Nextdoor is a social media platform that helps you interact and communicate with your neighbors. It allows you to have discussions in your local community about topics that are important to people who live around you. Nextdoor focuses more on community relationships than personal ones.
On Sunday, December 24, 2023, a community post was published in Conroe, Texas, on the subject of Sunday laws, which received a lot of positive responses. The post said:
• “Has anyone been on the streets today? It’s wonderful. It’s sane! Just imagine, if we had blue laws again, it could be Like this every Sunday! [1]
This communication attracted more praise than criticism, and the supporters of Sunday laws came out in full force. Some of the responses were as follows:
• K.H: “I miss the blue law.” [1]
• D.H. “It’s the future! Lower fossil fuel usage, less greenhouse. It will do more for the environment than electric cars.” [1]
• A.B. “I love the blue laws!” [1]
• P.R. “If people would not shop on Sundays then the stores would start closing on Sundays.” [1]
This is not an isolated incident. It’s just one of many instances where people are insisting that Sunday laws should be reinstated in order to preserve society. The fact that social media is being used to advocate for Sunday as a day of rest shows how powerful these online spaces have become, rivaling, if not surpassing, mainstream media in numbers and influence. Its strength lies in its unparalleled ability to connect people globally, providing a platform for instant information dissemination and interaction. Without doubt, social media is helping to shape narratives, public discourses, and opinions—even when it comes to blue laws.
What we can see from this call for the return of blue laws on Nextdoor is that more and more communities are ready to recognize Sunday as the Sabbath, and they are open to seeing some kind of legal mechanism put into place to stop all the commercial activity on this day. Moreover, the effort that is in place to shut down everything on Sunday encompasses a wide spectrum of advocates. Some do it for religious reasons and others for the environment, but the end result is the same: get the legislation passed to secure Sunday as the day of rest once again for our society.
When national governments begin imposing Sunday rest through legislation, civil liberties will be sacrificed for the sake of the common good. We are not far from a time when violating the Sunday-Sabbath will be considered a global health, environmental, and social crisis.
“It will be declared that men are offending God by the violation of the Sunday-sabbath, that this sin has brought calamities which will not cease until Sunday observance shall be strictly enforced, and that those who present the claims of the fourth commandment, thus destroying reverence for Sunday, are troublers of the people, preventing their restoration to divine favor and temporal prosperity.” (Great Controversy, p. 590).
The dangers of Sunday laws are slowly but steadily threatening us on all sides. These laws are a threat to our religious and civil liberties, as we know from both prophecy and history. Sunday laws are also in direct conflict with God’s Word, which commands us to keep Saturday as the seventh-day Sabbath. The Three Angels’ Messages place a strong emphasis on the Sabbath of the Decalogue, revealing the close connection between the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus. We must warn the rest of the world about the formation of the image of the beast, the union of church and state, the notorious Sunday laws, and the global shift toward Rome. This is the time to sound the trumpet and warn people about the dangers that are about to take the world by storm.
Soon to come to a community near you.
It’s clear that the people do want a Sunday law. The conditions are favorable to get this done.
No! God will not bless our country when we violate His holy Sabbath Day Saturday for Rome’s defiant Sunday! When our country makes a law to defy His fourth commandment He will remove His blessings and disaster and ruin will be the result.
What an enormous mistake calling Sunday as the main First lords’ institution
As recently, Francis ruthlessly trampled Marriage the Second lord’s institution,
,,,,for so wide is the way of destruction,,,,,,,,,
that many obey.!!!