“Before the loud cry of the third angel is given, he [Satan] raises an excitement in these religious bodies, that those who have rejected the truth may think that God is with them” (Early Writings, p. 261).
Kimberly Bulgin is the first woman pastor to be ordained by the Mid America Union Conference and, according to reports, with the full support of North American Division President G. Alexander Bryant. [1] On October 19, 2024, Kimberly Bulgin was the featured speaker for the Germantown Seventh-day Adventist Church’s 31-day Ignite Revival 2024. During her message, she urged Adventists not to be afraid of embracing charismatic styles of worship—even as she screamed for the fire of the Holy Spirit to fall down from heaven. [2]
There is an effort to bring Pentecostal worship—with its intense emotions, repetitive prayers, and ecstatic expressions—into Adventism. This is a deceptive and misleading tactic of Satan designed to give the impression that God’s presence and approval still rests upon churches that reject present truth for this time. Such emotional displays can lead individuals to mistake fervor and excitement for genuine spiritual experience, creating a false assurance of divine favor.
“Satan deceives some with Spiritualism. He also comes as an angel of light and spreads his influence over the land by means of false reformations. The churches are elated, and consider that God is working marvelously for them, when it is the work of another spirit. The excitement will die away and leave the world and the church in a worse condition than before” (Early Writings, p. 260).
Receiving the Holy Spirit is not about emotional displays, shouting, or any outward demonstrations. According to Scripture, the Holy Spirit is given to those who genuinely seek God in faith, humility, and obedience. Acts 5:32 states, “And we are his witnesses of these things; and so is also the Holy Ghost, whom God hath given to them that obey him.” In Acts 2, when the Holy Spirit came upon the believers at Pentecost, they were gathered together in prayer and unity, not in self-driven excitement.
Jesus emphasized that God gives the Spirit to those who ask sincerely (Luke 11:13), but this asking is rooted in a heart that seeks to be in harmony with God’s will, not in emotional excess. True communion with the Holy Spirit involves a quiet, receptive heart (1 Kings 19:11–13) rather than loud, outward expressions, which can sometimes distract from the Spirit’s quiet, transformative work within.
Attending these churches that deviate from God’s will by embracing forms of worship centered on shouting, dancing, and emotional frenzy will lead us away from the genuine worship that honors God’s character and commandments. The Scriptures warn that there are deceptive spirits that can imitate the Holy Spirit’s work to mislead people. For example, 1 John 4:1 cautions believers to “test the spirits to see whether they are from God,” as many false spirits can produce counterfeit signs, feelings, or even teachings that may look like genuine moves of the Spirit but actually contradict God’s Word.
“And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.” Revelation 16:13, 14.
[1] https://atoday.org/pastor-kimberly-bulgin-first-female-pastor-to-be-ordained-in-mid-america-union/
[2] https://www.youtube.com/live/f1Ses5iU8qo?si=01Y4vF4_OwhkAJD2
Reverence and Quietness before the Lord.
There is a spirit in assembly, but it is not the Holy Spirit in the congregation.
We are in the final generation.
Yes, the OMEGA is alive and thriving as prophesied.
There are an abundance of fleshly abominations to expose.
However the most grievous sins are the doctrinal.
The Truths in the parable of the Ten Virgins are the Present Truth for today.
The parable puts us back on track with God’s prophetic timing of end time events.
SDA’s have been dumbed down to such an extent that Sister White must say:
“they are all wrong” “a sad deception.” 3T 253
“a terrible deception is upon our people.” 3T 254.
In the parable is found the only remedy. And please take note ALL TEN of the virgins are spiritually asleep.
Are you of the wise or the foolish? Then by definition, you are asleep.
Not sure why she was ordained as a minister in the SDA church.
Dr. Conrad Vine not allowed but no problem with this blasphemy.
A dire warning, do not attend such a church or messages delivered by this woman or others like … Gods wrath will fall upon them soon … and each individual and member who partakes of this … heed this warning ‼️ ⛔️ …