Half a million Central Americans settled in Los Angeles by ~1990. La Placita, the oldest RC church in Los Angeles was the locus of the Sanctuary movement in Los Angeles. Luis Olivares, the Claretian priest who pastored La Placita during that time is thought to be worthy of sainthood by some.
Kang Hsi, the 17th century Chinese emperor, expelled Roman Catholics from China. He reasoned that the multiplication of individuals subject to a foreign king [the pope] was not in the best interests of his country.
God wants us to keep the commandments and the faith of Jesus so that we can be with Him in heaven.