is the developer of the NewsBreak app that is found on smartphones, both iPhone and Android. With over 50 million users, it is one of the most popular news sources in the country. [1] On March 4, 2023, NewsBreak published an article titled “No Spend Sunday” and stated that if we followed the simple rule of not spending money on Sunday, this would save our finances, eliminate stress, and give us the much-needed time that many of us don’t seem to have. Spending money involves buying and selling. So basically, NewsBreak is saying that we can save both our economies and ourselves if we don’t buy and sell on Sunday.
The following was published by NewBreak:
“Sunday, it’s a day of rest for many, a day filled with activity for others. Sundays may entail going to church, working on a hobby or project, spending time with family, dining out, and perhaps going to the beach or a park.” [2]
“It’s a keep-it-simple day for me. I like to unplug from the work week, and perhaps wind down a bit from an active social Saturday. Sunday is a focus on my immediate surroundings – my home, my castle, and yes, me. Helping to keep things simple means Sunday is a No Spending Day for me. Whatever it is I have planned for the day, be it working on a project, watching football, firing up the grill, or the simple pleasure of reading, I make it a goal to be a day where I don’t spend any money.” [2]
“A no-spend Sunday (pick any day that works for you) helps with the budget … Unplanned spending can create spending shortfalls when it comes to paying bills later in the month or putting money in savings, especially if you’re living paycheck to paycheck.” [2]
“A No Spend Day simplifies the accounting process and forces you to take on a playing chess mindset if you will, thinking a move ahead … Thinking a move ahead leads to a surplus and having a surplus means less stress, both in the moment and looking at the bills coming due vs. the balance remaining in the checking account stress.” [2]
“The biggest benefit to a No Spend Sunday is time management. Making those impromptu, off-budget spending runs takes time, time away from what you would rather be doing.” [2]
“Try creating a No Spend Day for yourself, it will help you save money, time and reduce stress!” [2]
They are clearly speaking about not doing business on Sunday in order to significantly impact the lives of people both economically and socially. We are being told that No Spend Sunday can improve the overall well-being of people. By resting on Sunday, people can be refreshed, stress-free, and have more time and money, which, according to the news report, can ultimately benefit the economy as a whole.
In addition, No Spend Sunday can also have social benefits, such as allowing people to spend more time with their families, pursue hobbies, and participate in community events. These activities can improve the quality of life for individuals and contribute to the well-being of society as a whole.
Do we understand what is happening? Can we see the hidden or implied meaning that is being conveyed here? If you take what they are saying and compare it with Bible prophecy, they are trying to argue that mandating Sunday rest would be beneficial to everyone. Additionally, restrictions against buying and selling on Sunday would have to be included.
Even though NewsBreak proposes Sunday as the day for not spending money, they casually say, “Well, you can also pick your own day.” However, they have already chosen Sunday to be that day. They certainly are not impartial. Unfortunately, public opinion has been trending in this direction for quite some time, and we see more and more examples every day.
Soon, No Spend Sunday will not just be offered as a good suggestion to help us in our personal lives. No, soon, buying and selling on Sunday will be prohibited by law during the Mark of the Beast crisis:
“And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” Revelation 13:16, 17.
Whom should we obey, God or man? Acts 5:29, says,it is better to obey God rather than man.Our heavenly Father,the Almighty God,the creator of the heavens and the earth says in his word, remember to keep the Sabbath day holy.period.exodus 20:8-11,Isaiah 58:13,14.ezekiel 20:12,20.may our heavenly Father help us is my prayer.
No spend Sunday will lead to the mark of the beast and the seven last plagues, and not to less stress, more peace and prosperity.
With the Sunday rest and no buying and selling, they are no longer even attempting to conceal their intentions.