This is a Sabbath sermon that demonstrates how there is a great deal of hostility toward our historical teachings about 1844, the purification of the heavenly Sanctuary, the investigative judgment, and the Day of Atonement. If you do away with these pillars of the Seventh-day Adventist faith, or if you no longer emphasize them, then you do away with the concept that sanctification is an important part of being saved. Part of the reason we are still here in this world is that we no longer emphasize the importance of these messages and how they will prepare us for the second coming of Jesus.
Yes, 178 years!
Tuesday, 22nd October, 2019
It was on a Tuesday, 175 years ago, that the Great Antitypical Day of Atonement commenced. Unfortunately, we have had to “remain here in this world because of insubordination many more years”. Our great High Priest desires to continually abide in us, so that we will live just as He lived while on this earth; speaking only His words, allowing Him to work His works in and through us, and going only where He instructs us to go.
In this Day of Atonement we are to be finished with sin forever; we are to cease from our own works; we are to keep the fast of self denial that He has chosen. It is also a true sabbath of rest in Him, of which the weekly Sabbath is a constant reminder. (With this in mind, please read carefully Isaiah 58, the chapter that our prophet was specifically Instructed to refer us to.)
Let us no longer keep our precious Saviour “waiting with longing desire for the manifestation of Himself in His church. When the character of Christ shall be perfectly reproduced in His people, then He will come to claim them as His own.” It is our “privilege…not only to look for but to hasten” this beautiful outcome.
Are we this day, with His faith, rejoicing in “everlasting righteousness” and keeping our garment spotless? Are we today, with His mind, each moment capturing every thought, gaining “eternal victories” over self, as He works in us “both to will and to do of His good pleasure” – His holy people?
Our Beloved twice owns each one of us – “by creation and redemption”. He gave everything and “He has bought us and our sins” and “He shall save His people from their sins.” So, “Let us go up at once, and possess it; for we are well able to overcome it.” For “He is able”; and we have “judged Him faithful who had promised.” We believe that everything He has said He will do! In love and gratitude let us no longer hold back, but willingly give Him all, waiting on Him continually, ready for the sealing and our destiny at this time – His Bride.
175 years – a very solemn anniversary.
It is now
178 years!
We suggested on the last Friday night ZOOM meeting post, that a chat for Present Truth believers would be great, following the lovely time that we all enjoyed. We have given thought to this and have decided to do the following –
Due to a real need out there we have just launched a new open chat for Present Truth believers only, and we would like to invite each one of you to join in with us and share the link with anyone that you feel would benefit from being there also -
We hope that you are going well and happy in the LORD.
Lots of love,
K&D xx
One reason we’re still here is that the SDA church has accepted the RC ecumenical trinity. The first angel’s message is about “Him”, not “them”, it’s a call back to worship the true Father and His truly begotten Son – not a trinity pretending to be what they are not. The New Testament is Father/Son, Father/Son, Father/Son – but most Christians read “trinity”. Very sad.