The Biden administration is about to mandate transgender policies for all recipients of federal grants. The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) is part of the executive branch and serves the President of the United States. The OMB is tasked with the implementation of the president’s vision across the federal government. On November 27, 2023, the Center for Public Justice, a Christian public policy advocacy group, reported that the OMB has “proposed a sweeping overhaul” of the way federal grants will soon be managed.
The Center for Public Justice published the following:
• “The Office of Management and Budget has proposed a sweeping overhaul of its “Uniform Guidance”—rules that apply across federal agencies that describe how grants and cooperative agreements should be administered and audited. [1]
• “The Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) was published on October 5, 2023. The troubling changes are proposed for Section 200.300.” [1]
• “Many detailed changes is new language that elevates LGBTQ protections while downgrading religious freedom protections.” [1]
• “The proposed new language in subsec. (b) claims that the expansion of sex nondiscrimination to encompass also sexual-orientation and gender-identity discrimination is required.” [1]
• “A new subsec. (c) appears to suggest that officials administering federal grants and agreements should seek to prohibit sexual-orientation and gender-identity discrimination in every program.” [1]
These new government grant proposals would cancel the First Amendment rights and religious freedom protections for hundreds of Christian schools. LGBT+ activists want to compel all Americans to embrace their agenda by using all available federal tools at their disposal. This is totalitarian because, should these new regulations be approved, the OMB would have the power to tell religious schools what they are allowed to say and believe. In this federal grant scheme, the government imposes new definitions about what is true.
While federal grants are a major source of funding for schools, they always come with conditions. Adventist schools receiving federal dollars will be required to adhere to new transgender policies. If we don’t allow transgender students access to their preferred dormitory or dressing rooms, or if we don’t support their new identities and pronouns, the federal government will threaten to withdraw funding for “discrimination.” We would most certainly also have to hire transgender teachers and administration staff.
How are our universities going to respond? Will they vote to keep their hands in their own pockets and maintain their religious beliefs? Or will they give in to the transgender movement to keep the millions of federal funds coming in? Most likely, we will see another compromise. We will submit to the LGBT+ movement by claiming that we must be inclusive and diverse, but at the same time, we will pretend that we still adhere to what the Bible says.
Will women soon be forced to share dressing rooms with biological men in order to avoid being accused of discrimination? Will we see our Adventist institutions continue down the path of being fundamentally and radically changed? Well, if we want Caesar’s money, we will. It is part of the golden rule: “He who has the gold makes the rules.”
We quit relying on the power and wisdom of our Heavenly Father to manage and sustain our institutions.
What else can we expect????
Oh I’m sure most of our colleges will easily cave
As it was in the days of Noah…let the shaking begin.
Heb 12:27 And this word, Yet once more, signifieth the removing of those things that are shaken, as of things that are made, that those things which cannot be shaken may remain.
A common falsehood oft repeated by the alphabet homosexuals is that the Bible doesn’t have much to say about homosexuality and its affiliates. Aside from the obvious prohibitions in the OT, Paul described “men with men working that which is unseemly as “unclean”” (Romans 1:24). The word unclean is used in the NT, often in the context of other sexual sins:
2Co 12:21 And lest, when I come again, my God will humble me among you, and that I shall bewail many which have sinned already, and have not repented of the uncleanness and fornication and lasciviousness which they have committed.
Ga 5:19 Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,
Col 3:5 Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry:
“Uncleanness” is a euphemism for homosexuality. The “unclean” will not be included in the kingdom of God, according to the Bible (Galatians 5:21). They will experience the wrath of God (Colossians 3:6).
Now is the time for God’s people to show themselves true to principle. When the religion of Christ is most held in contempt, when his law is most despised, then should our zeal be the warmest and our courage the most unflinching. To stand in defense of truth and righteousness when the majority forsake us, to fight the battles of the Lord when champions are few,—this will be our test. At this time we must gather warmth from the coldness of others, courage from their cowardice, and loyalty from their treason. The nation will be on the side of the great rebel leader. – RH January 11, 1887
The days of purification of the church are hastening on space. God will have a people pure and true. In the mighty sifting soon to take place, we shall be better able to measure the strength of Israel. The signs reveal that the time is near when the Lord will manifest that his fan is in his hand, and that he soon will thoroughly purge his floor. – RH January 11, 1887
But that which causes me to tremble, is the fact that those who have had the greatest light and privileges have become contaminated by the prevailing iniquity. Influenced by the unrighteous around them, many, even of those who profess the truth, have grown cold, and are borne down by the strong current of evil. The universal scorn thrown upon true piety and holiness, leads those who do not connect closely with God to lose their reverence for his law. If they were following the light, and obeying the truth from the heart, this holy law would seem even more precious to them when despised and set aside. As the disrespect for God’s law becomes more manifest, the line of demarkation between its observers and the world becomes more distinct. Love for the divine precepts increases with one class, according as contempt for them increases with the other class. – RH January 11, 1887
The institutions will cave.
They are addicted to the money and they will justify their decision saying it is a witnessing opportunity to show God’s grace and love.
They will cave…..
It is interesting to note that the pope this month stripped a US cardinal and dismissed a US bishop for speaking out against him on LGBTQ+ rights; as well as hosted a group of trans women at a luncheon in Rome. This leaves little doubt to the agenda of this sweeping transgenderism religion that is now being promoted and reinforced by the Vatican authority.
This is exactly what happened in Canada a few years ago re Trudeau’s “Canada summer jobs” grants program. Funding was made contingent on endorsing abortion and LGB.
In addition to their deviant sexual practices, the alt-sex community continually blaspheme God. “I’ve been praying to become heteronormative for “decades,” “most of my life,” “since I was in college” they say, “but God hasn’t delivered me.” What they are saying is that the blood of Jesus and the Holy Spirit can’t or won’t deliver from sin. When Hebrews says the blood of Christ purges our conscience from dead works, that includes deviant sexual practices. A fundamental truth of the gospel is that we must be born again of the Spirit. Someone may have been born gay. In order to be saved, he/she must be born again. A born again Christian, who has been washed in the blood of Jesus, and gifted with the Holy Spirit, isn’t going to be regenerated as a homosexual, however loud their protestations to the contrary may be.
Be homophobic. If you know someone of your gender who wants to have sex with other members of your gender, you should be afraid of them. Avoid them. Like Paul said, there are some people who should be delivered unto Satan, militant homosexual types and their partisans included.
Don’t lose hope folks. There are still 7,000 that have not bowed to knee to Baal. Pray for our schools. Pray for our churches.