Pope Francis is in Portugal for the celebration of World Youth Day (WYD), which takes place from August 1–6, 2023. This is the largest gathering of Catholic youth in the world, which is expected to bring 354,000 pilgrims, 25,000 volunteers, 688 bishops, 30 cardinals, and Pope Francis. [1] On his first day at WYD, Pope Francis called on the participants, including political and religious leaders, to work together and build a more peaceful world that seeks to protect our common home and human fraternity. Vatican News published the following on August 2, 2023:
• “Upon his arrival in Lisbon, on Wednesday, Pope Francis made an impassioned plea for Europe to revive the ideals of its founders and seek to build bridges of peace, fraternity and inclusion.” [2]
• “World Youth Day therefore represents an opportunity ‘to build together‘, said the Pope, as it ‘revives our desire to accomplish something new and different‘ and ‘to set sail together towards the future.’ [2]
• “The first is the protection of creation, our common home facing the threats of climate change and of shameless pollution also affecting the oceans. ‘How can we claim to believe in young people, if we do not give them healthy spaces in which to build the future?’ he asked.” [2]
• “In a globalized world ‘that brings us closer but fails to create fraternal closeness,’ he said, ‘all of us are challenged to cultivate a sense of community, a sense of closeness and solidarity‘.” [2]
Pope Francis is basically calling for a religious and political confederacy in which the world comes together as one under a shared common future. He is calling for a fraternity that will be based on Catholic principles. This means that we must have a society that affirms that all religions are equal and exist by the will of God.
“The different religions, based on their respect for each human person as a creature called to be a child of God, contribute significantly to building fraternity and defending justice in society” (Fratelli Tutti, 271).
“The Church esteems the ways in which God works in other religions, and “rejects nothing of what is true and holy in these religions” (Fratelli Tutti, 277).
“Once more we realized that no one is saved alone; we can only be saved together” (Fratelli Tutti, 32).
Pope Francis believes that we must not reject anything because the diversity of religions is part of God’s will for us. In other words, all faiths belong to the same heavenly Father and share the same destiny. Prophecy predicts that the Antichrist will work to deceive and unify the world’s population in the last days, gaining enormous political power and influence:
“The word of God plainly declares that his law is to be scorned, trampled upon, by the world; there will be an extraordinary prevalence of iniquity. The professed Protestant world will form a confederacy with the man of sin, and the church and the world will be in corrupt harmony. Here the great crisis is coming upon the world. The Scriptures teach that popery is to regain its lost supremacy, and that the fires of persecution will be rekindled through the time serving concessions of the so-called Protestant world” (General Conference Bulletin, April 13, 1891).
For church and state to unite in order to promote Rome’s idea that “no one is saved alone” is basically abandoning the true Christian faith. Error and apostasy will be the foundation for the coming global government. Yes, the world is coming together, but only to embrace falsehoods. Although the papacy appears to be triumphing as the world accepts its message (Revelation 18:7), the truth is that God’s judgments will surely follow this display of pride and arrogance. God’s word clearly says:
“Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her.” Revelation 18:8.
What this means is that one day, in the not-too-distant future, God’s judgments will surely fall on the great end-time apostasy that is seducing the world into sin and rebellion (2 Thessalonians 2:9–12). Babylon’s temporary triumph is a sure sign of her final and total overthrow (2 Thessalonians 2:8). That is why the urgent call from heaven cries out:
“Come out of her, My people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.” Revelation 18:4.
All will be gathered by Christ or by Satan. Every person we meet will be taken to eternal life or eternal death. The destiny of these souls depends on us. What are we doing at this midnight hour when human probation is reaching its limit? What are we doing with the Three Angels’ Message? Are we doing everything possible to save the lost for God’s kingdom? Or are we leaving them in darkness?
“Souls are in danger of falling under temptation, and they will perish unless God’s ministers are faithful to their trust. If for any reason their spiritual senses become so benumbed that they are unable to discern danger, and through their failure to give warning the people perish, God will require at their hands the blood of those who are lost” (Acts of the Apostles, p. 361).
[1] https://www.lisboa2023.org/en/article/portugal-welcomes-the-world-for-the-wyd
In His mercy, God provides numerous forewarnings so that we are aware that time is running out.
In order for this new world to be ushered in, there must first be a purge for the non compliant undesirables. Keep an eye out for more vaccine, health, climate, food and other forced mandates.
“To forsake the truth for the sake of unity, can only lead to apostasy.”
Satan knows that he has but a little time.