LGBT+ indoctrination is in full force during June 2021 Pride Month. The bold and brazen advocacy that we are witnessing is quite alarming and comes to us from all levels. The latest example of LGBT+ indoctrination comes from Nickelodeon, a popular children’s television channel. There was an episode of Blue’s Clues created especially for young children. It is disturbing to see children as young as 7 and 8 being exploited to push various sexual identities onto other children. This is one of the worst examples of LGBT+ propaganda being imposed on young boys and girls.
This is an attempt to influence our children to accept or adopt the entire growing list of different sexual identities. This is done for political reasons and will bring a lot of confusion to the children. The idea is that we must embrace the different identities, and once those identities are accepted, we must also embrace the activities and behaviors that are associated with those identities. The message is: If every sexual expression is an identity, then those behaviors can’t be wrong.
Whenever society accepts an identity, it also accepts that sexual behavior as not being wrong; therefore, it can no longer be sinful either. So the bottom line is that the LGBT+ agenda must be good and must be celebrated. And if you don’t celebrate their agenda, you must be part of a hate group. That’s what this movement is all about. They want to silence God’s biblical view on sexuality that says that sex outside of God’s will, one man and one woman united in holy matrimony, is sin and that those actions are wrong.
Parents must speak up and protect their children. Unfortunately, this great moral collapse is not only occurring within society. The churches are also embracing this same message. If you are waiting for a condemnation from the mainstream churches for this type of child exploitation to advance the dangerous LGBT+ agenda, don’t hold your breath.
Many Christian churches and schools will wave the rainbow flag in honor of “Pride Month.” Rather than seeking to live in harmony with the current culture, churches must defend the faith and uphold the truth. Our church leaders must speak up for our children. They must do this from the position of love. Love for God, love for the truth, love for what God has ordained, and love for people who need to fight to resist behaviors that damage the body both physically and spiritually. It is an act of love to resist the LGBT+ agenda and to encourage everyone to live by God’s law.
Yahweh shall burn those lgbtq+ rebels to ashes if they do not repent